How bad is Letterboxd's anime taste?

How bad is Letterboxd's anime taste?

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Basic and gay like they took some millenial trannies top 5 and put it on as a headliner

>boogiepop phatom which is literally made up fanfiction made it on and boogiepop and others did not
Shit list.

41 please

Better than MALs at least

don't you know user, it's always trendy and based to like the old version instead of the readaptation

Man, I forgot when Yea Forums was obsessed with Chaika.
Anyways, I'll take a #26, 49, or 89 if you please.

Looks a fair bit better than myanimelist

You've been slacking lately.

Very boring and fits this place.
Weird that Banana Fish is popular.


give me somethin

Saber i beg


Man, you can just visit 3x3 threads and see the same anime. Not bad, just ok.
Aoba please.


homura i roll

rating cowboy bebop number 1 is objectively correct, the rest are ehh


Yeah but Phantom was better.

A simple ninibros would have sufficed

Go shill your shitty clickbait somewhere else, faggot.
Everyone else, report him for violating Global Rule 11 and for being off topic

Please Satania




Let's see what we get here.


Let's go and see what fate has in store.

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I hardly watched any of these

There's some pretty good stuff at the top, but toward the end there are some weird choices (plus Jujutsu Kaisen seems to be way overrated, though I've only read the manga). Honestly, I'll be using the top of that list as a source for potential new stuff to watch

Vastly superior than the average and the anime pro Yea Forumsnon's, redditor's or maler's it would seem.

Surprisingly good because it features minimum harem or Isekai wishfulfilment shit, though it has very little new stuff


I don't see space dandy on that list, i hope im wrong

There is no entry for Space Dandy in the website, they don't have a lot of anime.


I have no idea who this is or why they think their taste is special

Seriously, what's good about Utena? This self-important sissy from MAL has it in favorites and has had one episode watched in his rewatch for probably a year now because he? can't actually slog through the tranny hivemind pseud slog fest. Utena fans, what do you like about this show?

It's funny, has likeable characters, great directing and art direction, good music. You don't have to look very deeply to find something enjoyable in Utena.

let's go

waht is this feggerboxd?


Where's VEG?

>Where's VEG?

Re uuhhhhh


Third times the charm

Monster, FMAB and banana fish are the only anime on this list that aren't pretentious experimental shite.
Berserk one is a bad animation.
Any list that lacks hellsing ultimate in the top 5 is a shit list.

Why is this a bad thing?
>Any list that lacks hellsing ultimate in the top 5 is a shit list.
It wasn't that good, the manga is a lot better.

I am very lucky

haruhi get

No Monogatari please.

New boogiepop anime is shit faggot, completely ruined the source material



Meh I'll give it a go

Kek witnessing my own dubs. Rerolling.


Because experimental anime should be kept in a separate containment section.
It isn't made for entertainment.
The colour work of HU alone makes this a top 10 show. The quality of how the story was delivered pushes this into top 5.
All while being an extremely entertainment show with charismatic characters.

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