Slow Start

why wasn't it a hit?

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Aired opposite Yuru Camp.

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It shouldn't even have an anime in the first place.

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It was boring. More like Slow Paced.

Truly the A Channel of our time

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I just remember that one girl was having an affair with her teacher. Not the kind of thing I expected out of this show.

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>those sleeve colors

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>don’t mean shit to the japanese
it’s a goldmine for foot cunnyseurs

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I'll never forget Tooru.

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Slow Start speaks to me on a spiritual level.
I haven't even read the manga, though.

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Too much yuribait even for Kirara.

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Just suffering from a Slow Start.

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Kirara's new series make Slow Start's yuri look like a joke.

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I don’t remember anyone from the is shows name, but the one moving around here was best girl by a fucking lightyear.

Same, didn't expect a double dose of forbidden love kino.

It was a hit with everyone who matters.

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Poor thing is too stacked to spin elegantly.

Because it was marketed as a fishing show but then episode 1 was yuri but but the rest of the show was neither yuri nor fishing but instead a smug mesugaki and daddy drama.

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Because it was a slow start.

i didn't expect cgdct anime like this has pretty damn fluid animation

It was a hit in my heart.

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because we want more BuCap doujin.

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I guess the world just wasn't ready for such a masterpiece.

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Because it was bad.
Premise is idiotic, characters are forgettable, and it can't decide if it wants to be a regular SoL or full-on yurishit.

>Premise is idiotic,
As someone browsing Yea Forums you should find the premise very realistic and plausible.

Why can't it be yuri SoL?

It looks cute. I might watch it. I didn't when it aired because I thought it was about fishing.

That premise should only have be used as a starting point for the MC to make friends. It's way too mundane and inconsequential to be turned into a genuine plot point for "drama".

Too yuri for average cgdct watchers
Not comfy enough for SoL enjoyers especially when it aired along yurucamp

It could be a yuri SoL if it had coherent writing. Here's you've got standard cute girls doing cute things scenes, followed by teacher/student actively wanting to fuck each others. It's so subtle that I was expecting them to start tribbing in the school hall after a certain point.

There's nothing yuri about that series.

What about them? I haven't seen the show yet so I don't know what they mean

That's a funny joke, user. I bet you just want to see more pictures of girls admiring boobs.

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Why would you pick up an anime titled slow start? That's just asking you to drop it before it gets good

I don't see how those things contradict each other. Each girl has her own life outside of the MC and the lesbian girl's is about trying to fuck her teacher.

user, it's written like /u/ smut. I don't want yuri smut in my SoL for the same reason I don't want the girls to have shounen fist fights. It's a different genre and ruin the tone.

It's as yuri as the initial chapters of SekaOpa or WataNugi. There's main character is obsessing with the female body but she's not interested in romance or the person behind the body.

>it’s as yuri as the initial chapters of two series that went on to become yuri
Not inspiring confidence here.xD

Damn Captcha

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>genki, DFC, and confident
Tama best girl.

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