Yes yes second half is beyond shit etc, but why did it make me cry so much ? Him being deaf, mute, weak killed me inside every time.
I literally never cry, 34 year old wagecuck
Ousama Ranking
It’s not just all of his deficiencies, it’s the fact he didn’t really have much pity in his life. He was supposed to be a leader, and was treated poorly and criticized for his weaknesses instead.
Can lip read even when he isn’t looking at the person talking
Everyone can understand his gurgles perfectly
Defeats the strongest man in the world after a few days of training with some fat faggot
It was so good to begin with why did they have to ruin it
If you enjoyed it enough to make a fucking thread about it stop being an insecure fag that has to parrot the "yeah it's fucking shit, but" meme already.
I haven't seen a single thread about this show without OP first declaring that it's bad to fit in like a scared faggot. Meanwhile every trash isekai gets actual threads because their fans don't give a shit about what others think of their taste.
I agree with you, just wrote that so "but its shit" faggots get lost, shouldve written inb4 my bad
look at it as he went through the most express shortcut training in anime world
Makes sense technically. But I think that it might actually attract them or at least cement their opinion. I think it's always best to ignore hate posters. Doesn't mean you cannot dislike a series and say it, I rather mean the endless repetition of the same arguments they have.
But yeah, it's the only anime that made me cry in I don't know how many years. At first I thought a friend was over-reacting when I he said the same. I only watched this after episode two I think.
I like the second half. There are certain parts that I didn't initially like but those parts lead to something better. Despa not getting his wish means the brothers stay relevant and we get a closer look into the ranking system, vault, and gods. As for the crying, this is just a very touching story. The writer does a great job showing how much both Bojji and Kage have suffered and it makes sense why they get so attached. The characters are so well written and a lot of focus is put on their relationships with each other. Even with simple little details like how Bojji breaks down and grabs Kage's hand when he sees him again or how Despa bends down to be face to face with Bojji and grasps his shoulders so often. Even the parts when Bojji and Kage grab the Captain's finger is sweet. There's a lot of touching in this show and I like it.
>Yes yes second half is beyond shit
that's an understatement. I had to watch the last few chapters at 2x speed. Literally the only time if ever spped up an anime, and I have watched ALL the filler in Naruto.
>but why did it make me cry so much ?
Too much onions. It was a little sad, but come on.
I don't have much of a problems with these in the sense of them killing the fun I have with the series, but I think it was a great original addition that was partly (not entirely) killed off for no real reason.
It's still there because people don't understand Bojji well unless it's yes/no questions without Kage and Bojji doesn't know what faceless voices and masked dudes are saying, but it's exactly for this reason that I don't get it because the difference to the status before when Bojji was completely lost isn't that huge, but that little detail made it more unique.
Maybe he should be separated for Kage for a while. On screen I mean. Especially now away from Bosse kingdom there aren't any people that understand sign language so that might be interesting. But don't think it will happen anything soon (again).
what's the point of an underdog if you are going to make him the strongest instantly with almost no effort? What's the message behind the story then, if you are weak keep going until you win the lottery and solve all your problems in an afternoon? It's really bad and depressing because the first half had so much potential but it all is thrown away for a crappy feel good ending. A friend called this show the steven universe of anime and I'm afraid I agree with the statement.
I wonder why every manga win which strength is relevant is doing this because I cannot mention any series that didn't.
It's what killed Claymore and a billion other shows for me including the Berserk manga after Schierke joined. I bet that even MiA will soon go to shit now that they have a powerful god-tier character accompanying them.
The message is to not pursue something Bojji can never have (physical strength) but for him to accept his strengths and build upon them. And it didn't really solve his problems, did it? He can fight now but he's not some unstoppable force. Bojji would've died if Bosse hadn't healed him. He would've never even had a chance to fight Bosse.
But Boji IS strong now. Not in a physical way, but in a fighting sense he is almost invencible. We've only seen him lose against a literal inmortal character for fucks sake.
I liked this show and the manga (the parts I can read at least).
Mainly for the characters, because of some scenes that do it for me, the development of said characters, the original fantasy world and another reason I won't disclose.
They should have skipped the deaf part and just made him mute. That way he still makes cute retard noises and they don't have to bother with the deaf contrivances.
>another reason I won't disclose.
you're user. disclose it.
Yeah, he's strong but right after gaining that strength, he came up against something he couldn't beat. Despa says sane Ouken is stronger than Bojji. The ranking clown was willing to fight Ouken even after seeing what he did to the golems There are gods still roaming around with all sorts of powers and who knows what else is out there.
His disabilities are still going to pose him a ton of issues communicating. He's probably partly helpless without Kage
I'd like to be gangbanged by the 3 brothers from hell
Not just that but Bojji's power is hard capped too. The mirror might not be able to read non mortal power levels. It's a great narrative trick, it's like DEs in JJK, we know what they do and there's no way to make them weaker or stronger. It's perfect for a story.
We would miss a few things then like when I was expecting Bojji to cringe hearing Ouken's screams, especially as the empathetic person he is. But I forgot he cannot hear anything so he just stared as if nothing had happened. You could theoretically build in some good scenes with masked characters too. This series has quite high amount of men and women with full face helmets.
your biological clock is telling you to have a child.
That wasn't me. Stop pretending you were me user.
I only want to fuck one of them. No, not Desha (for now).
When I write I think I'm going to say the mc was a legendary figure from the start (although in story he is talentless and works his way up) so there's an inbuilt excuse for the fact he 'survives' the story, but I would rather everyone else be vulnerable. It should be possible for anyone to die.
lol, lmao
bad taste, he is the best one
If they are in hell it means they're gay
(by that I mean, the story is being told retroactively, like in a history book)
low tension kind of bites, but I do think Bojji will have challenges
the Underworld seems pretty neat, though
I would actually even enjoy a story with a MC who is outright stated to be immortal.
Writers always shy away from such ideas but in the end you know the MC survives anyway so whats the point of all cliffhangers? I much rather have a story that is honest from the start because it means that everybody else can die which is still a huge threat if you enjoy a series and its characters and maybe even the MC who would be attached to the characters around him. Plus, the absence of death doesn't equal absence of horror and fears. And I didn't even talk about the part that immortals can suffer outcomes worse than death, like if an enemy trapped him somewhere, threw him into a sea of lava or or some shit. The high stakes are still there but there would be no need to lie to the audience and pretend the MC was capable of dying within the story.
Besides that I would love to see one series tackle the issues with immortality and NOT reduce them to "they suffer because they live too long". There would be a lot of other shit change about the psyche and biological needs or the absence of them if someone was truly incapable of logging out.
>bad taste, he is the best one
they're all perfect
I like it too the buildings remind me of some italian cities I visited. Like alberobello but a bit distorted.
It wouldn't be the same if he wasn't deaf.
So why was there a giraffe in the vault?
If they have the same fauna as us (plus magical beasts) it shouldn't be anything special enough for a no. 1 king to be interested in, if our animals do not exist there to begin with how did it get there? Or are there some species that exist in both of our worlds and some that were randomly extinct in their world?
>mangaka has some fun by adding a random detail in the background
>autistic user takes it 100% seriously and decides to create an entire theory around it
why do people do this? It's like when Oda added a pokemon in the background of a panel and there were thousands of brainlets seriously discussing how the One Piece and Pokemon universe are connected.
user is dumping chapters in another thread.
Do storytime threads get auto-saged?
>an lip read even when he isn’t looking at the person talking
Never happened
It depends on the series. There are games, especially jrpg fantasy games, that have real life stuff hidden in the background that is supposed to hint that it's taking place in the future of real world or something like that, happens a lot.
Thank you I didn't notice this
Not that user but even if it did happen, they do go out of their way to have kage repeat the words to Boji, like when they rode on horses with the guard and boji was behind the captain. I feel any slip up is unintentional.
I couldn't find it. Maybe I overlooked it.
Will there be a second season?
Not any time soon, at least.
In 10 years maybe
That webm made me really want a game for this.
God me too.
Every original fantasy works well as game anyway. Hell you can even do so much shit with just this world, the gods as reappearing enemies and the ranking and the mysteries it causes. Like whenever a king disappears or turns evil. Maybe even starting the game with you knowing one king and later facing him as enemy after he chose an item while you were traveling around the world. There are endless possibilities and since it's not another lazy ass poor man's tolkien fantasy clone you have new unknown races like the shadow clan people, unique gods and the underworld stuff and all that.
Plus the characters would even work as classic RPG classes with Desha as black mage, Hilling as white mage, Kage as thief, Ouken as berserker and all of that.
Sounds neat. I would want Despa in there, too, but can't think of a role he could fit since he can't fight.
I think the payoff at the end is justified by the firs part.
Caching the emotional check they wrote at the start.
I really didn't like the end, because it was just a bid stupid. I feel like it was supposed to be some grand battle, but it just has no scale to it at all.
It's also silly that Bojji gets so strong. He could have had some sort of actual redeeming characteristic, like “a king needs to rely on others” and he inspires people and shit, but instead he just becomes the greatest king the conventional way.
I just can't buy it, he should have died way more times than he did. Miranjo's change of heart is also a hard sell. They she just pulls the get out of hell free card.
I think the biggest thing would be that no one actually got anything out of it. They all just seemed to be there out of obligation / at random.
The whole fight was just low stakes and boring, literally no one in it had any chance of dying that wasn't already dead and it had no justifications.
I don't even know what Miranjo was trying to do with those criminals, maybe I'm just thick but I don't remember it.
>I don't even know what Miranjo was trying to do with those criminals
I think she just got them out to cause trouble and fuck up the kingdom for her. I don't think she was expecting them to pull a smash and grab one her though.
But like, why????
What does she get out of it?
She wanted to destroy Bosse's kingdom and family because she wanted things to go back to when it was just the two of them traveling the world with no family to get between them.
She says she wants to bring the kingdom to ruin. Releasing violent criminals is a good way to help that along. Remember she tells them they're free to go do whatever they want. Plus dragging the Underworld and its soldiers into the mess would've caused even more chaos but Despa calmed Desha down and he and his men left before anything could happen.
I kind of get it, but that is just stupid on a whole new level.
I feel like you could just re-organise it a little bit and have everything make more sense than it does now.
She's literally the angry ex that wants to kill the family of the ex-lover and burn their house down and everyting they like to get the lover back
But she also set up his marriages, and he still loves her. Then she just forgets him and moves on to Daida.
He's a bard. Buffer/debuffer with one 100% hit lightning combo attack if your Desha doesn't have a Memory stat of 0.
She only set up the marriages so he'd have babies. One to power him up and the other to sacrifice to bring him back. It still amazes me that Daida and Miranjo are going to get married. The only reason Daida exists is because Miranjo wanted to sacrifice him. She spent all that time with him and still didn't care what would happen to him when it happened. Her only focus that whole time was Bosse. I can see her regretting all of that now but that doesn't mean she would want to marry this kid.