Solo camper
Buyfag thread
Read the guide
theyre testing our patience with these yuru camp nendos lately
Sakura was barebones and fucking expensive and now they release another Rin with barely anthing again
Short hair Rin, no buy.
>A fucking trike
>short hair
How did they take a series with such a flat plot and just make it worse all round? A scooter is better than a trike, unless it's a 2-stroke trike.
I know they're testing mine after I missed out on Ena
I agree. I already have the other two Shima Rin nendos. I'd like the lantern that comes with this one, but I'm not buying a whole fucking nendo for it. Passing this time.
Speaking of shimarin, I bought these at Sakuracon a few days ago
>still no release date
please, I just want to pay while the yen is down
I can't believe buyfagging is fucking dead
The reason these threads are so dead is when people get banned at random for straying even a tiny bit off the topic of figures (but still related to buying figures, like talking about the designs), and everyone else sees the carnage, all the deleted posts around them, deleted with seemingly no consistency to other threads on Yea Forums or on Yea Forums, nobody wants to be involved anymore. Posting in the thread becomes a liability, we can be banned at any time, at the whim of a particular janny who has targeted this thread in particular, and that is by design. That janny wants the threads to die.
How is this called? I mean this custom figures and how you can find them in yahoo auctions? I know there was a guide somewhere but i lost it.
People rarely get banned, nerd
I'm not aware of a guide for that. I've heard that you need to find someone willing to do the custom sculpting and painting, although I'm not sure why they would have to be Japanese.
It happens frequently, many times per thread.
Never ever.
And they always deserve it except when the people that get banned are the one responding to the shitposter
>Deleting this post in a minute.
lol, I wonder why
it's not just that it's the fact that this design isn't even canon lol, it's a marketing prop for yamaha
they're going full smallhat with my girls, not cool
Campbros, which Nadeshiko and Rin Nendos are the best? They have 2 and 3 versions now respectively
Get them all, but not before buying lots of camping gear.
but i don't like repeating character nendos, i've already committed sin by preordering the chibi Zero Two, at least they dont look identical
I've seen the term makaizou in reference to modified figures.
based user
I like the first ones
I bought a cheapo fat version of the Rin chair.
If you like Yuru Camp you must go /out/
extremely minimalist and based, where did you buy a futon? if i sleep on my mattress on the floor i get headaches
I don't know, but can be the pandemic and the inflation fucked up a big shunk of the buyfag scene, because the price of anything skyrocketed, so no one is buying.
Plus some people move on to other hobbies like vtubers. (I was out of these threads for a while and i was surprised they are so slow now)
It's actually not a futon, just a $100 mattress from ikea. A futon + tatami mat + kakebuton
would be peak sleeping performance.
You just have to remember to air it out so it doesn't mold.
Another reason would be some rules about "the etiquette" when someone talk about their own figures is shitted on for blogposting, a mean, at least when the traffic was "normal"
I have close to thirty figures on preorder and haven't received a single one since last november. What are we even supposed to talk about other than the one or two figures going on preorder every other day?
>anons went from funneling money to anime production to funneling it to ethots instead
paints peak modern internet world these past few years pretty well
I have a suspicion that GSC's chinese factory might be selling nendos behind their back.
>nothing but knock offs on Aliexpress for ages
>suddenly several shops with legit nendoroids pop up within half a year
>even have some GSC online shop exclusives
>buyers compain about box damage even when
figures are properly packed
Thank you! I was able to find the guide!
vtubers are cute. though I got out of watching them a while
She just got the trike as a loaner from a dealership right? I'm trying to justify this one since I already have her in her regular scooter.
its not the Rin that you know and love
I was deep in that rabbit hole, but i settled down with just 1-2 now and i returned to watch seasonal anime and read manga.
Deleted posts don't mean someone was banned.
My buying slowed down and I really haven't opened much of what has arrived.
Covid killed wonfes which used to be a few months of pictures to edit and post.
Newfags running off the posters who made the effort to take creative pictures because they posted elsewhere was probably not healthy for buyfag threads either.
Ena is also the only one I missed, not counting Sakura. I passed on her because she just wasn't worth the price for such a barebones release.
Where can I buy a custom daki made in America for cheap?
it won't be made in america
I don't care if its made overseas, as long as it ships from America
i-is that ...Zabimaru?
I want to buy bedding which doesn't flash my powerlevel too hard. Any recommendations?
Wrong, I'm getting mine next month
maybe diipoo
>when someone talk about their own figures is shitted on for blogposting,
This is a prime reason why I don't post my acquisitions at all.
Finally snagged this PO after many failed attempts a little over a week ago. Thanks whoever canceled
pretty sure it was one dude throwing a hissyfit
Are you that regret user?
looks like your persistence (or is it patience?) paid off
probably is
not anime but I know there was a dude in here angry this got canceled. it's back up though.
>MFC down again
I hate this fucking site
there was an user that wanted that?
Works on my machine.
>got a $200 statement credit off $500 spent credit card offer, decided to take it to buy some figures
>have the figures I want in my cart on mandarake, just waiting on the card to arrive in the mail
>woke up, one of the figures in my cart was sold
>"Oh no, who was it?"
>"Oh, it's just the Miku nendoroid I wasn't serious about."
Credit card apparently won't get here until the end of the month. Hopefully, I will be able to claim all of my desired figures.
the only Catwaman I want are the Tweeterhead ones
You posted it
>doesn't link it here as a courtesy
You're welcome?
>Deleted posts don't mean someone was banned.
Most of the times, it does mean that, though. It's been going on for years. The only bans I've caught the past few years have been from these threads, they are always 3 days in length, so there's no accountability, and they are always for something extremely trivial that would never get you banned in any other thread on Yea Forums, or on any other board.