How would you fight against this technique?
How would you fight against this technique?
Has Blanka ever actually been high tier?
I would demonstrate that I'm the boxings ideal by channeling the coach slap on my back into a the evolved form of the dempsey roll that hits my opponents oxygen out of them
This looks retarded
Horrible fight and character, but Joe wrecking him was satisfying.
Tongue his ass
It's funny how Joe isn't even reacting, he's just dumbfounded like, "are we doing this?"
You simply can't. I would instantly kneel
Can black people really do this?
If I remember well he actually came out of some SEA jungle. He's like Indonesian or something.
Worst arc, but funny out of context.
I wish I had that gif with the spinning soccer players saved
Blacks are such criminals they'll even break the laws of physics.
Holy shit
This is probably the worst Ashita no Joe arc, it took me out of my immersion because every boxer fought normally but all of a sudden you have a SEA Tarzan moving around like Blanka (I know Ashita no Joe predates Street Fighter II) and he appears to be mentally retarded to some degree so why he's even allowed in the ring in the first place is a mystery.
Yeah he's top tier in Street Fighter IV online if you use a lag switch, no one will be able to beat you
Another proof that Ippo > Joe
What a gag manga ffs
What the fuck is this?
Good thing it's really short and the final arc is a complete masterpiece.
Glock 19
Did you type this post hoping for someone to reply to you with Wally
Funny thig is, in the manga, this arc is not even that bad.
Wonky animation like in the OP does it a great deservice for sure. Which is weird since otherwise AnJ2 is fantasticaly directed.
>Yeah he's top tier in Street Fighter IV online if you use a lag switch,
Those fuckers were the bane of my life
I feel like I'm one of the few people that actually likes this arc. It's really fucking funny. I think all of the really stupid shit that happens in AnJ actually added to my overall enjoyment of the series, and is part of why it's my favorite anime of all time. The abundance of Engrish is another thing that kept me watching with a grin on my face.
There's no response just have to try and tank it until he loses too much energy
>I think all of the really stupid shit that happens in AnJ actually added to my overall enjoyment of the series
My favorite parts are Joe randomly acting like an asshole for no reason. It should make him unlikable but after a certain point you love the dude so much you're just laughing along.
I have heard people claim this is the greatest sports shonen in history. After seeing this, I understand those people are either 13 year-old boys, or adult men with the mental capacity and perspective of a 13 year-old boy.
>Ashita no Joe
Lmao, people actually take this retarded shit seriously? At least Ippo is still somewhat bound by reality just seriously exaggerated.
What the fuck is this spinning around in mid air shit?
In the manga he spins once, lands on the ground, jumps off the ground to spin again etc. etc., less stupid than in the anime where he does 3 consecutive spins while suspended in the air
I'm an American so I'd simply shoot him.
This scene is great for filtering casuals like (You)
Don't fall for obvious bait, user.
turn 360 degrees and walk away
cross-counter for 4x destructive power
>In the manga he spins once
Doesn't look that way.
It still is, that's just a single silly moment.
That panelling would be fantastic, if it was a comedy manga.
>Just stands there confused
>I'm a cuck who needs tools to win
Incredibly so in CVS2
>he appears to be mentally retarded to some degree so why he's even allowed in the ring in the first place is a mystery.
Was there a preliminary IQ or sanity test to become a pro boxer? If there was, do you think the rule was strictly enforced in order to protect the mentally challenged but physically strong chimps?
Nice trips, pretty sure Blanka was top tier in CVS2
>I'm sorry master, just this once I'll have to go all out.
>I'll have to use THAT technique.
blanka roll can be disabled with a well timed jab
I don't think so, boxing for long enough will eventually give you brain damage anyway.
The strongest boxers have estimated IQs of around 75 so I doubt it
And here we had the sad yellow caveman who is proud of his lack of intelligence preventing him from utilizing tools to better achieve his goals.
Standard police restraining knee over back shoulder area for 12 minutes.
>he just stands there, dumbfounded
Does the anime cover the entire manga?
No, Dezaki made up a lot of stuff (for the worse).
jab jab hook
There's a fair bit cut from the second half in ANJ2. There's anime-original content in its place, usually. The Carlos fight was extended and they added a whole new fight arc with this guy.
I'll stick to the manga then, thanks.
Yeah, best to read the manga first and check out parts of the anime afterward.
i'm a manga only and this arc didn't bothered me. It was out of place, like a shot filler before the ending, but not bad enough to ruin the experience
how the fuck do you read this
>how the fuck do you read this
Fucked up how this guy had the most inconsequential death in the anime