>Entire story is bad because character isn't omnipotent and made mistakes
This is every haters argument.
>Entire story is bad because character isn't omnipotent and made mistakes
This is every haters argument.
literally all Isayama had to do was make Eren break Ymir's conditioning to stop the rumbling himself
instead we had him commit genocide which he didn't even want all because an ancient whore from 2000 years ago made him do it
it's so cheap that anyone with half a brain cell will call it out as bullshit
Nice strawman, sorry that people don't like it when character acts like a completely different person.
AOE bros pass the hopium
>half the cast act like different people after timeskip, including eren at time
>no you don’t understand it’s kino
I don’t consider the rest of the last two arcs as any more legitimate than 139, it’s alll aimless shit written by a hack who self admittedly doesn’t keep any notes to me
but he is practically omnipotent
Agreed all the timeskip was shit. Even Chadren felt silly but that doesn't make 139 any better
Is there a more mindbroken fanbase than snkfags? They are unironically defending this shit, literal beaten wives.
>shitty manga
>good ending
>favourably liked
>good manga
>shitty ending
>never ending cope and seethe
i assert that isayama will refuse to fix it in an anime btw
you forgot:
>shitty manga
>shitty ending
>what did you expect?
No, my argument is that it sucks because it's poorly written and pointlessly edgy.
Shadis and Magath both kill themselves for dramatic effect instead of having one of them light the gunpowder and letting the other help the alliance.
Hange kills herself to achieve nothing.
The three previous deaths only happened so Armin could be put in charge.
Gargling zeke's cum made falco more beast than jaw for some reason, because it was convenient for the story.
Armin, a complete stranger, convinces Zeke to let go of his convictions built over decades of abuse by talking to him for a couple minutes and spouting platitudes. Zeke then kills himself.
Zeke's death stops the rumbling despite it having started because of Ymir's choice, and despite the characters themselves doubting killing him would even do anything. This is never elaborated on.
The giant worm disappeared off-screen and was never mentioned again.
"Eren, what the fuck just happened?" -> "lmao only ymir knows."
Everyone says Eren's actions are inexcusable, too far, they call him a monster, a nightmare, etc. Then immediately after he dies and they regain their memories, their moral compass does a 180 and they start relentlessly sucking his dick, because everything he did is a-okay as long as it was meant to help them.
Reiner went from completely suicidal self-hatred to joke-cracking lettersniffing in less than 2 years.
Eren was outraged at the prospect of pushing the issue onto future generations and having them deal with it, and so he devised a plan that involved killing billions of innocent people. Said plan's end goal was to push the issue onto the future generations.
>character isn't omnipotent
He literally was though.
But user, he wanted freedom and hated slaves.
>Everyone says Eren's actions are inexcusable, too far, they call him a monster, a nightmare, etc. Then immediately after he dies and they regain their memories, their moral compass does a 180 and they start relentlessly sucking his dick, because everything he did is a-okay as long as it was meant to help them.
This will always be the biggest issue with the ending. The whole point of the Paradis alliance members stopping Eren was because they couldn't accept the price Eren was willing to pay for the sake of their personal happiness and island safety. But then feel bad for Eren and are happy that they get to live long happy lives with their families who all conveniently survived. No sense of guilt.
The ending would be a 10/10 if the alliance get fucking destroyed after they stopped eren. They get to live a year or two then the survivors whose families are destroyed by eren put a bullet in armin’s head and rape mikasa along with all the other girls on the island with the alliances screaming noooo then flash forward and the island is bombed out of existence.
But he is omnipotent and didn't commit mistakes. In fact, everything went according to his plan
Including getting cucked?
That happened after he completed his plan.
Till this day I still don't understand how you'd want to side with people who literally wanted to genocide you, the same people who killed your comrades in battles. Even if it's the Mong I don't think he would do that. They fought with the royalty just for their comrades. Can you really forget such feelings just in four years? If anything they should still have some PTSD or something.
No it's bad because of the many plot holes, asspulls and general shit writing
QRD? Why did people begin self inserting as Eren as a power fantasy?
Even “killing his mom”?
MC was in fact omnipotent, which ruined the series because it means that final arc is worthless regardless of what happens.
If he wins, all the attempts to stop him were a waste of time because there was no hope of stopping him. If he loses, all the build up for his motivations was a waste of time because he never intended to win to begin with. Isayama went with the latter, but the former would have been just as shitty. He wrote himself into a corner.
Everyone acts massively OOC and loses most of their established character traits (and IQ) after the timeskip in service of the forced rumbling and alliance plots. It makes no sense for any of the SC to work with Annie, who was on ice for 5 years in-universe after being outed as a murderous traitor and Reiner who had just headed off to try and genocide Paradis AGAIN until he was interrupted by the rumbling starting. Not to mention Magath, who was the leader behind the onslaught of attacks on their island. Trying to make that asshole into some tragic figure with a heroic sendoff was one of the most cringe bullshit moments in the last arc.
>Zeke's death stops the rumbling despite it having started because of Ymir's choice, and despite the characters themselves doubting killing him would even do anything. This is never elaborated on.
Zeke was always needed for the rumbling to occur. This is pretty clearly established. There are entire episodes/chapters devoted to explaining it.
OP is a retard, See
He literally just had to end the Manga when the Rumbling started and have some monologue.
people don't hate it cuz he made mistakes
people hate it cuz he's retarded
most people thought there was some paradigm shift, severing the royal blood importance, which is why she ignored Zeke's orders in the first place and started the rumbling
No one denies that Zeke was needed to start the rumbling, the issue is about Zeke being needed to continue or prevent its stopping. Once Ymir was no longer bound by royal blood, Zeke role was done. Eren, as the founding titan, had full access to paths. Yet, even after Zeke was dead, Eren could still somehow turn colossal without having that titan.
Zeke was needed to stop the rumbling so that Levi could do something “heroic” at the end by killing him.
yeah it makes sense when the entirety of aot's draw was its action and the mystery of the world. after the libero attack, the action took a huge downswing, the mystery was gone (to many, the answer was unsatisfactory), and the plot was nonsensical. what do YOU expect fans will think? if a mystery has a bunch of interesting buildup but a shitty resolution, then it's a shitty mystery
The answer to the mystery was the best part of the manga for me. I was satisified with it so I never really cared about the series going to shit afterwards (except for the lore-ruining bullshit like flying Falco and Edo Tensei).
Which answer to which mystery?
Why cant you fags just enjoy it
the mystery of who the titans are/where they come from and, by extension, who ymir is
because some of us have standards for our entertainment
>and, by extension, who ymir is
Which one?
I’d say who she was didn’t get revealed until a while after the general titan mystery was. We learned that Titans are Eldians who got turned into giant monsters a considerable amount of time before we learned that Ymir was just some slave girl who stumbled into having powers that were then taken advantage of by the king she was blindly loyal to.
green eyes soon
>which he didn't even want
Nice speedreading, moron.
It's not our fault or Isayama's fault that you were born a low IQ nigger and you never understood Eren's character in the first place. Blame your parents, they did this to you.
One other thing is that all the colossal titans just stopped moving despite being in sunlight. The rumbling should have continued regardless but in a more aimless sense otherwise what was that priest so fucking paranoid about when Annie left a massive hole in the wall?
Not an argument.
Sure user, the same Eren that stabbed two full grown adults as a little kid and worked his ass off to get into the military all to avenge his mother and explore the outside world would definitely forget his motivations for doing something like the Rumbling. And it's not at all wrong to boil him down to "muh Mikasa"
>would definitely forget his motivations for doing something like the Rumbling
His motivations are perfectly clear. He just can't articulate all of it because it's how he has been since he was born.
>And it's not at all wrong to boil him down to "muh Mikasa"
Good thing the story didn't do that.
No his motivations are retarded. you faggots are in 2 camps either
>destroy the world because it wasn't like muh book
Literal cartoon villain motivations
>He wants to destroy the world because they're threat to him and his freedom
which makes no sense because he let the alliance kill him and take his freedom
Stop defending this retarded writing
Why does it have to be one or the other? Can you only think in binary? How about you just read the fucking manga instead of treating this like it's some mystery, it's all there in plain text.
no killing people because they simply live in a place you thought was empty is fucking retarded and cartoonish no matter how much you faggots twist it, and as i said if he wants to destroy the world because they're a threat to him makes no sense because he let the alliance kill him thus rendering the objective of the rumbling useless.
what did incels mean by this
>no killing people because they simply live in a place you thought was empty is fucking retarded and cartoonish no matter how much you faggots twist it
Eren is a childish person who goes to the first solution a childish person thinks of when they learn that the thing caging them in are other humans. It fits his character.
>because they're a threat to him makes no sense because he let the alliance kill him thus rendering the objective of the rumbling useless.
He only learned how the titan curse will end after he gained the power of the Founder and he had to go toward that goal if he wanted to save his friends (particularly Armin). And it is totally within his character to put his trust in Armin. This was foreshadowed too.
Instead, he became virtually omnicient and omnipresent within the mind of his race, but still acted like a brainless retard.
That's infinitely worse.
wanted it so bad forgets why he did it lmao
Many serial killers can't explain why they have the impulse to hurt people but they still have it. I bet you can't explain why you were born a dumb bitch either, you've just always been that way.
>Eren is a childish person
No he wasn't, he never gave a shit about muh book prior 131, in fact Eren didn't give a fuck about the ocean at all and looked at the bigger picture at how the world was a threat to them, and he was able to argue with Armin to the point that he made completely shut up at 106, if Eren was truly childish and had a childish solution i'm sure any character would've actually been able to argue with.
Eren solution was perfect it only became a problem because of the motivations behind it in 131 and 139
>He only learned how the titan curse will end after he gained the power of the Founder
Headcanon doesn't exist in the manga
> he had to go toward that goal if he wanted to save his friends
Yet he made sure in 123 to radicalize Paradis as much as possible and make Paradis the world superpower in 139 with the rumbling making Armin and co the number 1 enemies of the world superpower guaranteeing to get them killed
He also explicitly said that he really doesn't know if they would've survived again
>And it is totally within his character to put his trust in Armin
Yet he completly destroyed Armin in an argument in 106 and armin couldn't say anything, was he also pretending then? why would he suddenly trust him if he himself completly shat on him?
Somehow that impulse never existed before 131
>Inb4 killing 2 kidnappers means you want to kill people for simply existing in a place you thought was empty
>Entire story is bad because character isn't omnipotent and made mistakes
It wouldn't be bad if the flaws were not so blatant.
The "Meet-in-the-middle" Lelouch bullshit at the end is what drove SNK to the ground.
Hopefully Beren finishes what Eren started in the next series.
>No he wasn't, he never gave a shit about muh book prior 131, in fact Eren didn't give a fuck about the ocean at all and looked at the bigger picture at how the world was a threat to them
Now I'm doubting if you ever read this manga. No, Eren didn't care about the ocean in the way Armin did but the outside world symbolized freedom for him.
>Eren solution was perfect
What solution?
>Headcanon doesn't exist in the manga
The only things he saw when he touched Historia's hand were the memories that future Eren had sent to Grisha. He didn't see all the past, present and future until he gained the Founder's powers. Maybe you should read the manga if you didn't know this.
>Yet he made sure in 123 to radicalize Paradis as much as possible and make Paradis the world superpower in 139 with the rumbling making Armin and co the number 1 enemies of the world superpower guaranteeing to get them killed
>He also explicitly said that he really doesn't know if they would've survived again
There was only one way for Ymir's curse to end and he had to go toward it.
>Yet he completly destroyed Armin in an argument in 106 and armin couldn't say anything, was he also pretending then?
You aren't even remembering the scene right. Armin says that they "need more time". And Eren agrees they need to buy more time. That's where the scene ends. Eren isn't arguing with Armin about his plan. You're talking as if Eren argued "we should genocide everyone" and Armin shut up and didn't argue back. Never happened except in your imagination.
>Somehow that impulse never existed before 131
It has been there since chapter 1.