The only good underdog protagonist in all of anime
Nerf megane
oh boy a WT thread, don't die pls, I want to share my hot opinions on current happenings
He still coddles Chika too much, you'd think he'd have learned SOMETHING on that by now.
Is the anime worth watching or should I read the manga?
season 2 and 3 of the anime are amazing but season 1 is literal shit(it was the same toei that animated dressrossa). Just go with the manga and you can swap to the anime around the time characters from Galopoula start appearing.
so, hot opinion: what's currently happening in Mizukami's team is actually good for the team from evaluation standpoint
The higher-ups seem to be most interested in how agents handle adversity and while the special assignment pressure strategy didn't work on broccoli, the self-made crisis had to do. Honestly I'd +1 everyone on the team, Teruya for acting on her doubts, Mizukami for successfully bullshitting his way out, Kon for defusing the conflict and handling the matter discreetly, Arafune for keeping his cool but also having a plan B, Casio for trying to smoothen things up. Man, I'd be a really lenient judge, sign me up for Tamakoma
I'd still recommend reading the mango first, the action in the anime can be pretty awkward at times, especially Round 7
On one hand I feel like all of the focus on individual teams working on their game performance is setting up Mizukami getting his ass kicked by team play, on the other hand, I can't really see that happening with the type of game they are playing. It would be a different matter if it was entirely in real time, but it's not.
They are the high IQ team after all.
>On one hand I feel like all of the focus on individual teams working on their game performance is setting up Mizukami getting his ass kicked by team play, on the other hand, I can't really see that happening with the type of game they are playing.
It probably hinges on what Osamu and Suwa are going to do, either ape his strategy to some extent or find ways to exploit his weaknesses
The latter doesn't seem very effective since it will only work on 1 of 10 teams they have to face
also there's no way the higher-ups aren't taking note of Mizukami, he'd be a good fit for Karasawa's department or PR
Why is Osamu so submissive and breedable?
what manga chapter is season 2?
Weird to know Osamu is just 15.
Speaking of, the third years are going to graduate high school soon, I wonder if anybody else will leave Border like Kanda. Probably not but it would be interesting if somebody did. The only character with a somewhat significant screentime was Akane and it was a foregone conclusion anyway
don't let the comfy vibes and kino strategies of this arc distract you from the fact that this creature that I don't even dare to call human lives among the borders of border
She's cute.
Because he doesn't go out of his way to antagonize people, is polite, and willing to put aside the differences and work together with people he doesn't get along with.
at first i thought she was a abomination but now i realise she's cute.
I'll just say that the manga is in it's own Berserk/ HxH boat arc except that they're not even in the boat yet and it will probably take 1-2 years before they even get to the boat. I don't want to wish that evil on anyone
bro wtf are you saying this is the best training boat arc I've ever read
But this arc is good.
I'm not saying it isn't good (and the boat arc on Berserk and HxH is good) , it's just that it is frustrating to read and you know that the author won't change up the pace. Also unlike Berserk and HxH where there's a point in the story that you can pretend it ends there, there's none in World Trigger. I've stopped reading Historie for a decade and just checked that there's only been more than 50 chapters released at that time- slow paced manga with erratic release schedules are just a pain to keep up with.
>Also unlike Berserk and HxH where there's a point in the story that you can pretend it ends there, there's none in World Trigger.
The Rank Wars finale is a good cutoff point, it's not hard to imagine them getting on the boat, beating the Aftokrator baddies and living happily ever after
To be fair he is literally supposed to be taking care of her since her brother asked. Honestly though, he probably wont coddle her anymore now that he knows she can shoot people of her own volition.
>it's not hard to imagine them getting on the boat, beating the Aftokrator baddies and living happily ever after
maybe 80% of the cast dies.
Why do I love her so much
Is it because I'm an M
Because her seething is cute as fuck and makes you want to bully her....right? R-right?
One thing that comes to mind is that the way the points work from day to day, if everyone figures out Mizukami and just goes for a draw against him(if they aren't one of the groups that can beat him), he's going to lose out hard on points. Meaning he'd have to work a lot harder to get a win if opposing team is playing defensively.
anyone knows where I can world trigger scans in japanese? Ideally all chapters but anything is appreciated
Maybe? It shows he has potential, but the fact that he's running himself into a corner and his lie is guaranteed to be exposed means that he's failing something the higher-ups would want him to be able to handle.
Part of me wishes we had a few more school scenes, especially since Osamu has gone up in the world and is probably idolized by all his classmates now, but with how slow the pacing is in the main story, it'd probably never have a chance to come up.
Just look at him. Dude clearly had a massive growth spurt in the span of two months.
S1 is garbage Toeishit by the studio who ruined Toriko
S2 is pure effort by the studio that revived Dragon Quest
The single biggest thing that's keeping me from enjoying this arc is Ashihara's health. If I had a guarantee that this series will make it to the good ending then I'd be fine with it, but the possibility that he might pull a Togashi in the middle of a fucking Microsoft Excel arc of all things is making me develop an irrational hatred towards all the time that's being poured into this arc.
>gets a super special clone trigger
Pick one
His superpowers: befriending overpowered neighbours.
Nah I can't bully her I don't want to hurt her I want to make her happy!
His bullshit cheat power: Networking
It'd be funny if he just went to Aftokrator and solves the war by the power of friendship and founds the UN of space
Remember, Border was originally created for this purpose and the Aristera shitshow made Kido so anti-neighbor that he removed the three Canadian nations from the official Border logo.
thats clearly Oki i can tell by the pixels.
Real life is like that, your hard work is useless if nobody recognizes it
so i havent reread the manga at all since ive started so my memory isnt the best. the person that absolutely mogged kuga and is the reason hes in a trion body is still around in one of the neighboring worlds right? how the fuck are they gonna deal with that? i have a feeling someone is bound to die fighting them, but it would be satisfying as all hell to for kuga to straight up body them the next time they meet.
>how the fuck are they gonna deal with that?
Same way they took down the BTs from Afto: a shit ton of trial and error, intel, sacrificed pawns, and teamwork. But there's always a possibility it just never shows up again.
>only good underdog protagonist
Glasses himself might be technically underdog but let's not pretend like it matters when his team and 'fanclub' is full of alien super soldiers, trion monsters, OP sempais who would throw away one of a kind weapon for his sake and use their connections whenever he needs it and Border executives who let him do what he wants.
His cheat powers are externalized.
His presence is balanced out if not outright overshadowed by three (two if we're being honest) very traditional battle shonen protagonists. Everyone just likes to fixate on him because of the fact that he's remained so unspectacular for so long in comparison.
>His cheat powers are externalized
he still has to put in the effort, even Hyuse can't win Rank Wars for him
So what? If he didn't have anything special then this would just be a SoL series about a bland megane.
Whatever you say, Osamu's Sentient Scorpion Triggers
>make current arc a SoL
>megane no longer has any special teammates to carry him
At last I truly see. This is the true underdog story that Ashihara wanted to write.
>If he didn't have anything special then this would just be a SoL series about a bland megane.
Kek, but seriously it's sad how Yea Forums gives zero shits about Yuma nowadays
Doesn't this guy have at least 7 trion? How does this guy manage to be a bigger loser than Osamu?
120 i think
It's practice boat mind you
not quite, also he isn't blessed with
>alien super soldiers, trion monsters, OP sempais who would throw away one of a kind weapon for his sake and use their connections whenever he needs it and Border executives who let him do what he wants.
He doesn't have a winning personality and is not so weak that others just want to help him out instantly.
Neither does 90% of the cast so that's not an excuse. Kitazoe isn't doing too hot as a leader but he isn't giving off the same loser aura that Jackson is
>a WT thread
>without prayers
Heresy. Bring out the prayer pic now
He has a defeatist attitude that makes Osamu look like a proper shonen protagonist in comparison. But I haven't given up on him as I think he's in for a redemption arc.
Be the change you want to be, there's like three different ones floating around
Jump sq rise here we fucking go
After the Wallsnipe match I almost expected Osamu to either spend an entire arc crying himself to sleep or off himself out of pure embarrassment, but it turns out I had the wrong guy