Yama no Susume Next Summit

Confirmed for Fall 2022
Also confirmed for 12 episodes, each running for 30 minutes.

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Finally, the wife Kokona returns.

Isn't that a LOT of running time, there was so much content to work with all this time?

>Isn't that a LOT of running time, there was so much content to work with all this time?

1st season had 5-min episodes
2nd and 3rd seasons had 15-min episodes
And now the new season will finally have full length episodes. Very rarely shows get that upgrade.

I'm so excited, bros. I love Yama no Susume so much.

Next will be a movie...right?

Are they all lesbians yet?

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Same bro. We will finally go back to the mountains.

epi1-4 is highlights though

Finally a release date

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I was to see Hinata's confession on top of Fuji-san on a big screen

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>there was so much content to work with all this time?
There's enough content for a 30-minute season 5 and season 6 and by the time they can air there will be for a season 7

Ep1-4 is recap intermixed with "new short stories". I hope that means they'll adapt the skipped chapters because this is their only chance with how the seasons have changed.

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they have climbed K2

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Why are they going for recaps though? Seems pretty weird.

>suddenly full length episodes
Just like we always theorized!
That's practically winter, isn't it late?

No, fall anime is always October-November-December, newfag-kun

Especially since they're currently airing reruns.
It could be to help insert the skipped chapters.
It could be to line up the end of the season with an appropriate climax. 8 full episodes is more than 12 half-length ones.


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Does this series lend itself to full length episodes? S2 and S3 really worked well with half length. Well, I just hope the animation will keep being as fantastic as before.

Omoide Present was full length and that was the best the series has to offer

I know that, retard-kun. And astronomically, winter starts at end of december. But usually november already feels like winter, because it's cold and it can snow. A bit late for climbing. S2 and S3 were in summer (anime/astronomical season).

S2 and S3 episodes often ended in the middle of something. It'll be fine. The manga chapters can get pretty long

Well most of the season will be set in winter with some early spring at the end. I guess winter season would have fit, not that it really matters though

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Next is an hour length Aoi x Hinata sex OVA

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Based, can't wait to see the Yamas again

So we're not getting Fuji-san in the new season again?

>tfw no aoi gf

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Why isn't she wearing a bra?

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Hot mountain sex

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Why isn't this translated?

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Rejoice Honoka x Kokona shippers, the director confirmed that the Valentine's day chapter is getting adapted.

Honoka is for onii-chan only.

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Considering it'll be at least 4 years since I watched any of the stuff it'll be covering it probably won't be too bad with a few new bits mixed in.

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spent everything on hiking equipment, please understand

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The what?

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You heard me.
I hope their early chapters that got skipped get adapted as part of the recap too

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I think they will go all out this time in term of animation quality.

Forbidden love

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Are you meaning to say they didn't already in S3?

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What about the rumors that essential animators left the animation company? They were long before S4 was announced.

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