Anyone knows when the season 2 is coming out?
Mushoku Tensei
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Become one with the beast.
Rudy-less timeline.
not soon enough
2024 since cour 1 and two were in production for two years
>Volume 16 is out
Time to finally find out what's the deal with the fucking library labyrinth
Summon doggo
most of the season 1 production was preproduction involved with creating a new studio and hiring the animators, likely they've started the work on season 2 before cour 2 finished airing.
As long as they don't rush it so that it looks like garbage, I'm fine with waiting.
Sex with Atoferatofe!
Oh yeah, it was today. Time to sit and relax for a few hours.
wait I'm I retarded, or getting played?
isn't it volume 16 today?
Today's the release date for the digital version of the 16th light novel volume.
oh, I am retarded, my eyes saw that
as an
and got very confused. I gotta go get some glasses.
I've been getting into LN's and I just finished the first volume
So far Im pretty happy with how well the anime adapts it compared to other LN adaptions
Probably won't be a second season after the disappointing sales and reception.
It's already confirmed.
Why didn’t you just make an OP with vol 16 illustration when it’s out today? You despicable stinky hobo migger waste of space you absolute braindead miggery migger tfu tfu
>doomposter isn’t even following the news
Quality of doompsters has fallen lately
It’s up. But I’m too lazy to reread a vol I just read a few months ago.
Gonna wait for some kind user to give a quick rundown of what is exactly added in the LN/differences and all that good stuff.
Get to work migge...I mean kind anons.
First 2 vols are the most faithful.
From vol 3 onwards you’ll realize just how much they had to cut corners here and there, there are also characters that were introduced early on like Gal Farion, Therese, Randolph that had to be cut in the anime to save time.
Only real difference is it added an entire labyrinth library for Ariel to remember why Derrick kicked off her wanting to be king. Said labyrinth is run by an demon king who's amused by Rudeus' diary shenanigans.
Season 1 covers up to 5 volumes right?
sorry, I didn't know
I can already tell there's going to be cuts
Next season is when Rudy goes to magic school right?
Will that be the whole season?
Current speculation is S2 ending after Rudeus returns from the Begaritt continent. So it'll probably cover the entire school arc at a minimum.
does the school last for a couple volumes
If its 2 cours like season 1 it will cover:
1) Rudy’s adventures BEFORE he goes to academy you know the entire arc the manga skipped and they had to establish a whole new manga label just to adapt that arc?
2) Academy
3) Begaritto Continent/save zenith arc
and thats when he reunites with Sylphietoo right?
School arc is four volumes.
Academy roughly divided into 2 arcs the one which is basically just character introductions like Badi, Ariel, Nanahoshi etc basically a set up for future arcs and some foreshadowing here and there and then there’s diabetes inducing newlyweds arc after they marry.
what will be the cour 1 ending? Rudy's proposal to Sylphy or maybe already after their wedding?
Marriage seems a good point, yes. You can have a semi-dramatic ending with the duel between Luke and Rudeus, Elinalise's breakdown, and Rudeus probably reminiscing about this past life and looking forward to the joys of married life and having friends in the academy, which represents a new high point in his two lives.
>a short montage at the end of the cour of all the characters and what they're doing with Eris at the end looking forward to meeting Rudeus again
Animeonly Erisfags are going to be heartbroken
I'll be less heartbroken if you spoil me on which wife is the designated cum felcher of the family
Definitely Eris
Cuckqueening doujins fucking WHEN
that would be Sylphy
she's the only one allowed to have raw sex
Also can someone kinda explain to me the deal about magic power having a cap for each individual?
Were the books Rudy was reading in Vol 1 just full of misinformation or is it just because Rudy started practicing at an early age?
The books were misinformed, yes. And Rudeus and Sylphiette proved it wrong.
gimme a sec
eris a best
Glad you found that ancient pic.
I'm pretty fucking rattled by the whole aisha and ars deal, I still don't get if she actually loved him or was it just her maternal instinct going fucking wild or she was fucking fed up w/ not winning the rudybowl and staying a virgin for her entire life
honestly, I think it's a bit of both
Whether its consuming assified semen or using gerbils as a sex toy, pretty sure that would be Slyphy, since it's canon that she is the most submissive and weirdly kinky in the bedroom after her time spent with Auran nobels.
She was very enamored by Ars the moment he was born, according to her own words at least.
Finally i'm at home!
I can finally enjoy reading volume 16.
It's nice to have "new" Mushoku Tensei stuff.
>Auran nobels.
First, second after dinner
Didn't Ruijerd die eventually due to the Superd plague? I doubt he would get to meet Paul, Zenith and Lilia.
He died after fucking and impregnating Norn.
what is it with capable women and having questionable taste in male partners?
are they instinctually attracted to useless deadbeats?
is it nature's attempt to balance out the gene pool?
so... I guess in the non-Rudues timeline, Norn returned home to Buena Village to raise her fatherless, green haired child?
And second page
Its not mentioned but I would doubt it as Luceilla was raised to be the last Superd warrior so a quiet life in the sticks may not be appealing to her.
Oh shit LN 16 is out?
I doubt Norn returned to Buena Village, there is a difference between a kid with green hair and a real Superd in the middle of human territory.
Without Rudeus to remove the curse of the spears everyone would till piss their pants at the sight of a Sperg
based liar
Yes and at this point I think I can recommend new readers to just wait for the LN. It's pretty cool