Be honest, you think I'm unnecessary, don't you?

Be honest, you think I'm unnecessary, don't you?
Heads for yes, tails for no.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai S3 - 03 (720p) [73F6608F].mkv_snapshot_17.45_[2022.04.22_12.46.03].jpg (1280x720, 119.77K)

Miko a shit.

>I'm unnecessary, don't you?
Unless you suck my dick right now then yeah you are

This is the peak season

sex with iino

Sexo Iino

Ilno sex

>her head
Who's subbing this? I wish GJM didn't take 2 years to finish a series

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai S3 - 03 (1080p) [5503D600].mkv_snapshot_12.21_[2022.04.22_10.58.51].png (1920x1080, 2.63M)

Absolutely. Miko is cute. CUTE.

Sex with Lino Miko


How about you give me heads, iykwim

No you're necessary. Necessary for making my dick hard

>I can't get hard to anyone but Miko

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai S3 - 03 (720p) [73F6608F].mkv_snapshot_18.33_[2022.04.22_14.15.34].jpg (1280x720, 53.07K)

Her petite body is a miracle

Attached: __iino_miko_kaguya_sama_wa_kokurasetai_tensai_tachi_no_renai_zunousen_drawn_by_sl86__f1384cdf5ad4848214c248e8e4ce4b45.jpg (1050x1300, 420.37K)

Apparently in CR's universe, winning = losing.
I suppose it makes sense, because they get money while the customer gets shit-tier subs in return.

Attached: [ASW] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai S3 - 03 [1080p HEVC][C0E188D5].mkv_snapshot_22.23_[2022.04.22_12.29.39].jpg (1920x1080, 140K)

Yes, Miko was unnecessary.

Attached: 01.png (844x1200, 410.67K)

why does chika hate ishigami so much?

Attached: 2.png (704x489, 94.35K)

Miko Lino brought cuteness and purity to a group full of lewdness and immorality. She is the hero we needed to stop acts of indecency.

Reminder Hayasaka doesn't love Prez and Prez only loves Kaguya.

Discordbro btw

dunno , reading all these it feels like she's in love with him

miko sex

It isn't that she hates him, Ishigami unlike everybody else doesn't play along with her antics and that annoys her.

Yes, you're unnecessarily cute

>it takes a long time to get over it
Doesn't that mean she actually listens and takes into account what Ishigami says? If she hated him she'd just ignore it.


Marital sex with virgin Miko
Put your series name on thread Subject so its easier to find. It also prevents duplicate threads.

ishigami x chika endgame

Attached: file.png (565x68, 13.21K)

I don't know who you are, but yer alright, you can stay

Ishigami's wife sure is cufe.

Attached: 1649456776987.png (1274x1481, 2.01M)


Isn't Shirogane losing too often lately?

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai S3 - 03 (1080p) [5503D600].mkv_snapshot_22.23.158.jpg (1920x1080, 713.52K)

He's the least afraid to call her out on her bullshit.

Ah, back when Kaguya was perfect and untainted.

Then why did she say she hated him this episode?

The juxtaposition between the quality of the anime right now and the quality of the current manga arc is insane

both heads

It's adapting the peak of the manga, so it's not surprising.

Miko Ishigami > Kaguya Prez


Go back

Nice Hadena-tier translations there, Crunchy.

Attached: 1551594113962.png (481x467, 168.28K)

Wait until Ishigami and Miko have sex too. They won't be pure anymore.

Attached: poll.jpg (1246x988, 55.38K)

>non-stop threads for S1 and S2
>S3 gets almost completely ignored with barely anyone posting screenshots and threads not even reaching bump limit
What happened?

I want Miko to give me head

Other than Hayasaka on top, that's a pretty dreadful list.

Attached: the pyramid of taste.jpg (937x586, 156.79K)

for someone reason I thought maki was already introduced in anime

The threads are full of cancer, so nobody wants to discuss it here.

You know how a terrible anime adaptation can ruin a manga sometimes? It's almost the opposite this time, the manga is such garbage at the moment that it's hard to fully enjoy the anime despite how good it is. Aka doesn't deserve this anime team.

The previous thread just had 600+ replies.

I dunno
Season 3 is actually shaping up to be the best season so far and it's adapting the best part of the manga as the actual manga is sucking major dick right now

I'm looking forward to it virginon

Soon he'll lose a lot more

He didn't say anything about discussion, though. He's asking why the autists who spam screenshots aren't doing it here.

Kaguya and Prez aren't bad but Aka did a disservice to their characters in the past half year. So the result of this poll doesn't surprise me.

no Miko, ishigami needs you

Attached: 1650630050472.jpg (2620x3541, 1M)

Attached: [SubsPlease] Kaguya-sama wa Kokurasetai S3 - 03 (1080p) [5503D600].webm (1280x720, 2.84M)

Yeah, thanks to the Dogspammerbro.

It would help if S3 had anime threads that are separate from manga. We did it for past seasons.

Attached: 1650646758654.webm (1920x1080, 240.47K)

is it me or did they go hard on the character and camera animation in this episode? relative to the previous two, anyway

the manga sucks and sxf is stealing the spotlight, so I guess there's less enthusiasm

Attached: 1650042432187.webm (618x858, 202.93K)

Don't encourage that shitposter, please.
