damn. i wanted to TL the rest of the Frederica and petra maid days after the crusch SS
Josiah White
If you want you can still take Maid Days IV, I've yet to even write up the transcript for that. Doesn't particularly bother me. I'd probably just move onto Golden Siblings or something
Joseph Russell
Or hell, you could even just do another translation of Maid Days III or use mine as a base or something if you really wanted to, my translation is far from perfect. Once again, no real skin off my back
Dominic Foster
so this is not MTL?
Anthony Brooks
Ah, sorry, I should've been clear. MTL's using DeepL and checked against various other MTL programs and Jisho. This was also my first transcript, so it isn't super polish right now
Jayden Wilson
ok thanks, probably use you're TL as base then but not sure yet
Isaac Moore
No problem, I'm happy so long as there is more quality Re:Zero content being generated
>Remfags How do they do this? by calling out shitposters?
Michael Foster
Let this thread die. It's obvious enough no one cares about this shitshow anymore. Threads are archiving faster than they ever did, no one cares to provide MTL and after a month-long hiatus break, no one cares to talk about it. Hell, last threads had an IP count ranging from 30 to 40. It's dead, Jim.
Adrian Kelly
Not that I know of. I briefly considered doing one today, but figured that I'd just leave it to the Heretics since they'll hopefully have something in the Forbidden Library soon. That said, if I catch future chapters early enough in the future I might try MTL'ing them, just depends on how uni goes. So, no promises
Owen Diaz
By shit-flinging with the Emilia baiters. I definitely prefer the Remfags over the Emilia schizo tho, at least they have cute fanart
Charles Clark
Damn you for using my commission, hey, I wanted to ask you some things do you have discord or Twitter?
I am working on it; just waiting on the 3rd part of the chapter to finish the post. But as of now, the Forbidden Library is no more.
This is missing the 3rd part of the chapter but the first part has been J-E checked already. pastebin.com/26GtE1Yp
This might interest you. Mind you, parts 1 and 4 are mega short (we divide chapters using the sections Tappei introduces). I dunno if I'll be able to do a whole lot of the "editorial step" today, but I should go through what I have left of the chapter tomorrow anyway.
Sure, my Discord is Bruhseph#1997, feel free to hmu.
Didn't know about this, I saw all of the summaries but I've always just preferred waiting for a translation
Juan Kelly
Is there a route like Natsuki Rem, with Emilia and Subaru having babies together? There's one!
>>>Will Subaru and Emilia get married? In response to the question, "Re:zero has a happy ending".
Leo Cooper
>Remfags: SHIT!
Caleb King
Sebastian Peterson
doesn't mean he writes one and the next question he didn't even answer it. hahahaahha
David Cox
Rembros... what is this?
Colton Powell
You being desperate for attention
Christopher Ward
Everyone is the same person!
Nolan Parker
Re:Zero sucks, but I'm not here to shit on this thread. I'm here to shit on this prick I'm stuck in a group project with.
He's got some shitty rem & ram fanart stick on his laptop. So not only is he infuriating, he's got shit taste too. He offends me both personally and professionally.
At least I can sleep at night knowing all of the best girls are safe from this filthy fucking irl waifufag.
Have a good day lads, and I sincerely hope they put out more stuff like the Emilia solo movie, because I actually liked that.
Aiden Diaz
There’s something wrong with you
Jeremiah Thompson
Will anyone be so kind as to share a link of the whole translated light novel for re zero
Little bit out of date since there has been projects to make compilations of entire arcs into one document but you don’t need those.
Levi Turner
i was never implying that i just consider those posts desperate.
Jayden Reyes
That's not Felt
Lucas Cruz
Oh I keep forgetting to remove TC from the guide, his translation just sucks compared to Summary user. You can tell at one point he stopped caring and just started rewording Summary user’s translation, plus he makes errors at times
Julian Russell
Wouldnt be surprised if he started stealing translations 1/3 of the way through Arc 4
Tappei said Emilia has babies in a branch but technically the main story is also a branch
Samuel Bennett
Only retards don't understand Tappei's statement means Emilia will have babis with Subaru in the main branch.
Luis Harris
I wonder what took us so long to reject TC’s translation, I’ve always liked SA more but it wasn’t until recently I decided to put them side by side and decided one or the other.
Robert Martinez
The asker specifically asked “Like Natsuki Rem”, therefore an IF. For all we know he meant that Emilia would eventually get pregnant in the Lust IF.
You guys must be desperate if you’re clinging to this like some sort of win.
Jordan Lee
nice meme TC is better
Brody Hernandez
There hadn't been a lot of proper comparisons til now. But the fact that Summary, well, summarized some stuff doesn't really help the public's perception of him. Personally I opted to use TC in my compilations for that very reason, and am now kinda regretting it.
True desperation is immediately dismissing anything you dont agree with in a mystery series.
Robert Lee
Don't host things on google services you retard. They'll out you to the copyright holder and you'll get sued.
Lincoln Brooks
5 chapters into the volume, nothing has happened. Tappei says arc 7 is more than halfway, but it feels like we're not even halfway of Chaos Flame, and arc 7 needs a lot to happen after Chaos Flame is over with
Leo Gutierrez
If it’s not in print on the WN page or LN/Manga/Anime/Gacha, it’s not anything.
Ethan Morgan
cope and seethe can't see how he can beat every general with half of the arc left
Charles Scott
Which is why you’re dismissing the context of the question completely right?
Dominic Gonzalez
Nothing was dismissed, my child.
Jonathan Sullivan
>can't see how he can beat every general with half of the arc left
3 volumes are left >Capture enough generals to standa chance (4/5) >Rem's arc needs to be tied and giving her a role, not much has happened since her wake up >Solve Rui situation >After generals are captured, civil war needs to happen and get a resolution >Reveal what is going on with the civil war and Berstetz >Deal with Chaos Flame and Satella >Trouble on Guninhive with Arakiya >Resolve Guaral situation >Give Rowan a point / Cecilus >Todd/Jamal/Katya >Shudraq resolution >Cecilus/Arakiya >Priscilla's story (main arc) >Al's story (his main arc) >Garfiel spotlight >Otto spotlight >Roswaal spotlight >Emilia spotlight >Subaru's situation with Satella/RbD >Emilia camp arrival
Tappei needs to pace this up A FREAKING LOT.
Nicholas Cooper
In an IF
Andrew Moore
He doesn’t need to do anything
Bentley Powell
This, he doesn't need to finish the series.
Cooper Wood
Of course, he can leave an arc or the series unfinished but it's a hack job. If he wants to do it properly, he's gotta do it
Carter Ward
>>Garfiel spotlight >>Otto spotlight >>Roswaal spotlight they are not joining, >Priscilla's story (main arc) >Al's story (his main arc) they need more vols
Jacob Ward
He doesn’t have to conform to this imaginary volume limit at all. He can do whatever the fuck he wants.
Zachary Young
Its gonna be one of those series where 80% of our questions will be answered in 5 minutes of reading Arc 11
Jose Ramirez
He confirmed Anastasia and Julius being involved in arc 7 too