Yu-Gi-Oh! OCG Stories Sky Striker (Translated)

Translations for came out, I typesetted it.

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Thanks OP

dun dun dun, plot twist?

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Based OP

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Four...Five.....Six...Masaka....A weapon to surpass Ash Blossom...

It's the legendary 7head....

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the mother is asking for it

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>This body is what people like, right?

You're goddamn right. I want to become Raye's surrogate stepfather.

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>Welcome to the family
but isn't she already part of them

Maybe some japanese pun?

Yeah the translator didn't bother doing that part. It roughly translated to "Welcome to the Us", which I interpreted as "Welcome to our group", which I reworked as family

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smogon should ban fakeout

>claps once

So this....is the power.....of yugioh's....most famous......waifu.........

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What happened to the other humans

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Rei has been clapping per deck since like 2018, bro

We'll get to iiiit

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Originalfag here. I miss when yugioh wasn't lolibait and anime moeshit. What happened to actual monsters in my duel monsters? What happened?

Damn it, Yoshida.

I was going to say this manga goes hard, but then this ends up being the next panel. God dang it

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Cute dorks

Man this manga goes 10000km/h

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How fucking hard is it to wait until the dump is over?

yugi's, not atem's, deck is a waifu deck so nice try revisionistfag

What's wrong with them talking in the mean time? It's no harm!

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They're still there, have you played the game in the past few years? Waifubait is rampant but there's a lot of cool monstrous designs still. Look up Guardian Chimera.

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At least it doesn't seem like Yoshida's abusing the female characters... yet.

Kneel, boomer

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It's the same shit as always, it's just that Konami finally realized that cute girls sell so instead of a bunch of girl cards that don't have a cohesive theme now we have a bunch of girl cards with a cohesive theme.


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>robots that breathe air

it's the images, common courtesy to wait until dump is over before posting images to make the storytime more seamless

Hey, as long as it works.

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Cute tier 0 meta threat.

The problem is posting images during storytime
Such things are considered unpolite

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Alright, I'll stop shitposting, it's just a fairly short manga so I thought it'd be fine. I'll save it for later, my bad.

>dark magician girl
>toon dark magician girl
Yeah, real monsters.

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Raye wants to be BIG

Raye’s a lot more expressive than I thought she’d be

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So this will be her LIGHT Sky striker form?

>Come Raye, let's hang your 13th princess birthday photo alongside the Planteary Genocide Exhibition

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>13 is too young to know about the world being a giant battlefield wasteland
>14 though? Shit, you’re ready now kid

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Is this yuri?

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i'll give yoshida some credit. He did a good job making her cute and likeable

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It's /u/yakodon, the best kind.

but miyoshi's drawing her

That's Miyoshi, the artist. Yoshida is just the story writter. And besides the usual bullshit, it does sound like he did some actual cool work on her. But I try to not get excited when HE is involved.

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being the last human on earth implies she would need to get fucked by a man in order to repopulate the world, Yoshida's first mistake

She's 13 years and 364 days old, you sick fuck!

Future Spectra archetype incoming to expand the lore?

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we already know roze is also a human since only humans can harness the power of the sky striker

>Future Spectra archetype

It's just more striker, user

I think Spectra is Roze's faction

The page that broke /dng/.

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>this is why hamp goes in the main monster zone, preventing you from using sky striker spells

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Robot mom noo