So what's next in his horrible misadventure?
Will Akoya or literally anyone else who isn't remotely worm affiliated die?
And where the hell is Tiger Niko?
we'll find out tomorrow.
Kengan Omega
When did Yea Forumsnons stop enjoying the story and why? I get some of you may be disillusioned by the plot events but that's not enough to ignore all the positives and the few moments of brilliance Sandro rarely has.
I remember there's this moment where Ryuki talks about how his grandfather told him to kill all the Worms. The first time that chapter came around it led to a ton of shitposting about Raimi. In the storytime that happened a few months ago that exact same moment was practically ignored. It feels like I'm the only one still passionate about this story.
I haven't read the series but why's her eyeballs black?
Because she's part of a tribe that heavily promotes incest to cultivate fighter genes
Chins like that are pure quality genes
did not mean to spoiler this
fucking christ
Ohma vs Lolong was when the rose tinted lenses started to come off for Omega at least.
The fight was so sterile and none of the characters felt the same, there was no tension compared to KAT where I loved all of the character interactions (not nostalgia, I'm currently rereading the series).
It's not that there aren't positives, a decent amount of the new characters in omega are nice, namely koga, ryuki, and xia ji my beloved.
But the end of KvP to where we are now has been nothing short of an absolute mess, but last chapter was a nice step in possibly a good direction.
I also seriously like ogi and tenjin as they currently tie into the most interesting plot hook, if they do anything at all aside from getting immediately fucking gibbed I'll be the happiest man on the planet.
I understand that they were hinting at it at the end of Ashura but the way that they brought ohma back really rubbed me the wrong way. I was so sure that the other shoe would drop but it never did. and like lots of people I found the purgatory arc really terrible.
Hassad soon.
>Hassad, it's time.
>He sold Hassadcoin?
Why are raws for this manga inexplicably impossible to find? Nothing on the usual sites and any lookups just get you the English versions.
The beginning of the end for me was chapter 50. And no, it wasn't even the Ohma return that started it for me (though obviously that moment really soured things for me as well). It was earlier in the chapter. Specifically, pic related's bottom panel. It turned Xia Ji into a cartoon villain.
I'll explain why this really pissed me off by way of a side story: I remember a few days back, there was a One Punch Man thread where the OP talked about the differences between the original webcomic author ONE and the manga artist Murata's approach to storytelling. Murata originally planned to adapt a battle between Saitama and Boros by having Boros be like a clown by the end of the battle because he was losing so bad. ONE chastised him for this and said that good villains need to maintain their dignity even to the bitter end, so Murata redrew everything and made the fight so much better.
So essentially, what Sandwich did with Xia Ji beginning with pic related's bottom panel was exactly what Murata originally wanted to do with Boros.
Unlike with Murata, there was nobody there to slap sense to Sandwich. He turned Xia Ji into a clown. That moment was the first real bad omen of things to come.
Of course, there were other things that really soured the story for me, like Koga getting shafted, every fight in the tournament, Lolong being one of the most obnoxiously hyped up characters I've ever seen.
I also couldn't stand how insanely fast paced the tournament was to the point where the characterization that I loved in Kengan fell by the wayside. I was perhaps the first in these Yea Forums threads to be critical of this specific aspect. I remember criticizing how sharktooth CEO woman wasn't even given a single fucking panel to react to Julius's victory even though this meant a lot for her character in terms of corporate leverage.
And of course the Sandwich apologists and COINSCOINSCOINSfags here being cancer throughout the KVP tournament. But that's another topic entirely.
>And of course the Sandwich apologists and COINSCOINSCOINSfags here being cancer throughout the KVP tournament. But that's another topic entirely.
I think that's more of a general symptom of Asura and the first 50 chapters of Omega being well-written even if there were cracks. People refused to see the writing on the wall and kept re-assuring others that Sandro had a coherent plan. This sentiment died down over time, but fights like Liu vs Nitoku managed to keep the whole thing somewhat afloat, even after Yumigahama and Lu Tian. By the end of Edward's fight, the illusion was all but shattered.
People joke about Kengan fans being beaten housewives, and it's warranted I would say. Omega post-chapter 50 is functionally a different manga from what came before, and it attracted a new kind of audience and mindset about what makes a good fighting manga.
What will happen to Xia? Will he chimp out and kill all the heavenly wolves fodder with his retard strength
I feel fine/ambivalent about the story but I can't get interested in the characters that Sandro keeps pushing that have no connection with Omega's plot or the fact that anons have been repeatedly making the same posts in every single thread
I remember someone once wrote that the reason why movies like Rocky and Million Dollar Baby are great and had such wide appeal was not because they were stories about boxing, but rather because they were stories about boxers.
Similarly, pre-50 Omega was great because it was a story about fighters (specifically, Koga and Ryuki), not because it was a story about fighting. The characters back then came first instead of the matches.
At first, it was when Ohma returned and I lost all hope I had for the potential story.
The second to last time was when Terashi finally got to fight and it was somehow worse than Monkey vs Misasa and the other fights. That's when I completely gave up and dropped the manga until Lolong got to fight (surprise, that fight was god awful too). It was already bad enough with the Carlos retcons, but Terashi felt like he went through at least 5 different drafts.
Now I'm just checking in every now and then to see what has been going on.
>that pic
fucken saved
One hundred chapters later, Ohma and Niko still have no reason to have lived. At least Edward was a based boomer genocider and knew when to pass the torch from a billion year old Chinese demon coalition to Zoomer Gilbert
I would be willing to bet money on the possbility that whatever happened with terashi also fucked up lolong's story
I'm still enjoying Murata's OPM even though Garou quite clearly will never have the gravitas Boros went out maintaining. It's hard to explain why. I know the story beats are different but considering how thoroughly BTFO Garou was by Saitama's offhanded comments and non-lethal fighting I guess I give his fight having 0 tension more of a pass than I would if Boros had been a letdown
I'm not actually an OPM enthusiast beyond watching the first season of the anime (I avoided the second season because I saw clips of it on YouTube and the animation was atrocious). I haven't touched the manga. I just found that thread I mentioned very eye opening because it showed the important difference in mentality between someone who respected the character of Boros and someone who (initially, at least) didn't respect the character of Boros and just saw him as a tool to prop up the protagonist. Murata's initial view of Boros very much encapsulates how Sandwich views his characters now.
You made the right choice, and that's true enough. The funny thing is if Sandro had slotted in the "Xia Ji is actually really strong, just without the right mentality" twist right after Xia Ji got his ass beat, I'd be more forgiving about it. But the timeskip that clearly exists to give Koga an excuse to catch up to everyone else works against him. For all it's breaks from realism Ashura has been relatively grounded about it's anomalous biology, and it's not just the Purg arc antagonists' performance that makes it hard to buy Xia Ji as a threat. It's the fact that vaguely alluded to past aside, he's never shown to train or even maintain that body of his-and Sandro sets up characters like Terashi, Rihito etc SPECIFICALLY to show you what happens when a chump thinks he can coast on a biological advantage to the exclusion of skill, determination and strategy.
If it wasn't for Raian demonstrating eugenicsfags can now suddenly become strong enough to literally rip someone in half, Xia puncturing brick would be called out as a shark-jumping moment. But now Omega has lowered the threshold for realism, I guess everyone is just that desperate to see a villain win for once.
I'm still unsure if it would have been better or worse if Niko had killed Muteba. On the one hand, it would've been less of a copout. On the other hand, if Muteba HAD died I imagine Sandro would've tried to make us feel sorry that after a long career of earning blood money, fucking bitches and smoking cigars with sharktits Muteba died in glorious battle against a guy who was either Eddie-level or slightly below him.
to be fair, I don't think Xia Ji is really meant to feel like a threat at this moment. He's more like a protagonist than anything.
He does feel like the protagonist to me. But I don't personally think that's Sandro's intention. Remember that he expected you to feel sorry for Erioh, clap for Ohma and make sense of Raian beating Eddie after getting pummelled into the ground by him.
>Raian beating Eddie after getting pummelled into the ground by him.
How did this not make sense? Eddie was hardly in his top form like when he bodied Raian when Raian finished him off.
Dude had to deal with chink kure head, kure head, two top kure fighters, then had to focus part of his power stopping the poison.
>xia puncturing bricks is shark jumping
>when even normal people like gaolang can punch craters into the ground and every step in kvp destroyed the arena
>Hardly in his top form
Bullshit. He shrugged those fuckers off like they were nothing, neutralised the poison and the other Kures made a point of stating Raian GOT STRONGER while Eddie was almost unphased. The only thing they really contributed was the puncture wound in his neck, otherwise Eddie wasn't noticeably weaker or even near the brink of using up his guihun.
I've seen this opinion tossed around a lot, but looking at the actual fight is pure cope. The takewaway Sandro presents via the action and the observations announced by the characters isn't that they weakened Eddie. It's that Raian inexplicably got stronger.
I seriously think you're underestimating how bullshit putting a bare hand through brickwork without breaking every goddamn bone in your hand, WITHOUT HAVING TRAINED AND LIVING OFF GARBAGE FOR TWO YEARS, is. Kuroki spent years hardening his fingers to do what he could, and he still ended up getting them broken with less pressure than shoving them into a goddamn brick wall.
It can be kinda hard to tell what Sandro is thinking at times. But I don't understand why else Sandro would humanize Xia Ji this much through his relationship with his brother, getting his shit brutally pushed in repeatedly and living as a hobo for two years.
I'm seriously convinced all the Omega villains are thinly veiled caricatures of people Sandro hates in real life and wants to see suffer. He got intimidated by a huge blonde tourist who didn't even notice he was there. A frenchman played a prank on him and he fantasised about putting him in a coma. Some huge monke-looking dude once took his frappuccino by accident. He was once mugged by a lanky chinese crossdresser.
When Koga got sidelined for magic resurrection Ohma and they started a tournament arc with zero stakes and zero buildup.
Akoya's gonna capture Xia and begin his classic torture session, finally pushing Xia over the edge and make him black-out. This will set his body on autopilot/activate his split personality and he will kill everyone.
>Xia is literally Gaia
Muteba literally adds nothing to the story to this point, it'd be good to at least pump up an antagonist instead of being generic assassin worker anybody can call up for anything. I still think it's super weird they gave him that "Y-yeah I totally would've shot him scene" what the fuck was the point of that? To imply that he'd do better against him?
>To imply that he'd do better against him?
How did you even come to that conclusion?
The mini pistol scene was to show that Niko completely outclassed him.
>Fusui is actually the deadliest character because if they'd tasked her to kill Eddie, she'd have just sniped him from a roof somewhere.
If eddie's skin could resist lighting fast knife stabs, wouldn't put it past him to tank sniper shots.
Niko could redirect bullets and Inaba could block them with his hair, probably everyone is capable of no-diffing weapons.
It seems to rely on awareness, though. Xing still managed to stab through Eddie's artery when he wasn't expecting it.
>It feels like I'm the only one still passionate about this story.
What is there to be passionate about?
It's kinda funny to think that Xing probably did most of the damage to Eddie. Raian would have gotten decimated if that didn't happen. People seem to undersell it, Eddie tanking that artery shot was insane. Anyone else would be dead in seconds, like how Naidan died shortly after Gaoh stabbed him. He was probably already with one foot in the grave before Raian finished him off.
inb4 sandwich reveals Guihun makes you vulnerable to gunshots cause of all those veins popping out.
>t.fag who started reading after the kanoh/kuroki fight
I mean, they put a needle in him eventually to put the poison in so he could show off using Removal on his artery. So it's not as though he's Literally Wolverine as well as, like, 1.75 Kurokis.
For me it's the fact that he had a dinky little fucking derringer. That cracked me up so hard for some reason.
>all the positives
WHAT fucking positives? If I wanted to look at a naked girl with black eyes I could just check out porn.
>moments of brilliance
The only moments of brilliance in Omega come from Sandro finding ways to fuck up that nobody could have seen coming just from how obviously retarded they are.
Want an honest anwser? Here we go.
>Thing obscure.
>Normal discussion.
>Thing get more popular.
>Retards join in, spreading their retardation.
I still remember the comfy Asura threads when it wasn't even half translated yet.
Chapter title status?
Doesn't show yet.
Sex with Xia Ji
>But now Omega has lowered the threshold for realism
It's like you completely forgot about the moving hair man, not-sauske, Non-Marvel Sabertooth, and hobo man making a masterpiece statue of Asura from a cliff wall as a warmup.
Delete this before the fags and fujos get heart attacks
>tfw Xia Ji is both taller and bulkier than all of us here
>xia climbing a wall like spiderman is jumping the shark moment
>when this fucker exists, or you had characters like chiba, hair twink, fat fuck becoming fit in 2 seconds, mokey dude, simpsuke, niko's cohma deflecting bullets with his hand, setsuna and the chink guy with his 4000 years of hypnosis
Didn't Ohma kill a giant prehistoric boar in the literal beginning of the manga lmao
Rakshasa Palm was such prime bullshit material I've having hard time believing that people actually have issue with Xia poking hole in concrete.
I think redditors legit forget this is still a magical mma series like baki/tought and not some realism manga like all rounder/holyland
kengan whoremga
Yes he did. Chapter 3.
People who ever thought kengan was realistic or grounded are delusional. I'd say Toa shaping an entire island with his fists is proof enough, and he still gets beaten by the likes of Lolong.
Forget about the palm, blink is total bs with how fast setsuna would have to move to do a nothing personel bs