He makes a good point
He makes a good point
Isn't it funny how the biggest defenders of undesirable female sexual behavior, are also the biggest enforcers of shaming undesirable male sexual behavior? Kinda makes you think, doesn't it?
Used cups are gross
Do you throw out your dishes after they've been used once?
We get it, our society is dysfunctional. You're not unveiling some profound secret.
Women are more disposable than my dishes
Roastoid cope. Disdain for sluts is universal, cross-cultural, and the hallmark of a successful society.
As men, we should aim to become better with every day that we wake and encourage our fellow men to do the same, thus we must call out undesirable faggotry amongst ourselves when we see it
Roasties and trannies wouldn't understand
Not really, in Japan the idea that you should be ashamed of sex is a Western import.
The plates are useful, women are not. Women are meant to be thrown away after they've been used.
i'd be okay with women being allowed to slut around if men weren't virgin shamed but alas. society places value on those who have lots of sex. chad who fucks a lot is an alpha and a leader, despite the fact that he's actively lowering the value of women for everyone else and definitely has HPV, herpes and so on.
You don't reproduce with dishes
People who married and have children will be the ones inheriting and building up the future.
Definitely not bitter virgins.
>food analogy
That mouth she kisses your kids for heads with at night has been filled with the rancid semem and saliva of other men
a society that cant control its women is doomed to be destroyed by its women.
Is this ((their)) propaganda I heard so much about? Making women thinks it's okay to have sex outside of marriage, and to belittle men who against non-virgin woman and prefer healthy, fertile virgin to build a good, God-fearing family? They have Infiltrated my anime?
The food you eat right now is grown with rancid chemical made by shit from niggers.
That's not a good anaoloy you fucking retard way to out yourself.
Its like buying a used plate stained and broken by the people who used if before you
jokes on you, i grow my own food. the jew fears the indoor chicken farmer.
>Moving the goal post
Seethe faggot
Ignoring the fact that you are wrong, are you implying adultery is the same thing as sex?
Pretty sure adultery was never smiled on in Japan.
another shit analogy
women are like couch, if I see a dog on it its time to pick up a shovel
>God-fearing family
>women are like couch, if I see a dog on it its time to pick up a shovel
What the fuck does it even mean bro..
why would he be implying that
when was adultery even mentioned in this whole thread before your post
Societies tend to frown on sexual deviance because societies that promote deviance fail.
This isn't really something to argue against. If you want to make decisions that will ruin your ability to create fertile offspring then do so. Successful people stay loyal to a single mate.
that analogy is also bad because it presupposes what it was intended to prove: what is the link between a stained and broken plate and a woman who fucked around? what exactly is the stain and brokennes? that is exactly what the "sluts are bad" side is supposed to prove, you aren't really saying anything by making up an analogy that already assumes it from the get-go.
A group of people getting upset or not over something is completely unrelated to its importance.
Women are degenerate because the men are base.
Yes. Two sides to the same coin.
>Having sex ruins your ability to create fertile offspring
I take solace in the fact you will die of a torn anus.
>doesn't care if women are promiscious and fuck dozens of guys
Cringe and bluepilled.
>Do you use your own plates that have never been used and look after them
>Do you want to use a dirty share plate recently used by 100 other people
I take solace in the fact that you'll likely betray most of your ideals.
I take it you are a feminist?
Uh?, a virgin male asking for virgin females is correct. It would be wrong if it was a male that has been tainted by many females
I'm not wrong, if you do two seconds of research you'll know that Japan never cared too much about chastity. They only started caring when they made contact with Europeans and decided to become more like the West
Feminism was invented by men to get more women to have sex with them
No. I'm not sure why are feminist would ever come here.
That just means you shouldn't be as retarded as braindead Twitter lefties. They're fucking insects who don't really believe in anything to begin with.
No, obviously Japan developed the concept of marriage before European contact.
((western purity))
Worse. The 100 share plate demands the same level of respect as the brand new.
But also purityfags deserve the rope, and my only comfort knowing that they won't ever get the rope, is that they will never reproduce anyways.
So they might not directly get the rope, but functionally they do.
Same reason anyone would post this thread.
I mean yeah, have you noticed why our penises are shaped like that? exactly, for scraping off another man's semen, is similar to what cats have, but a lot more gentle.
This is my guess but the back and forth motion we do is to assist this process too, add to that the average 13 minutes or so we last in bed.
marriage doesn't necessarily always mean pair-bonding from puberty onwards. old societies would have clan marriage, but also practices such as the uncle of a girl being the one to take their virginity for whatever bullshit pseudo-reason they could come up with
i bet they fucked around way more in those societies but it wasn't really a big deal since child rearing was communal and the question of property and heredity wasn't really a thing either
I could just as easily argue the people who don't think it's a big deal are the dumb sluts who busted theirs on losers.
Have you ever eaten at a restaurant?
I didn't realize shitposting without recognition was that big of a thing. Thanks for the lesson.
>bitchboy with faggy emo haircut defending female hypergamy
Just like twitter.
Are you genuinely trying to have a conversation with that trannoid? You're wasting your time, user
They had marriage but the importance of monogamy was also a Western import. Before Western/Christian influence, a married man could go and fuck different women and not see anything wrong with it
Would you rather have a clean glass of water, or one that's had seven penises in it?
Hey look, let me stop you right there. I don't really know why you're posting garbage like this. Not only is nobody believing your nonsense since its easy to see its false, but its so blatant that you're trying to hide politically charged rage behind a layer of pretend trolling. You need help frankly.
>But also purityfags deserve the rope
Sorry, only filthy degens get the rope.
Pure people are spared.
This isn't science, it's literally some bullshit somebody came up with (probably for sexual reasons) and then ran with it. How do you even verify the evolutionary purpose of something like that? Especially when it's super specific. Did they pump a thousand vaginas full of semen, fuck them with penises of different shapes and then test if enough semen was scooped put by the sex to ensure the last dude got the female pregnant? Did they build a CFD model of the vagina, penis and semen and simulate it? I bet you they did not.
>exactly, for scraping off another man's semen
You don't understand how semen works, if you for a second think that your dick is going to scoop it out fast enough to prevent pregnancy.
Like you would have to start scooping it, the moment he nuts, to even make a difference.
It's especially silly, when you see how easily cum actually drains from pussy. No need to scoop it.
I'd sooner put dick shape into pleasurable as the positive reason, but most likely the shape is neutral. Like being able to roll your tongue. Doesn't hinder reproduction, so it continues.
Imagine a dirty unclean plate being used in a restaurant that refuses to clean them and then demands you treat the plate as if it was a brand new one that you bought for yourself.
There is no way to wash a woman.
In a practical standpoint a lower class slave-like women being fucked by a man is not equivalent to a potentially child birthing women ruining her biology and inhibiting her ability to rear children. I think you know that but don't want it to be true.
yes. i use paper plates
Do you ever marry the restaurant?
While you may not take showers, most women do.
>pussy is like cheetos
>pussy is like glass od water
>pussy is like dishes
>pussy is like disposable trays
any other dogshit ideas?
Degenerates don't need to survive. They cum in lots of pussy and have kids.
Men fucking around is not and has never been an issue. Women's maternity is never in doubt so even pretending it matters is just misdirection.
women are single use items, sorry that you got yours from the recycle bin
this thread
Fine, I'll post the chart.
peel me some apples with that edge while you are at it
Does that chart comfort you at night, as you cry yourself to sleep alone, for the 10th year in a row?
One role of a plate is to hold food in a sanitary manner.
One role of a breedable women is to raise her children.
Taking a shower doesn't remove the fact a promiscuous women will not be able to raise her children well. She will remain dirty due to her attitudes.