One Piece

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God, I love yamato.

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So why is Yamato supposed to join again?
>Luffy doesn't seem especially fond of her
>Oda writes her more interacting with Momo than anyone else
>Oda avoided having her ever interact with any member of the crew
>most of the SH doesn't even know she exist
I have nothing against Yamato but the only reason why people seem to think she's going to join is because she said "I'm gonna sail with Luffy"

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Side breasts

What is Godji going to do next?
I have a hunch he will do something to save Zoros life

>why is Yamato supposed to join
pitfags can't name a single reason other than her looks

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>One Piece
that she ain't going to stay in once i'm done with her ass

I don't even read One Piece, I just fap to Yamato porn.

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Here’s a reminder that denialfags are incapable of understanding a simple children’s comic book.
>muh guardian deity
Imagine thinking Oda will go back on the entire underling message of One Piece and that is everyone has a right to do what he or she wants under the guide of freedom by having Yamato remain at the place where she’s been denied that very freedom for twenty years.

Hard cope going on in that camp.

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Attached: yamato refuses, choosing to instead help FREE wano and its people from kaido and his tyranny before moving forward with her own self interests .jpg (784x1145, 269.97K)

is kino

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Attached: even as a child, yamato had her mind made up. she would build up her own strength so that when the tile comes she’ll have fought on the side of wano in opposition to her father and THEN head out to sea in that order.jpg (784x1145, 340.29K)

He will save Zoro from Death's clutches with true love's kiss.

probably give him his blood

Attached: yamato once again reiterates what her intentions are and they are the same as they have always been since she was imprisoned as a child. she will help in defeating kaido and then she will leave wano to pursue her dreams setting out to sea with luffy.jpg (739x861, 382.11K)

>Luffy grabs onto Kaido's chest
>won't let go
>goofy stretching him like he's made out of rubber now too
Love it

>the only thing that Sanji goes Okama mode for is to save Zoro's life

Why does mihawk have a cross?

you can't understand the subtext of a children's book

Praise Bonney

I want him to sit on my face

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>Kaidos giant plan was to take over a zelda dungeon and create defunct zoan jobbers
what a fucking retard

Oda ruined Blackbeard.
>was ready to give up his ambitions if he didn't get his DF
>Haki triumphs over everything
The painting is on the wall. Blackbeard is doomed.

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yeah bro if those things werent true he would won against luffy...
fucking retard

>So why is Yamato supposed to join again?
>because she said "I'm gonna sail with Luffy"

Nice cope and headcanon. You can go into the folder.

based retard

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Basedbeard is me in the OP world thats why hes my favorite


I thought it would be something more like Law uses his abilities to transfer Zoros wounds and pain onto Sanji

There isn't a contradiction there, speed reader.

Reminder you either born with it or you will never develop it.

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This scene is Unironic Kino

Thats Kuma's power

Is Zoro dead?

Because she wants. The rest is cope.

It was
And then a bunch of ape brains said this scene was dissing sanji instead what a great character moment this was for sanji and how cute robin reaction was

I hate power level fags

One was stated to be an equal to prime roger without Coc and the other wasnt

Did he lose retard?
Didn't Roger and his devilfruitless crew conquer the sea and beat every Yonko/ Marine on their path?
Sit the fuck down.

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Yamato is the only good thing Oda has given us post time skip and I will die on this hill with that statement.

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Law can do whatever he wants with his fruit now awakened and it would be a parallel with Sanji risking his life for Zoros instead

one piece is dead

>Thinking roger was the top dog

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Roger's a bitch. He died to a germ lmao

Speedreading are we?

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he jobbed though

Kong confirmed jobber

Better than jobbing to the flu

People really sleep on Sengoku, I think he is stronger than Garp now since he is a zoan and it probably makes up for the aging

Didn't he get fodderised while having future yonkos and other legendary pirates in his crew?
It's like Lebron James all star team getting trashed by MJ

>Both are equals to Roger but one has snowflake haki and the other doesnt
Prime Garp was a monster


>jobbing job jobber job job job
OPbros... are we spics now?

roger and garp also had stacked crews so it's not like they did all the work.

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Im pretty sure the others were not involved in the fight, unless you mean whitebeard + all the others were not enough for garp and roger, which sounds really retarded

Doesnt even make sense because couple years after that whitebeard and roger were having equal 1vs1 duels


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Prime Garp couldn't even solo Shiki. He went crying to SenGODku for help.

seeing as conquerors is no longer just fodder killer,
Garp and everyone who is an admiral or higher probably has it.

Stop typing Cuckji

Maybe blackbeard wants orochi's fruit, that's how orochi will die.

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Put Oden down one tier and we're good

Film: Red.
August 6th.

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Orochicoin to the mooon lets gooo

Put Law and Kid over Yamato, but otherwise its perfect

Oden is either Admiral or YC

Cant wait for the shanks chapter to reveal he has the haki haki fruit

Hope, merch, sideboobs combined with not reading the manga.
Always remember: Yamatofags don't read.

It was said the entire rock pirates got beaten not just Xebec. This is the main reason Garp is seen as such a big Legend in the first place.

Whitebeard could have just caught up in power over time.

Cope and Seethe

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That's not true. They read each other's shitty fanfics.

Orochi's fruit is cool and all but it doesn't seem busted enough to add to Blackbeard's personal selection. Personally I like the octopus/kraken theory

Law and Kid are both weaker you fucking idiot

filtered hard by Godji

He literally doesn't have it

So she will not be a guardian for Kaido alone but for wano.
So she will free them and liberate the country, travelling with them.
Ok. it seems that the guardian of wano has the right priority.


Beating a Yonko seems better than stalling one for a while

I hate Odenwank so much bros. He only landed a lucky attack on Kaido who was in his jobbing dragon form and from what've seen from Luffy vs Kaido his stamina is literally insane. Oden would never last against Kaido in a real battle.

Yamato looked better ngl.

>Im pretty sure the others were not involved in the fight,
You literally see everyone involved

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Kid surrendered to Kaido when it was a 3v1
Law lost to Doffy

realistically speaking, would anyone here see Luffy or Kaido lose to a boiling pot?

So she would have travelled the world and got stronger before meeting and fighting alongside the samurais?
She was wrong since she was a kid? What's the point?
>but only after I've driven you out of wano.
She don't seem to be doing that right now. Luffy is. Did she change her mind?

He was Roger's rival
He 100% has it, otherwise Roger would've just fucked him.

Why is the cutest One Piece girl in years an 8 foot tall oni? I don't understand.

You keep getting btfo and return for more. Are you a masochist?

I like Oden, I don't understand the Odenwank meme.

One Piece canonically has a slim lady who clears out entire restaurants of food yet still demands more, but no one ever does anything with her.

Like, Robin, Nami, Vivi, and the mermaids are great and all, but pls, Jewelry Bonney needs some love!

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2v1 and they were unable to defeat the Meme. The nukes did.

Yamato was legit 1v1 Kaido like CoCLuffy.

Are you implying Kaido had the exact same level of strength for 20 years?


>Hawkins, X drake near yonko level
holy shit this tier list gives me brain headache


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Some girls are bigger than others.


Troons dying because of delusion.
Like pottery

Honestly Law is a way better nakama than Yamato, Carrot or Vivi

Perona is not an 8 foot tall oni.

Learn proper fucking English, ESL.


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Sanji > Zoro

You know people can get stronger with time. And kidd fought without his awakening.
What happens now is what is important

>He 100% has it
It's literally stated that he doesn't have it. Sengoku is the only Marine soldier to have it.

checked, and because Yamato is the best thing to happen to the series in the time skip era

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I love zoro and sanji and wish for more interaction time!

cute married couple

They speed read even that.

We did, featchads

gear 5 luffy is confirmed an island buster

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.....She should be.

They are easily Yc4-Yc5