Loli ghost meets loli cat
Shachiku-san wa Youjo Yuurei ni Iyasaretai
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How is that a cat?
It is a very bunny like kitty.
CUTE. (CV. Naomi Oozora)
you should sex with loli ghost
That's a weird looking dog.
That's a vampire bat.
Episode 3 pv
A cat is fine too
how on earth does this show have the best OP of the season
>Frog-themed raincoat
>It's a reward your abusive boss by conjuring a tulpa and working twice as many hours for half the pay episode
Yeah nah, fix your slave labor Japan.
Fuck you, Europoor. Go back to your siestas.
>[SubsPlease] Shachiku-san wa Youjo Yuurei ni Iyasaretai - 03 (720p) [95ED6D22].mkv
Get someone your own age, shachiku-san.
How do I conjure my own cute loli tulpa?
But little dead girls are BEST!
Apparently ghost kitty is voiced by Shamiko's VA
this is torture
Stitches please.
Catloli didn't transform until the last part of the episode what a waste
What the fuck is this? Did they confuse 疲れてる with 付き合ってる?
my nutbladder is literally at breaking point
it's going to explode any second now
Imagine those hands...
It would've been a waste if the series was a short with that taking up more than an episode. Instead we've got the majority of the season left with that form being the standard now.
What the everloving HELL was up with the translation this episode? I strongly believe in a dynamic translation style, I know all too well that there's no such thing as an "unlocalized" translation, etc. but so much of this episode bore almost no resemblance to the Japanese. For example, here is a chunk of Kaori and Fushihara's conversation according to the subs:
K: Have you been... *seeing* anyone recently?
F: No. I mean, I've been busy with work.
K: Oh, so that's it.
F: That's *what*?! Huh? What're you saying? Do I really seem that desperate?
K: No, no. I'm not talking about dating! I meant more in a spiritual sense. Like a ghost, perhaps.
F: Huh? Can you actually... see stuff like that, Kaori?
And here's what they're actually talking about in Japanese (of course, this is my own translation, but it's good enough):
K: Haven't you been... *unusually* tired recently?
F: Well... Yeah, I guess I've been working hard.
K: Aha, just as I thought.
F: "Just as you thought?!" Huh? Whaddya mean? Are the bags under my eyes really that hideous?
K: No, no, I'm not talking about your physical appearance. Something more spiritual. You know, your human soul.
F: Huh? Can you actually... see stuff like that, Kaori?
From this point on the dialogue at least follows the outline of the Japanese, but in the subtitles Kaori is introducing the ghost by hinting that Fushihara is tired because she's seeing someone, whereas in the original she had been worried that some malevolent force was literally draining Fushihara's soul. Also, in the original her description of the "ghost" is actually her analysis of Fushihara's own spiritual condition; in the subs there's kind of a weird non-sequitur feeling to the end of the conversation.
Since the show's English-language editing is really good I doubt most people will notice things like this, but I'm shocked at how extreme the translation scriptwriting was here.
I should add that this is NOT remotely difficult Japanese; it is not possible for a translator to be incompetent at this level and get anything right. The only plausible explanations are
1) They were literally working off a first-draft script that got changed (extraordinarily unlikely)
2) The translator decided that the original conversation was too boring and decided to spice it up with more "we so single" references, or
3) There was some kind of miscommunication in the workflow (e.g. the English-language editor, if the show has a separate translator and editor, was working from a very poor raw translation and didn't get what the scene was going for).
I think it's much less likely to be incompetence and much more likely to be misguided ambition.
I think they legit messed up a single word, and everything else spiraled from there.
I think there are enough cases where it seems to be misheard lines to suggest they often don't get scripts.
Aha, I found the translator on Twitter at tomoyo_0810
If someone with a Twitter account wants to ask her NICELY what she was doing with that conversation, I'd be very interested to find out. (There are other spots in the episode that baffle me, but this is a good place to start.)
That sounds the most likely. Context is important and a misunderstanding like that will ruin the rest of the scene.
Out of curiosity, why do you keep the subs on? Ever since I stopped being a complete dekinai I just turn them on for the occasional need to check something.
>it was actually 憑かれる (to be possessed) - 疲れる (to be tired) pun
I am a dumbass.
Meanwhile, in the manga -
I'm pretty sure it's literally impossible to mishear つかれてない as "つきあってない." There IS a pun going on with 疲れる (to be tired) and 憑かれる (to be possessed); I myself didn't realize that the original manga used the latter kanji until I saw , but I promise there is NO WAY a professional translator heard 付き合ってない here.
Also, later in the conversation, the line about the bags under her eyes gives ample context to what's going on. Any reasonable person would realize that the topic was obviously tiredness/possession once they hit that line, and go back to fix the previous one even if it was misheard.
It's not mistranslation, it's localisation. The "seeing someone" thing was just how the TL decided to localise the 疲れてる/憑かれてる pun.
Of the saccharine kind.
Man, that one is awkwardly literal to the point of nonsense, but yeah, it's at least trying to reflect the Japanese.
Honestly, because I do translations for fun myself and I really enjoy it when I see a really clever way of expressing something in a different language. (Also because I'm much more than a dekinai yet not quite a dekiru so I'm too lazy to turn off the subs when I'm definitely going to need to turn that back on to check something at some point.)
That's not what "localization" means. If I were localizing the pun, I would do something like the manga translation and say,
"Recently you've been so pale you practically look like a ghost!"
"Oh, no, I've just been so busy at work..."
"Aha, so it IS your ghost."
"A g-g-g-g-g-g-GHOST? You think I'm being haunted? Do I look that close to death?"
"No, no, not that kind of ghost. I mean YOUR ghost, like your soul."
(I go bed now, please post here if anyone ever asks the translator)
>for once the professional is correct and the anons are wrong
crazy how rare that is
official anime translators really have a bad track record
Can anyone else see the little ghosts?
>That's not what "localization" means.
It's true that technically, replacing a pun/ambiguity with an equivalent one in another language still falls under translation rather than localization as it doesn't touch on any regional culture or anything.
However, your example is the exact same thing, you just chose a different substitute.
What exactly would you say is different about your translation versus that one that would make one "localization" and the other not?
What little ghosts?
Isn't this show about an overworked OL developing schizophrenia?
Her neighbor does
the brown maid ghost belongs to the neighbor
>the cat died in the rain, alone
>reborn as a little girl
It's not all bad
anime of the decade if true
How does one develop schizophrenia?
Asking for a friend.
My heart can't take much more
Not again.
Nips love to kill cats for easy drama.
Cute onahole
Those two already kissed by the way.