Why are the ratings so poor? Its genuinely funny. Do normies not like laughing?
Why are the ratings so poor? Its genuinely funny. Do normies not like laughing?
it's not funny and the elf is annoying
it's funny for sure but this is pretty low profile show. manga isn't big, it's buried under shitton of other big name isekai/native isekai shit. the only major standout feature of this show is the big name VA guest cast (which the ED makes a point of selling including name dropping future guest characters)
Wrong website, normalfag.
It’s because she’s brown, the hate is nothing more than blatant racism
too dry for most
but i only tried watching it just for the elf and it's still trash
the first episode felt like it too an hour to watch. brown elf is cute though
Go eat shit faggot.
It's not so much the comedy is bad, it's more that the translation doesn't flow at all on top of whoever the fuck they got to translate the jokes. ...also.
This was so cringe I only lasted to the OP song before deleting it.
This is legit one of the least funny anime I've ever seen
Just looking at the poster I'd be willing to bet good money it's horribly unfunny.
holy shit this got an anime? thanks op.
Fuck off normalnigger
People get triggered by the elf's bullying is my guess
the only anime to make me laugh was hare guu
How are the streaming numbers for this one?
Should have given her huge tits.
Can't really defend this shit.
I hate malfags so much. Specially rating shit that isnt even over yet.
Case in point, SxF is the fourth best anime ever according to MAL. The show with only 2 episodes out.
Get lost, twittertard
its fucking slow, but not in good way. Jokes just don't work in anime format.
what do you mean?
>no. 20
Not bad actually
The biggest problem is people passing off the manga because the anime sucked
>in a list with 29 shows
Actually that does sound bad.
And what show was #27 supposed to be?
>Japanese "humor"
I didn't even watch the show and I can tell you it's not funny. Nips have been rehashing the same joke for 80+ years and before that they had the absolute dogshit that is Kabuki, Noh, and Kyogen which are equally shitty and unfunny (in the case of Kyogen)
I read manga before and anime just can't create momentum.
Watching 20 minutes of babbling in one place without any action doesn't transit to anime well.
VA sucks. She should never get another job.
i like it
>Shitty dancing waifu(s) with bad art
>Shitty small waifu with generic art
>Shitty ninja waifus
>Fag bait and generic Isekai waifus
>Demon cosplay waifus with a fork
>10 waifus, a self insert and some stupid robot
>Pink waifu meets self insert
>Demon hunting waifus #126949462
>Waifus but they lie for a living
>More Isekai waifus
>Shitty art feat. Teenage angst
>MORE Isekai waifus
>Even more Isekai waifus
>Even shittier Isekai waifus
>minimum wage waifu
>Elemental waifus
>3 horny cats
>Golf waifus
>Just fucking regular women but 2d
>Medieval times but with waifus
>Reddit box
>Small waifus
>Look at this robot that is less important than the generic waifu
Yea I think I'll pass this season
It's painfully unfunny. You don't have to be a normalfag to know that shit is shit.
Is it her first job?
Nice, now you can stay in your One Piece thread where you belong instead of shitting up the whole board.
>Pirates but drawn poorly
Nice projection faggot. I will not apologize for having good taste in anime while you down swill like a parasite
Few can understand a good comedy when they see one.
I appreciate the effort, but you're missing one title. I know who's behind this. Fuck off Kongming and fuck S*u-Han. You will never unite China.
Animation is abysmal and the joke deliveries are just as bad.
Quality subs
You suck and should get another job
Cunnyitchybros what went so wrong?
how did they get the main girl from one of the fuckin love live groups to voice the main girl here?
This season is great so your taste must not be so good.
Secondaries saw the basic synopsis "Little brown healer constantly insults MC" and assumed it was just Isekai Nagatoro
>He likes blatant ripoffs
Just because you like shit doesn't mean everyone should. Get some taste
It's 100k already with just 2 episodes. It's doing fine. That's just Japan.
He is a NEET because he can't get a job
I want to rape the elf.
since when is this word shunned here?
The first episode wasn't very good with two thirds of it being 'filler' and it shows. There were barely any jokes in there. Surprisingly, a comedy needs jokes.
Damn bratty brown elf.
Only redditors use "normie" because they don't want to be mean to homos by using the usual "normalfag"
Nigger please go back to reedit and make everyone happy
Since about 2 months ago when newfags suddenly decided to try and signal that they’re not new by pretending that “normie” was never used here.
They lost years ago and can't let it go.
Kinda like how babies still tell you to go back to Yea Forums for saying moeshit even after over a decade.
>2 months
Nah, unless you're new.
weird to think the war against "normies" started like 7 years ago now. Entire groups of posters have come and gone through here that thought normies was perfectly normal vernacular that was always used here.
I used to have whole graphs and long ass copy pasta text made up detailing how normies was not used before 2015 and if you use it you are a newshit and you should use normalfag instead. I used to call people out whenever they did back then, but even now these days sometimes I catch myself using normies by default, I usually correct to normalfag before I post though. Time marches onward I guess.
First episode was too slow. Second episode was a bit better. Too bad because the mango is 10/10.
>Three manga I like get adaptions
>They're all doing shit
At least Aheren is doing great