Summer Timer Rendering

Why haven't you watched this yet Yea Forums ?
>nice story
>nice ost
>nice characters and a dark skinned girl as main heroine
>nice animation

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Other urls found in this thread:

i m at episode 2 user

>dark skinned girl as main heroine
dat bitch looks white to me

>nice story
not really
>nice ost
it fits but nothing special
>nice characters
they've only developed like 1 or 2 so far and they're just above average
>dark skinned girl
sure kinda a novelty
>nice animation
most of the anime has been in a room with people talking and monologues and apparently the action doesnt start until later

Because I've already read it.

>special agent starts recording on her phone

>>nice story
>not really
lmao any sort of time loop makes it INSTANTLY a better story than 90% of what's airing this season. Hell it simply being a mystery story makes it better than like 75% of anime considering moe sol doesn't even have stories

Cringy Reddit:Zerofag


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must suck to have no taste

I've read and don't feel like watching it until it's built up a few episodes

The fact that the MC has enough initiative to immediately figure out how to save the cop and find proof of what is happening, instead of trying to keep it a secret from everyone like a retard is enough to make me like him.

It is all a virtual world or something?

So is this basically Erased: Kyuushuu edition?
That aside, I want to fuck this dick-teasing sun-baked JC(?) slut

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>Why haven't you watched this yet Yea Forums ?
Annoying piece of shit disney will prevent it from getting moderate success, screenshot this

> Erased
I don't think this has NTR

Dark skinned girls are shit

It looks like Arakawa fanart.

>already confirming the presence of the shadow creature halfway into the second episode instead of keeping it ambiguous and slowly building up the reveal
I had hopes from watching the first episode but it's already shit the bed.

>it's nice because i say it's nice
Very convincing, picked up

My man. They confirmed it in the first episode.

Episode one confirmed doppelgangers not that they are literal shadow creatures as per the old man's legend.

i already have read the manga

I'm glad Disney didn't censor the busty glasses girl

It's one of the few series this season I actually watch. Most other stuff is generic shit, including the shit people are hyping.

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I was told it was a muder mystery so I picked it up. Episode 1 already revealed what the killers are and took away all the mystery that quickly. Then there's the time loop that removes all consequences.

>and a dark skinned girl as main heroine
user I.....

>Why haven't you watched this yet Yea Forums ?
Why do you start a thread like this? You know this is code for "please shitpost here"?

The season is already too packed for me. I saw that this is two-cour, if the next season is shit I might marathon the first half and catch up.

Do you think you've figured out the whole mystery then?

Because Yea Forums is filled with people who stream now

It really fucking shows whenever there is a series that isn't streamed in the west (yet).
And anons always fucking laugh at me when I tell them 90% of nu/a/ are streamer fags. But everybody who didn't own a PC in the 90s is a technologically illiterate nowadays. Even people I considered normal-brained till recently are obviously too fucking stupid to torrent or block ads.

bro they confirmed it in the trailers

there are thread when the episode drops your just late

Setting aside streaming, it was quite a revelation when HorribleSubs died and people were posting here asking where they were supposed to get anime. Downloading fansubs is apparently now arcane knowledge.

Yeah it's even weirder with HS because they were all on nyaa too so you just needed to know that and go to nyaa to look for alternatives.
People are so used to one thing like a specific website that they are clueless what to do if you take it away. I imagine it's all even a hundred times worse with those that rely on apps all day.

I thought it was just a generational thing with people wanting to watch on their phone until I realized you can torrent on your phone and then cast to your TV

The MC of this is pretty great about not keeping shit secret from his allies.

Is it a full adaptation, or should I save my time and skip straight to reading manga?

I still don't see the point, everything is ten times the work on phone due to the lack of hotkeys, mouse, hovering and the tiny screen that hides half of the websites and menus. I get frustrated everytime I am forced to google with a phone or do anything at all with a phone, let alone writing.

I was interested in a whodunnit mystery, not in the origin mystery of shadow people or doppelniggers as they call them so my interest dropped like a rock.

hype for next week
hope they can keep going for 25 episodes like this

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>a whodunnit mystery
You should probably drop this now then, aside from the mastermind and a few non-shadow traitors it's not that kind of series.

I like the series quite much so far but you talk about a general problem I have with anime which is that everything crime related is too fantastic. You know supernatural stuff, time travel and all that. It can be good but sometimes I prefer more shit like Odd Taxi and I cannot even name anything else of the top of my head because everything needs to be extreme and supernatural these days.
I would also pay money for a legit thriller anime. Again no magic and shit and no psycho twinks and overpowered girls with guns, just a decent thriller I can take seriously. Guess that's what manga are there for but still.

Someone please make a webm of the dramatic suicide in the OP

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Episode 1 was pretty good so I'm not dissing the show. I just got something else from what I was expecting.

Thanks, I will get some mileage out of this

You just know this user has never been to Japan and fantasizes about articles he reads online.

I am not american and not sure about the US but I can sit alone at night and drink beer near the central station here too (and 80% here are immigrants regardless), I never experienced crime and yet I want to see it because that's what fiction is all about. Seeing the stuff you don't experience and exploring it.
I think concluding who likes what based on crime rate sand shit is bullshit. It's about realism or the question what you want to experience. The other user wants a mystery because guessing the murderer and following hints is fun and speculating is fun. Both has zero to do with crime rates in your city.

This hahaha
Zoomers can't even torrent shit

user doesn't know about detective conan
also, that famous live action crime thriller show with that famous actor guy whose name i forgot for some reason
also csi obviously

is that a persona 3 reference

Cool chuuni suicide is always welcomed

It should be a full one. It's not a very long series anyways.

It has actual NTR, unlike Erased.

i dont bother watching anything with mystery anymore because i always spoil myself

Pretty nice fanservice. But it seems like story is going balls deep into fantasy too fast.

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Fair, though I think anons have been pretty good at hiding spoilers in these threads.
Maybe it's not so bad that streamcucks didn't discover this anime. The threads can remain comfy.

I'd rather it establish the fantasy bits early on instead of dropping them all at once later down the line. It feels less jarring that way.