the ONLY good anime-to-live action adaption
The ONLY good anime-to-live action adaption
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It was p good ngl
It's OK but it's not Edge of Tomrrow
Bleach was good.
It was okay but Redline is better in every aspect
Even the wii game isn't bad either.
Death note was trash, but its was KINO trash
The live series had an amazing sound track.
That was the Wachowskis last decent movie.
>live action
I don't know if I'd say it's a good adaptation. It feels more like a heavily inspired film in the sense that it creates a whole new world based around the concept of Speed Racer. There's definitely some aspects that are 1/1 of the original anime (and the other shows that came out before), but the film by itself is this weird example of a retro futuristic film with elements from movies like Network.
I think a lot of the changes were for the better though. Unlike some of the other live action films.
Wii game was fucking fun.
>kids go to watch Hot Wheels: The Movie with monkey poop throwing jokes
>get redpilled on capitalism and sports corruption complete with a lite Network speech
Only when mixed with ammonia
They got the characterisation right for the villains and that's really all they needed to get the kids onboard. The 2nd act of the Movie is arguably the better one since it has a lot of what makes the sports corruption and capitalism integrations come up to the surface, and they blend pretty well into the overarching plot. It's a well structured script. The whole buyout was a pretty great way of foreshadowing the event later. The movie flows so god damn well.
post the prihanna scene
Visually the most lush and gorgeous effects heavy film that I have ever had the pleasure of seeing. The tranny siblings can make outstanding feasts for the eyes.
watching that as a kid triggered my hot wheels phase
good times
I enjoyed Alita
i think people hide behind the "kids are too dumb to understand more complex plots than black white" to much to avoid having to think of a decent plot for their shows
I'll be honest, her "realistic" eyes have always prevented me from watching the movie. they remind me of the Trident Layers girl in the nobody pays me in gum commercial. There was no reason to make them as big as they were, but I can see how they would want to make it evident that she wasn't human. Do you get used to them as you watch the movie or do they stick out?
it aged surprisingly not bad
fucking depressing this is the highest bar though
And you drink it.
I'm sure someone's going to bring up edge of tomorrow even though it's filled with plot holes
It helps that the speed racer source material doesn't actually have serious fans that would bitch about the changes not being 1:1.
And also that the source material isn't that restrictive either.
The bit of speed racer I did watch back in the day was basically motw with race cars and Racer X was mysterious guy.
as always, Yea Forums doesn't know anything about film.
Netflix Death Note is worth watching for Dafoe alone.
That's the problem, it filtered normalfags who expected just futuristic racing
Wrong picture, OP
I was lost during the subplot about stock price manipulation and hostile takeovers, and I actually knew what half those terms meant. I can't imagine any kid following it
It shouldn't be that complicated to establish a villain. He wants to rig the races for profit, a pretty simple motive that actual kids shows have managed to establish with just a line or two.
The scene between Sparky and Speed before the final race just seems to grind the movie to a halt and feels so shoehorned in that I wonder if it was something the actor requested, because otherwise he doesn't do anything in the movie. Without that scene we wouldn't even know that he's not actually Speed's brother but just some guy that works for Pops. The scene should've been cut, it doesn't serve any function to the plot but to establish a character in the last act that doesn't go on to have any role, and tonally clashes with the rising tension that they spent the past 20 minutes hyping. Oh boy here comes the biggest race ever it's gonna start- but first let's check in with this guy that hasn't had any lines and pretend he's important. Maybe we'll loop back to Sparky? Nope, it doesn't even setup anything
The same kind of applies to the scene where Mom spends 5 minutes telling Speed that she's proud to be his mom. Thanks, but we kind of assumed that, the entire exchange could be done in 30 seconds.
I loved the film as a visual spectacle, but the Wachowskis can't write worth a shit
Is very soulful if you watch it now.
Cowboy Bebop was good. (the classic one - NOT the shitflix)
Really? It was a pretty simple stock price manipulation for the setup.
The idea was that during the WRL's historic race (where Royalton talks to Speed about it), Carl burns out for Iodine Industries so bad that it tanks Iodine's stock. The winner of that race avoids a takeover because the company who intended to buy them out is outpriced, then the CEO of Iodine buys all the stock, essentially moving complete autonomy to him so he can propose a merge with the company who won.
The implication is that the whole thing was planned so that Burns would win the race and that Iodine would crash, at least according to Royalton. That's his whole argument to Speed, the only people who know if the race was fixed was Burns himself who won, and he never tells Speed if it was rigged or not. It is quite implied through his silence that it was though.
Back in the modern day, the whole point of the Race in the 2nd act is so that Togokhan can up their price to Royalton so that they make bank.
>Why did Royalton want to stop them if he was going to buy them out anyway?
Royalton doesn't want their stock price to go up so much so that he can save money. They weren't in it for the money at all, it all tied back to Royalton wanting profit and as much as he could.
When I saw this film in theaters, I was expecting a campy cartoon in live-action, what I got was a campy cartoon in live-action. It's amazing how few live-action adaptations understand what the source material is like. Also helps that the film is just so damn colorful, they don't make live-action films half as much color these days, I think the last one with that kind of visual appeal was the original Pacific Rim.
The soundtrack was also fantastic:
>The movie flows so god damn well.
The opening scene and race where they established much of the backstory and characterizations, including Speed's continued admiration for his supposedly sellout brother, is truly top notch.
I dunno, between the corporate stock manipulation plot and, the crazy timeline flashbacks and stuff, I'd have probably been pretty confused as a kid. A kid would understand the corruption part, but the takeover stuff and stock price manipulation... you need at least a basic understanding of stock market and corporate ownership for it all to make sense, which the movie doesn't really give, it really just takes for granted the audience is familiar with how it all works. The scene where this is all described is also a fairly fast paced big infodump.
Disagree with this. So much of the movie theme and the climax of it is Speed's family (including Trixie and Sparky in that), and depending on them for help and them looking out for each other, it wouldn't have made sense for the main mechanic on the Mach 5 to not get a moment, and his mom as well. Also, with the conflict of the movie being Speed wondering if he's making the right choice or not, it makes sense that his mom telling him that he's been on the right path all this time gets ample amount of time. The whole movie is about family drama in general really, with the Togokhan siblings being another subplot.
When it came out I was just 8 and it was one of my favourite movies at the time and I had no idea it was based on an anime until much much later.
It still holds up years later when I had seen it with my younger brother.
>and he never tells Speed if it was rigged or not.
He kinda did. Speed ask if he knew he would win and Ben Burns answer: "Funny how eveyone thought me and Stickleton hated each other..."
The live-action Sailor Moon musicals can be pretty fun, actually.
I really want to watch this but I have no idea where it'd be with English subs
That doesn't sound simple at all!
That's way more convoluted than the 60 seconds it takes to establish that car companies are bribing him to rig the race.
Best , yes. But there was also Alita.
Underrated as fuck. Shame we may never get a sequel.
It's already in the planning stages or did you not hear?
Yeah, al that's needed is something simple like "The future of the company depends on the race result"
Kids doesn't need to understand that to know Royalton is bad and is fixing the races. This stock take over is more focused towards adults.
The Incredibles had something similar. As a kid I was focused on "Syndrome bad, he made big robot and wants to destroy the city" As an adult I was more intrigued by the genocyde he did off screen
>As an adult I was more intrigued by the genocyde he did off screen
"Superheroes" have no right to exist and deserve to be genocided.
Even stuck on a 12 hour flight, I could not finish this movie. How it got good reviews is beyond me
Not really.
I liked The Fable movies a lot
You guys know nothing about real kino.
I don't remember seeing if it ever got English subbed, which is a shame really.
>Kids doesn't need to understand that to know Royalton is bad and is fixing the races. This stock take over is more focused towards adults.
But why? Adding a ton of extra details doesn't make it any more "adult", and it doesn't make the stakes any higher. Royalton is the villain because he's trying to fix the race outcome. Why? Because he's greedy, simple. Maybe some racers are bribing him, maybe networks and sponsors are leaning on him, the reasons *how* he's going financially benefit off fixing the outcome are irrelevant. Adding a bunch of extra steps doesn't make it a more compelling plan, all you need is a 15-second scene of Badguy Team Owner throwing a suitcase of money on his desk and saying "So can we trust you to take out Speed?"
That's the problem with people making family films without knowing how to do it "Here's the bit for the kids, now here's the bit for the adults" doesn't work because they only succeed in boring the audience during the parts that aren't aimed at them, it has to be done seamlessly
redline did that and everyone bitched about the story being 'shallow'
Assuming you mean this.
That's not Edge of Tomorrow. You cannot bruise the Cruise.
Doesn't matter, visuals makes up for that tenfold.
she had nice tits
Not anime.
When I saw this in theaters, I was literally the only person at an otherwise empty showing lol
It was alright. The actor that played Hugo was an insufferable twat though, and I wish they stuck closer to the manga's plot rather than the OVA
>redpilled on capitalism
you have to go back plebbitor kun