10 years ago today, it started airing
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Poor man's Monogatari.
Sorry this was boring as fuck. WORDS WORDS WORDS does not make a good anime.
Too kino for adhd-addled zoomer brains
The greatest Kyoani work
The movie arc is fantastic, holy shit.
I still remember the theory threads on Yea Forums, though some shits probably just read the books.
Good times.
It's a bit sad that the festival arc wasn't solvable by viewers though.
Is S2 possible without him?
Did you read the two books that didn't get adapted?
yeah, I liked those
no he had too much soul
Great, I miss these characters and I could use some bedtime reading
>beautiful art
>interesting mysteries
>nuanced romance
>classical music
this show is a masterpiece in its purest form
>old af anime
>didn't even have 20 episodes if I remember correct
>still remembered and people to this day wants a sequel
Yea, I'm thinking kino
>tfw we never see them be a couple
feels bad man
You do if you follow Mery
Mery is canon.
First of all, the LN author needs to get off his arse. How much material is currently unadapted anyway?
Apparently volumes 5 and 6. The writer promised volume 7 recently but let's not hold our breath
Yonezawa actually writes shit other than Hyouka
Such as?
Yes user, we’re getting up there in age
2012 is not old, that's pretty modern.
I miss it... And I miss the joy I was feeling when I was watching it for the first time...
Damn, so we need to wait years for v8 to even get a chance of a second season.
This was objectively bad, like, below the average SoL series, even Haruchika was better.
Maybe in 2030 if we're lucky
One of the best there is
>People start watching a slow-burn mystery expecting a SOL
>Complain it's not good
But it's a romance.
It's a harem ecchi
I want to rewatch this since I know I missed a lot of interesting dialogues. But at the same time, I already know all of the mystery so I'm kinda on the fence about rewatching.
It works a lot better if you have a goldfish memory like me
>intelligent, upstanding student in the books
>turn her into Yui in the anime
My dad was 63
My mom was 59
My oldest sister was 35
My middle sister was 34
My older brother was 32
My youngest sister was 30
I was 24
She seemed perfectly refined to me
really underrated
Who has the harem?
Oreki i.e. literally me
VEG >> the rest
simple as
sento? mai? or, god forbid, baioretto? sorry folks, for me chitanda and maika are the cutest and sexiest kyoani girls!
Masterpiece of a series. Peerless design.
still the sexiest non fanservice scene in existence.
VEG is an overwraught fart of a series beloved by pseuds. Hyouka is genuinely fantastic.
she isn't even remotely like yui
>non fanservice scene
Tell that to me and my fellow napefriends.
>harem members: Chitanda...
Impressive harem right there
also nice trips
>tfw no penguinwife
Give it a retry after 5 years when you stop being a zoomer ADHD
In traditional Japanese culture a woman's nape is the most erotic part of her body.
>he says this as only pseuds think a high school anime with a self insert protag is anything but yet another otakushit anime
Pick up ze phone.
I think you guys might enjoy this
10/10 show. Maybe we'll get a season two sometime this decade.