Machikado Mazoku

I'm going to make another Shamithread!

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Other urls found in this thread:

First for Uga

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Your real life Shamiko!
Say something nice about her!

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She sure is cute. Too bad she's...y'know.


Did I miss the threads for episode 3? Shit, I can't keep up. That's what I get for trying to watch 16 shows this season

You have been visited by the sleeping Lilith statue
Say “Oyasumi Gosenzo” and wealth and prosperity will be yours

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Oyasumi Gosenzo

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Oyasimi Gosenzo-sama...

Shami should always dress like this
Actually everyone should dress like this

This feels like a trick to dump out the curse ala a pyramid scheme.

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I forgot how sad Lilith's life was before she started being able to talk to Shamiko
It's so nice that she gets to have fun with everyone now

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One of my favorite things about this series is the fact that she initially seems like the punching bag character, but she and Shamiko sincerely adore each other and it quickly becomes apparent that she's one of their most valuable resources in general.

I love this little fork dork so much

Attached: [SubsPlease] Machikado Mazoku S2 - 03 (1080p) [5D5D441C].mkv 00_07_47.509 [22.04.21].jpg (1920x1080, 302.34K)

oh yes

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why the fuck is it always men underneath these things


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nice stick

I caught up to this series in the last few months. What the fuck I love it now.

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Here's what I think of your sleepy Gosenzo!

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Thread theme

Such a whimsical tune, I love it!








Bad terrible no good translation

* ANA constellation
I want to visit a bunch of sightseeing spots.
Nature. Food. Culture. Hot springs...
I want to go right now

* Four seasons sF
I think I got half of today's homework right.
My lack of confidence is bumming me out.

* Tama lover
Tama is a nice place
There's lots of nature around
Well, maybe stuff like that keeps me from giving up

* Hippo
I want to take a day off and go see hippos
I want to be surrounded by nature and just gaze at hippos

* Hinatsuki Foods
Hinatsuki Wagashi store is open every day throughout Bon festival
My beloved daughter has just gone to go live somewhere far away,
so I'm salting all the sweets I make with my tears

* Strolling Oneesan
I saw a girl running around the river bank earlier with a huge tire on her shoulders...

I love some of the stuff they're doing
>momo hair twirling
>3D shamiyells (picrel)

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it's not always I assure you. Not that it matters, all kigs are cute

The first four sounds like they're written by Ito

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any jews around?

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oh also the background music continues to be excellent, especially the track starting at 9:52 in this week's episode

Some kike translated it as "treasure" previously.

that makes more sense
idk how those little dots work

Some user have called the box an allegory for the ark of the covenant. Note that no mortal human beings have touched the daddy box.
What's been found so far:
>Aaron's rod
>Pot of manna

What's missing still:
>tablets of testimony

We have Japanese user who thought of it from that direction as well.

ah, the fanartists have gotten to this outfit
good, good

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she's just joking right?

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nah. Latex. Now that's the stuff.

Don't forget the picture of Gosenzo found in the Dead Sea Scrolls in 1947

the ham and cheese croissant sandwich or hamiko as it's known in Japan

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Heh. They came to the conclusion that Joshua's Jesus too. Wonder if they out about how the Catholic churchs pins Jesus as Shami-sized too.

Nah man. Dead serious, and the real monster is already in the house.

Leviticus 26
>27 If in spite of this you still do not listen to me but continue to be hostile toward me,
>28 then in my anger I will be hostile toward you, and I myself will punish you for your sins seven times over.
>29 You will eat the flesh of your sons and the flesh of your daughters.

late seventh-century B.C.E. Vassal Treaty of Esarhaddon
>Mother shall [bar the door to] her daughter,
>May you eat in your hunger the flesh of your children,
>May, through want and famine, one man eat the other’s flesh (lines 450-452)

Ezekiel 5
>9 On account of all your abominations, I will do among you what I have never done, and the like of which I will never do again.
>0 Assuredly, parents shall eat their children in your midst, and children shall eat their parents. I will execute judgments against you, and I will scatter all your survivors in every direction.

I don't really watch a lot of anime so I don't know if it's a new thing but these hair color gradients are really bugging me. Like Mikan's little bun thing clashes with the rest of the hair around it.

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It is supposed to bug you. You should know that Mikan's corporal body is not of flesh and blood, but rather a construct made out of ether.

Behold Momo's fashion sensse
>cat festival t-shirt (neko matsuri)
About the only thing that prevent Momo from going full Slav is not wearing Adidas for that getup.

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Mahou shoujo has rampaged the town's dark clan before, so no it's not a joke.

>Okaasan wasn't joking

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Gradient hair colors are great, you just have bad taste

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Gradient hair always activates my autism. Are we supposed to assume the hair is dyed to have a gradient? Or is it natural? If it's natural, then how come the gradient hasn't grown out and dissapeared, making Mikans hair all yellow? Or does the gradient activate based on how new the hair is? Like hair that is 3 months old is yellow, then it turns orange after 4+ months? What is even going on?


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Citrus magic. Don't ask.

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Her hair is not natural. Her green 'hair tie' is actually a part of Mikan's ether body, and it can expand at her will. Stop assuming that magical girls are actually human in the first place.

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Ganbare I guess

And then Shamiko found all the Momo porn.

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It just looks like old hair dye none of them bother refreshing. The yellow is natural and showing at the roots, the bright orange is dyed. As for why it's static, note that none of them also get haircuts or experience hair growth (except Momo), meaning that the only logical conclusion is everyone except Momo is bald and wears wigs. And everyone is bald because the entire story is Shamiko's chemotherapy induced fantasy, and she assumes that everyone is like her because she doesn't know the world outside of her hospital ward.

Congratulations, CR! Can't even translate numbers properly. Should've been 1,200 yen

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Wait, so this series actually has some deep lore? I went through the first season thinking it was really just random=funny shtick. Should I read the archive?

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