Shaman King

>best animated shounen in 10 years
>filters people hard

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but enough about dai no daibouken, this is a shaman king thread so let's talk about the second best

the only thing this show had was the original character design, but then again, the first anime also did a decent job with it. Otherwise, this is a waste of time for any newcomer to "franchise", might as well just read it.

lol what animation

So much so that nobody can complain.

Dragon Quest Dai BTFO this shit

Such a memorable adaptation that no one bothered to make threads.


>muh PowerPoint anime is actually good you faggots just got filtered
Hey alright.

Shaman King (manga) was always bad.

>best animated
It's literally a slideshow.

Its getting a sequel. Haters can officially go fuck themselves.

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BNHA had all animation in the world and it's still a much worse show.

It's Yea Forums we're talking about. People here make Dragon Ball threads every day. That alone should tell you everything.

Based. One thing I'll give SK is that Yoh is a pretty unique protagonist.

nobody cares about your shonenshit remake thats why it floped

Yeah, I think Yoh shits on every other shounen MC just by being himself.
Like when Manta approaches him with the usual anime autism question "do you believe in ghosts?" Yoh just BTFOs him and tells him later that you shouldn't embarrass yourself in public, that was funny and wholesome.
He's also the only shounen MC who actually has sex

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It was certainly what made SK stand out a little to me, but I'll admit I don't know how things went later on in the story.

Has Hao fucked Anna yet? There's too much sexual tension there.

Dai is pretty underrated too actually

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anime about shoes.

>There are people who will never see episode 73
Feels bad for them.

Pretty dumb shit when I watched it in the early 2000s. Someone with a single digit age who is easily amused by flashing colors and lame stories, thought Sham2agrxan King was garbage.


Ever SK thread:
>The remake is good! Forgive it's breakneck pacing and lack of good characterization!
>lets all post the OPs from our country and painfully remind Yea Forums that south america exists! Please care about this.
>"The remake sucks"
>page 10

No need to continue. Let's wrap this up.

Okay but seriously, what went wrong with it?

Is it different from the manga?

Why is it so good?! I love the hate it gets.
>>"I don't know it doesn't have panties. Thats why its bad. Yeah the only reason its bad and unwatchable. Will not watch."

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>remember liking SK
>try to watch it again
>it just doesn't grab me at all
How does the new version stack up against the original? Did I get filtered?

Those people are retards.

I know everyone here is meming but fuck you I inironically like it

>and it's still a much worse show
No it isn't.

I watched 19 episodes and it just didn't interest me enough, I think the whole fight system is just really boring.

unknown studio

OG > 2021
don't @ me shaman nerds

>what went wrong with it?
Rushed and shit slideshow animation.
They're known. They're just known for being shit.

Takei rejecting Mappa's offer to animate the reboot just of some petty reasons.

Their kid's age lines up with her being pregnant during/around the Shaman Fight.

This thread has no complaints at all. I easily watched the remake Anime which went at Manga speed. Everyone watched it and no one was filtered for being a nostalgiafag.
Why didn't it get an X Laws theme?

"animated" shounen

Just a money laundering front like that FMP sequel years ago that nobody asked for and nobody watched

I loved the original as a child, I've been watching the reboot, but it sometimes feels to slow, I still have like 15 episodes left of the ones released on Netflix. Maybe I'm now too old for it, because I heard the original is even slower.

Did the moralfags get upset at Hao getting away with it all or something?


Shaman king was cool back then but now every other protagonist does the "cool peaceful protagonist" shtick

No, nobody got upset, it's just that nobody watched it except the Russians

Its weird. In one hand, Hao did got away with becoming SK as he planned for literally 1000 years. Basically he rigged the game so he could win no matter what. And after all the deaths he caused, of course people would be pissed.

But on the other, did Hao really won? Barring the revelations in the newer series, his plan was always destroying the world and only letting shamans live, but after the final battle, it seems that he realized that is not worth it, and probably (unless takei wants to do a BEEG TWEEST and actually kill everyone at the end of the F.O.M.) he would never do it even if his time as king ends after 500 years.

Not to mention that we know he indeed revived at least some of the people he killed, namely the XLaws. for all we know, he could have revived everyone else he killed (his opponents during the shaman fight, miss lilirara, Lysergs parents) too. So thats a point in his favour.

In SK verse dying isn't exactly the worst thing anyways.

>only Russians give a fuck about Shaman King
>Russia is economically blocked so they couldn't buy any merch
What's the point?

It was my first manga, the old anime adaptation got cancelled when dai was about to fight his father, the threads are just boomer anons just really happy to see the full thing animated, we also have an ongoing prequel manga right now

The reactions to last week's episode were great honestly, what a wholesome and satisfying show.

Turns out being the shaman king barely even matters anyway because you just end up on a committee with previous shaman kings and if you want to destroy the whole world but they don't then you don't get to do anything anyway
Imagine if the tournament participants were all informed of that, chance is most of them wouldn't even turn up

>Shaman King
>best something

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>Barring the revelations in the newer series.

I know, but the point here is that even if the G8 or the deal about the FOM didnt exist, hao probably is not gonna kill anyone anymore. Thats the point of the final battle, making Hao see that while humanity is quite stupid compared to shamans and are assholes by nature, it doesnt mean that they all have to die, since theres legit good people too that doesnt deserve to be punished

The remake was disappointing though.

I'm sorry but it wasnt remade by Production IG or Xebec for that matter, so it's soulless. The new designs look awful on some characters, too. It's like they forgot it was Shaman King and instead thought it was Pretty Cure and decided to ramp up the flashy colors.

But then, what can you expect from Kodansha?

Nah, it was soulless as fuck. It seems like the production didn't really gave a fuck about it and just considered it another cash grab.

I can't express how much this version genuinely disappointed me

I liked it, but the animation was shit, also the manga is better.

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Daily reminder that nostalgia is mental illness. Shaman King was never good.

it looks like ass compared to demon slayer