Sorry if you wanted this manga to end anytime soon:
Detective Conan
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I hope it outlives me 2bhonest
I love eternal shotas
At least that didn't say hiatus.
While I don't see the manga ending soon, having a bunch of movies planned doesn't mean the manga can't end now.
movies were better when they didn't focus them on any specific characters
There needs to be more lewds of Shinichi
Well, yeah. Each movie of theirs makes at least 100 million dollars with each new movie surpassing the box office record of the previous movie with the only exception being the covid release.
Is he still a little kid?
I don't speak toad
>haibara will never sniff you
Best girl. But Gosho did her so dirty lately. It's obvious he doesn't like her.
More like it's obvious he hates Haibara being more popular than Ran despite doing everything to defame her.
I don't mind it, DC movies are overall fun times, I just want the manga main plot to end
Wasn't Ran always more popular than Haibara in Japan anyway?
>those noses
no, she never was.
conan > western garbage marvel
this is that cased closed shit that used to come on Adult Swim?
there's literally no fucking way he's still "searching for whoever poisoned him and made him a child"
there was an episode that scared the shit out of me when I was a kid
it was something about a person pushing people off a cable cart tower or some shit like that. there are multiple scenes of the main cast looking at the tower with binoculars and seeing a figure standing on at the fence and someone falling
I've been searching for a while and cant find it anymore
The Entrance to the Maze: The Anger of the Colossus episode 208, one of the few good anime original
the old show was actually watchable and i liked it a lot but i decided to never get into it because there was just too much content
the new stuff coming out is a pile of shit in comparison, the creators should be ashamed
Can't read frog are they saying conan will have 20 more movies?
dont think thats it, I specifically remember a scene where the crew looks at a tower at night trough binoculars and sees a figure standing behind a fence.
it's not night, it's when they are passing inside the gallery
They'll never stop Detective Conan
Have no fears, we've got stories for years, like:
Ran becomes a robot
Maybe Haibara gets a cell phone
Has Conan ever owned a bear?
Or how about a crazy wedding?
Where something happens, a-do-do-do-do-do.
''translate tweet''
nope its not it, it was definetly night time, because that exact scene was the one that scared the shit out of me as a child back then. the crew returns to that tower multiple times. once they see a figure and another time they see something fall from the tower trough the binoculars. the tower is in the middle of a forrest iirc and they observe it from a distance. this was like 15 years ago at least
also I remember one episode with Conan figuring out a broken window pane had a hole for a string to pass trough that allowed the killer to open it from the outside and another one where a few people got killed/knocked out by a weird rope goldberg type machine
I liked cased closed, but mainly because I was 7 and the idea of kid detectives was entertaining
I honestly can't see how this series is being stretched out this long
the only other case I remember with a tower it's The Mist Goblin Legend Murder Case but I don't remember any cable cart
might not be a cable cart tower or a tower at all, it was a building in the middle of a forrest that they observe from far away, maybe a radio station or some shit, its been over 15 years
Wonder if there has been any repeat cases over the years.
no, they just air ''remaster'' episodes when they are too lazy to even do filler
The episode where all the kids are trying to figure out riddles on some boobytrapped estate so a different kid gets the inheritance had a tower I think.
yes, but I assumed it was something outside a villa, otherwise the Detective gather episodea and that one villa separated in 2 had some kind of towers
Filler is where the soul is. Black Organization/FBI chapters are convoluted and boring.
I only watched a few episodes of this back in the day, but it's essentially an episodic mystery show, right?
How do you think they keep track of what they've done before? With the number of asspulls that are common in mysteries, it must become hard when a series gets this long.
They will simply never run out of obtuse kanji puns and cyphers
How many chapters does it have now?
the queen
The anime was never going to end anyway even if the manga eventually does, have you seen the ratings of the episodes and how much those movies sell
this is probably old because other policewomen are missing and especially there is no Sera or Mary
Obviously the movies would keep going.
That doesn't mean the manga won't end.
They are in talks with gosho to greenlit up to movie 30 for now.
That would be 5 more years of movies.
Damn so there will be 1000 more...
this was from the ongoing "who'd be the best bride" poll that got cancelled a week ago by jap feminists
I hope Conan doesn't end before One Piece.
I was born with this shit and my grandkids will watch this when I'm dead.
>doing everything to defame her.
Haibarafags are schizophrenic, she gets more screentime than Ran and they still complain
Can't say that I'm up to date but about 70% of the black org turn out to be informers from three-letter agencies from all around the world and one of the non intels is also a traitor. Can't say that I give a shit after that.
I hope Gosho can come up with an ending for the series
maybe, but it doesn't change the fact that gosho did a retcon solely to shit on haibarafags
Shit taste, the BO is the soul of the series, it actually advances things albeit really fucking slowly.
Just give me the chianti arc.
I love Ai but not a shipper.
Let's say I just start picking this up next episode. Would I be making a mistake?
Alright, be honest
Just grab