Is there a word to describe shows that contain so much expository dialogue that you don't even need to look at the screen to know what's going on because the characters think you're too stupid to understand anything that's happening?
Is there a word to describe shows that contain so much expository dialogue that you don't even need to look at the...
you are stupid
if you weren't stupid you'd be reading classic literature and exercising
>Show don't tell
Anime/Manga were never good at this.
>don't tell audience exactly what's going on
>confused retard flood the thread for ever and ever
Based and redpilled.
ITT user discovers that children are not capable of drawing conclusions or understanding agency and as such need every part of the plot and all motivation explained to them.
that's defining shonen characteristic
what else do you expect from an adaptation of a manga full of expository dialogue
I just want her pussy
I have noticed that japanese comedy, or at least anime, tends to always have a straight man that literally explains the joke.
Like if the joke is a bratty kid is going to throw a ball at a teacher whose back is turned, but the teacher then nonchalantly catches it with a baseball glove without turning, showing he's in total control of the class, there'd still be a classmate looking shocked and going "Wha?! He was ready for it and caught the ball with a glove! He'sin total control of the class!" Like it's a radio play. Maybe it's a cultural thing.
it's because anime is for children
So Spy x Family is the popular show of the season that contrarians will get their validation shitting on?
It happens even with exposition
>Is there a word to describe shows that contain so much expository dialogue that you don't even need to look at the screen to know what's going on because the characters think you're too stupid to understand anything that's happening?
Manga adaptation.
I think this is less about exposition, and more about involving every damned character in a scene in whatever's going on. If the classmate didn't react to the catch, he wouldn't be doing anything in that scene, which is bad, apparently.
This is a problem across all of Japanese media, and just Japanese people in general. I think it's because they're so pent up about misunderstandings that they'll explain things to useless detail when they don't need to.
>a problem
You people really can't comprehend the idea that some cultures might be different huh.
>You people
What do you mean you people?
That nigger is being racist. Let's lynch him.
Are you gonna address his criticism or ..?
Only one this applies to is HxH
Classic literature is all expository dialogue though?
People who think in words like "based" and "redpilled" will never be able to into literature.
So everyone on Yea Forums is a child?
It's called Tsukkomi you fucking morons. It's an intentional comedy style.
read something like Chi No Wadachi then
Maybe that's his point
Everyone acting smart in this thread are the same people who can't understand basic plot elements in shounen and then make the dumbest criticism when something is not entirely explained to them.
Shounen readers are, yes.
Wouldn't that be nice, you can just explain away their criticism without having to think for yourself. Strawmen are so handy.
This is you
>Wouldn't that be nice
No, i's not. It's quite annoying acually having to explaining basic shit to people who should supposedly be adults yet somehow can't grasp or have a hard time remembering details from a manga for kids. It's just sad.
You see the same thing in all non-shounen threads too.
>new isekai fantasy anime
>beginning of episode 1
>map of the world is shown
>old narrator describes the world, each faction and the war waged between them.
Spy shows in general
I can’t tell if it’s just Japanese humor or rigid adaptations of manga where all that exposition is much easier to read and isn’t confined to a 20 minute runtime per episode
Wrong, if you aren't stupid you would not be here but rather get a decent life to have a family and teach your kids valuable skills for their future ahead
we are all little girls and retards here
When they try you get retarded frodos acting smug about finding "plot holes" resulting from their lack of attention span or general inadequacy of thought. When you explain it to them they get upset and double down. The autistic ones become resident shitposters on a futile slander campaign.
Look at shit like fate.
I have never seen a fandom so full of retards who can't understand subtext before. Fucking baffling. It's not even a difficult series most things are blatant and it still goes over their heads.
It's an intentional trope, yes. Terribly unfunny though.
And then you get hoards of faggots going on about "oh my gorsh dat WROLDBULDIN!"
Classic literature is overrated.
>school anime
>characters use expository dialogue because there's a blind student
Whenever they try, you get hundreds of autismos all arguing over whose interpretation is correct.
Hunter x Hunter
The worse part is that it's legit very low brow.
Not a problem in manga, I just speedread or skip looking at the images.
The problem is anime where there's a continuity with music and imagery.
I hate anime
Great. I'm a man of science anyways.
I tried translating a 4koma once.
If I had a penny for every time that the 4th panel was just a character shouting the current situation like "X is doing Y!!", I'd be rich.
I'm not sure, but I feel like there could be something in the languages themselves that makes that style of comedy work or not, because it doesn't feel cringy when I'm just reading the raw.
SxF is the designated seasonal containment series.
>The autistic ones become resident shitposters on a futile slander campaign.
If only...
Japs are expected to just ignore any and all problems or oddities, so they think it's the funniest shit when someone is too stupid to follow those norms.
>I'm a man of science anyways.
My deepest condolences.
>we are all little girls and retards here
The harshest truth