Why doesn't Senpai just pin her against a wall and fuck her
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he's a beta male and nagatoro is the alpha
So Niggatoro will do the pinning.
Have you ever been with a girl like her before ? Women like that, prefer playing the game rather than being direct and forward. Nagatoro was embarrassed by a hug after an official date. If she got surprised kissed by Naoto she would implode and turn on bully mode 5000. She'd obviously enjoy it and eventually accept it but she wants him to play the game. They both get freaked out by physical contact. Skipping the easy steps and straight to this is not Naotos best option.
Nagatoro dominates senpai but she's still a beta.
I think that Senpai will stand up for Nagatoro and protect her in any situation he deems it necessary. I don't think that translates to him laying claim to her. Not yet, at least. Remember Brotoro (assumed at the time to be Naga's ex)? That was probably the closest he's come by insisting he knows what makes her happy and sad, and even then he couldn't/ wouldn't admit to her being anything more than his kouhai. If he didn't have the nerve to tell an aggressive ex-boyfriend not to edge in on his Naga, why is he going to suddenly assert himself to the Senpals' general curiosity? I don't see it happening, not yet.
>she likes butt-touching
Naga a good future wife
Because that's what she wants and he knows it. Senpai is the one whose really doing the teasing and wants to make her work for it.
Nagatoro is just one level of weakness below senpai, like most weaklings she can only pick on someone who has even less guts than her.
Not even in the fucking CGs.
she caught a fish and it was thiiis biiig
>Senpai: p-putting NTR aside
>Naga: putting it aside
Close. Nagatoro's not necessarily freaked out by physical contact, but she has to be in control. She's fine doing very physical - even lewd - things with (or rather, TO) Senpai as long as she's taking charge, like the nipple-poking game, the hand-washing, or straddling him to bite his neck during the vampire roleplay. That's one of the reasons she's comfortable with Senpai at all, because she knows he's too considerate/ scared to ever force himself on her physically. But when she's losing her element of control (the piggyback ride and the tickling offer), that's when she loses her nerve quickly.
I think Nagatoro is trying to deal with her boundaries, but it's been extremely difficult for her. When she tries to cede control to Senpai, it's a bit exhilarating to her, but also scary, and the fear gradually starts to overwhelm the excitement each time I can think of.
I think if Senpai surprised her with a quick kiss and backed off quickly, she would be thrilled. If he tried to prolong it, it would freak her out. It's hard to think she's going to get over this deep-seated control issue before the end of the school year without fully embracing her trust in Senpai.
she knows kickboxing
Post that Kaiji and Nagatoro pic.
This show makes no sense; why doesn't this Senpai just devour the females since he is tallest among them?
running home to masturbate
Senpai is a pure and noble gentleman. He would never do such a thing without going through the proper steps first such as marriage.
Another proof that Gamo is pure and innocent.
Hey guys, can someone advise on how to draw female bodies?
They told me to make Shikki's breasts bigger in the last thread, but I couldn't do that.
>can someone advise on how to draw female bodies?
Why couldn't senpai just kiss her already?
I will make hat from you little bunny
Read this
Yeah. Why couldn't he?
There's a Kaiji Nagatoro pic?
This fred needs more Gamo.
Why is she so erotic?
reminder of paisen's ageplay fetish
What happened to Gamo?
He is busy with the actual best girl
Don't remember that scene, where did he cum eventually?
Not him, but this is amazing. I never knew fucking Houtengeki of all people did something like this. Thanks.
Senpai got a hand full of Las Nalgas de Toro
she could easily put his head off
What the fuck is this show and why is this girl so autistic ?
Imagine the after wakeup pre-morning shower smell
>Senpai just pin her against a wall and fuck her
Naga masturbates herself at night thinking about that
>What the fuck is this show
"Please don't bully me Nagatoro", truly a masterpiece.
>why is this girl so autistic ?
Who knows.
Eyes & butt if I had to pick two.
>why is this girl so autistic ?
She has brain problems.
The situations and consequences are different between these two scenarios and have one key difference. The lack of female presence, specifically Nagatoro. And you have to take into account the progress made from Ch 100-103. From Sakura's tips, the late night trip to see Nagatoro and the field trip itself.
To make a move with a lady or in front of women you are automatically exposing yourself to take a risk. Which is why he doesn't make moves on Nagatoro unless she gives him an opening. It's a risk that exposes weakness, and is a prime target of Nagas bullying teasing. In front of all men , to not make a move is to expose weakness. For instance with ExBF/Brotoro. If Naoto spergs out to "claim his territory" he looks stupid either way. If it's an Ex she is cool with it makes him look clingy and weak and would turn Naga away from him. And when he finds out it's her brother he gets laughed at and humiliated by both Toros.
In the event of "guy talk" (which is speculation and I'm assuming more unnamed boys will be involved ) the mention of Nagatoro will require Senpais action, Or do nothing to expose weakness. If it's a friendly conversation where the twos relationship is called into question , to deny anything would be a step back for Naotos progress. They've been on several dates , are always hanging out with eachother and from an outside perspective they appear to be dating. To deny it as a Senpai/Kohai relation ship makes it seem like he's been friendzoned. To say they are (sort of) dating is just acknowledging what everyone already assumes. In the event of a negative conversation, where Nagatoro is brought up in a lewd/rude way without the questioning of Naotos involvement , he could not defend her while also stating they are simply Senpai/Kohai.
The lack of female presence , his anger and the positives of making move are totally within character for Senpai to make his claim on Hayase-chan. He already has her. He has nothing to lose.
When's the next chapter?
Like musk and tuna.
I think that those who call nagatoro a nigger are actually insecure mutts who are as dark as or darker than nagatoro.
Navels worth making out with.
It's cute
was that guest comic just like, shitposting? Seeing what Nanashi would let him get away with?
Aren't girls cutest when they're almost retarded?
because she likes that he doesn't. (this is when she plays that "you can't leave this room if you don't do lewd stuff" game with him)
She unironically watches too much anime/manga
her entire bullying behavior comes from a manga she likes where the girl teases a dude
>There is a generation of autistic tomboys growing up right now reading Nagatoro
God I wish I was a zoomer
Don't Mess Up, Mr. Nagataki is a comedy series about Maki Gamo, a tough high school girl acting as a tard wrangler for the school's special needs art club
Tomboy's don't exist anymore. They all think they're men now because of the tranny movement.
>Don't Mess Up, Mr. Nagataki
I thought it was "Talk shit get hit, Mrs. Nagasaki"
Sure gramps