You are reading the shoujo with the incel male lead, right? You want to see the incel get the girl, right, especially after the artist clearly god dicked straight, right?
Our Circumstaces at the Bottom of the Hierarchy
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>You are reading the shoujo with the incel male lead, right?
That was Our Precious Conversations
>incel main lead
He is just like me!
Trannies unironically using glowie produced words like "incels" should fucking die
It's hard to take this seriously when he looks that good.
>he is not only skilled, but artistically skilled
and you lost me
why does anyone pretend that skilled artists have any trouble getting pussy
You guys want to dump the manga?
Elliot Rogers looked good.
But it's probably going to be an “I can fix him” story.
Note that the female lead is just as much a piece of shit as the male lead. So maybe they'll fix each other.
Why would anyone want to read it in such an inconvenient way opposed to simply going to one of the zillion aggregator websites that have it with a convenient reader?
Elliot Rogers was a nutcase.
And so is this one.
Everyone knows the problem with incels isn't their look for the most part.
He has a tragic backstory that caused him to hate females and becoming a recluse.
Because its fun reading the reactions
>after the artist clearly god dicked straight
>GOAT rapeyuri mangaka
>suddenly this
I thought I recognized this art style. What does it mean? Did Naoko recently fix a cute incel or something?
>I can fix him
Had Elliot not suicided, women would be writing letters to him in prison like that.
That's fair, but that you're not the one doing it probably indicates that you also know it's a lot of work to upload it all.
But here you go.
>your buzzwords are bad
>my buzzwords are good
Yes, thank you. And yes, it is a lot of work. I did it once for a 60 page chapter and I decided I'll never do it agian.
You will do the next chapter though.
You wiill.
If you do the second, I'll do the third.
This writing letters to prisoners is such a meme. Of coruse a nonzero number will do it, since there are 4 billion females on this planet.
Female prisoners get them too from males.
kill yourself cancerous subhuman
wow he is literally me
I think her head is too big.....
He's going to get the girl, user; it was tagged as “romance” on B's Log CHEEK's website.
deal. I'll do it.
eh this feels like its setting up to be boring
would've been funny if it was a ratio
There's acutally no mass uploader extension for this purpose. I tried finding it.
there are
i dunno how it works with captchas
If she wasn't self aware here she would just be a normal woman
Where, couldn't find it?
i just can't take this remotely seriously if she's gonna be talking like this
That's it incel; Nirai's literally you; go read how he fixes Itika.
I'd enjoy this more if they used an actual comic-esque font.
>interesting and cute
is she also funny?
This translator is a meme over all the Britishisms.
I personally think it's kind of hot to imagine the character wit a sassy estuary voice.
That's it. Your turn.
gimme a sec, lemme dl all the pages. TL page.
Many of these shoujo scans just use Arial and poor redrawing.
They're clearly putting in next to no effort and it fits because shoujo art is usually garbage but Naoko's isn't that bad.
Chapter 1.2
why is it so hard to just use a nicer font
don't get when people do this shit in times new roman or arial. I'd even rather you used some wacky curly text
Blackpilled already.
Living the Zoomer life
>Woah, hey guys, another super chat coming in from SSRomellSS1488!
>"777mmHg 777mmHg 777mmHg 777mmHg 777mmHg 777mmHg 777mmHg 777mmHg"
This isn't going to end well
>She doesn't get oil princes to pay pig and invite her to Saudi to be a harem girl for a month.
Oh no no no no no no, bros, what is this?!
I keep forgetting this takes place in modern day because the scans look like they are from 2003
wtf where did you get this pick of me?
Because shoujo has shit art anyway and no one cares about the art.
They don't even draw backgrounds most of the time.
This is the fate of every cash cow on twitch.
my favorite vtuber isnt like this
They're going to make a VTuber character together.
Hopefully they'll hate each other at first and it will just be an arrangement of convenience, and then they will slowly fall in love.
I'm holding out hope for rapey kissing scenes, but that's probably not going to happen the way thi title is currently going. Naoko usually puts those in the first chapter.
Looks like he finally learned that vipers are just 3dpd with a nicer coat of paint
How the fuck does this have more likes than replies? Jap twitter is a mysterious place.
See, female writers understand boys so well.
This is literally Yea Forums raging over some character not being a virgin.
2,481.03 United States Dollar
I love British translations.
a true incel wouldn't give a shit female caricatures as well
already lost me on this
>How the fuck does this have more likes than replies?
Most tweets do. It's quicker to press a button than type a comment.
I remember translating this and having to crack my head over first translating the Japanese to an actual number, and then the number back into English.
It is written out in full as here in the original Japanese. I'm terrible with hearing numbers.
Mommy issues... I fucking kneel...
He has imouto?
>Bottom panel
Only shown in one panel, and then keeps saying he should come eat and he keeps saying he's not hungry.
Not really a character.
Bro... what did you think she was doing with the money you sent her in the first place...?
I don't know, he's kind of good looking.
That means that I can fix him, right?
Early onset schizophrenia
I regret it to be honest.
This was my first time scanlating and I kept it for consistency, in the other title I do I use an actual font.
what about his little sister?
>woe is me, im so pretty and smart and popular but at the bottom of the social hierarchy
fuck nips
wow he's l i t e r a l l y me
>Elliot Rogers looked good.
lol no
I was actually thinking this was probably not a shojo manga, but now, after seeing bottom panel, yeah, this is 100% a shojo manga. Male ostracisation manifests in physical form. He would be getting fucked with, and then pulled into a social group somehow, regardless of bullying.
You could always just go back to the PSD and change the font then edit the chapter on mangadex so it's at least changed somewhere.
Title drop.
TL Notes.
Throwing the ball back to you.
You'd be surprised how much effort goes into doing the line breaks and typesetting that has to be redone with a different font.
I don't think it would be called one if not for the magazine it is published in and that it's by Naoko Kodama.
It has some elements of it, but it's a sharp departure as well from the normal style and Naoko's work in general.
But, these demographics are made up to begin with, the magazine it's published in, B's Log CHEEK does not actually mention any demographic on it's web page, as they rarely do, but other websites decided it's a magazine “for girls”, because it has many adaptations of otome games and quite a bit of b.l. in it, but it also has titles that feel a bit different.
Magazines don't really decide their own demographic in practice but other websites assign them, not always consistently, based on their own stereotypes.