An interesting image to start off. The BDs contain some short anime with voicing credited to the in Universe characters like Haruna, Maika. Rie etc. This character is voiced by Rie.

Attached: [Nekomoe kissaten][CUE! Short Anime][04][1080p][JPSC].mp4_snapshot_00.51.261.jpg (1614x908, 122.78K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Madoka parody for Flower (Haruna, Maika, Shiho and Honoka)

Attached: [Nekomoe kissaten][CUE! Short Anime][01][1080p][JPSC].mp4_snapshot_00.50.168.jpg (1614x908, 136.93K)

What's the title of this short anime?

Monochrome the mirrors of declaration

Attached: [Nekomoe kissaten][CUE! Short Anime][04][1080p][JPSC].mp4_snapshot_00.00.537.jpg (1614x908, 64.46K)

Some magical comedy for Bird (Yuuki, Chisa, Airi, Yuzuha)


Attached: [Nekomoe kissaten][CUE! Short Anime][02][1080p][JPSC].mp4_snapshot_01.24.125.jpg (1614x908, 230.88K)

Some post apocalyptic stuff for Wind (Miharu, Aya, Mahoro, Riko)

Attached: [Nekomoe kissaten][CUE! Short Anime][03][1080p][JPSC].mp4_snapshot_02.09.129.jpg (1614x908, 163.57K)

Some fantasy show for Moon (Rie, Satori, Rinne, Mei)

Attached: [Nekomoe kissaten][CUE! Short Anime][04][1080p][JPSC].mp4_snapshot_03.05.886.jpg (1614x908, 119.72K)

>Post apocalyptic
Sounds interesting, I hope it's better than their focus episode in CUE! anime.

Project Vogel ended.

But rebooted as Project Himmel with all 16 of them in it.

What the hell they put a lot of efforts in these BD bonuses?

I'm surprised too.... it seems volume 2 sold really well till there's 11 left on Amazon for the special version

>browsing anonymous text board to look up for seiyuu news and rumor
It's possible that Mei secretly talks shit about her friend and says something offensive in that board.

Attached: 5ch.jpg (1920x1080, 472.2K)

Fight scenes are more reminiscent of PreCure, Nanoha etc

Do these savages actually eat foxes?

Attached: vlcsnap-2022-04-22-19h47m03s955.png (1920x1080, 1.8M)

Another weirdo, what if the 2nd turnstile is broken?

Attached: [SubsPlease] Cue! - 15 (720p) [1EBA205D].mkv_snapshot_01.04.497.jpg (1280x720, 135.21K)

LOL it's just the tofu :)

These 2 absolutely crushed.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Cue! - 15 (720p) [1EBA205D].mkv_snapshot_01.27.791.jpg (1280x720, 102.35K)

>Kitsune is “fox” in Japanese, but don’t worry, we don’t use fox meat in the dish. Some people think the dish may have been named because of a folk tale that Aburaage is a fox’s favorite food. Others think it is called Kitsune because of the brown color that is similar to a fox. In fact, we often use “Kitsune Iro” (fox color) to describe a brown color in cooking.

Thank God.


Attached: Cue! - 15 - 1080p WEB HEVC -NanDesuKa (B-Global)[22.45.324].jpg (1920x1080, 151.69K)

Kikuko Inoue voicing Sato-chin's mom?

Jumps over it.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Cue! - 15 (1080p) [250164C8].webm (1920x1080, 279.92K)

She so chill #BestGirl

Attached: [SubsPlease] Cue! - 15 (720p) [1EBA205D].mkv_snapshot_05.32.047.jpg (1280x720, 100.77K)

Attached: [SubsPlease] Cue! - 15 (1080p) [250164C8].webm (1920x1080, 651.63K)

>both Inoue mother and daughter made an appearance which also fits this episode's theme
This must be intentional.

Attached: [SubsPlease] Cue! - 15 (1080p) [250164C8].webm (1920x1080, 826.9K)


Attached: [SubsPlease] Cue! - 15 (720p) [1EBA205D].mkv_snapshot_06.58.333.jpg (1280x720, 164.08K)

Breed the moon buns.

Naru-chan is fucking cute here!

Attached: [SubsPlease] Cue! - 15 (720p) [1EBA205D].mkv_snapshot_11.35.053.jpg (1280x720, 115.36K)

And her daughter too.

Attached: Cue! - 15 - 1080p WEB HEVC -NanDesuKa (B-Global)[8.10.782].jpg (1920x1080, 179.45K)


We Voodoo now

Attached: [SubsPlease] Cue! - 15 (720p) [1EBA205D].mkv_snapshot_13.28.957.jpg (1280x720, 83.74K)

>it's another radio episode next week

Attached: vlcsnap-2022-04-22-20h17m03s904.png (1920x1080, 1.63M)

This new hairdo looks so bad on her.

I didn't expect the fujo to be such a huge autist. Cute.

Might be interesting, former child actor

Attached: [SubsPlease] Cue! - 15 (720p) [1EBA205D].mkv_snapshot_24.08.801.jpg (1280x720, 104.01K)

she should learn from haitians

Attached: [SubsPlease] Cue! - 15 (720p) [1EBA205D].mkv_snapshot_14.37.523.jpg (1280x720, 96.59K)

She has literal autism...

OCD =/= autism

I like where the story is going, the first half was about 4 groups did 4 different jobs but in second half they start to share the same jobs

Well, their ultimate goal is to get VA work


I really like the OP/ED of 2nd cour

Her scene was pretty pointless, could be removed entirely.

>voice MC in RPG real estate this season

Same, the OP has a nice feeling to it.

I hope she still scissor girls in her age

Too bad the entire thing is one huge filter so no one else gives a shit about this.

Needs more yuri.

Attached: 01.png (1920x1090, 1.84M)

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Attached: 10.png (1920x1090, 2.11M)

Attached: 11.png (1920x1090, 2.24M)

This one was a pain.

Attached: 12.png (1920x2191, 3.92M)

Seems to have came out well though.

Attached: 13.png (1920x1090, 1.94M)

Attached: 14.png (1920x1090, 1.93M)

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Attached: 16.jpg (1920x2164, 1.53M)

Attached: 17.png (1920x1712, 3.46M)


Attached: [ASW] Cue! - 15 [1080p HEVC][FBD4843F]-[00.44.586-01.21.414].webm (1280x720, 2.86M)