What exactly did you feel when you first saw this scene?

What exactly did you feel when you first saw this scene?

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I never watched this overrated crap in the first place.

"Why are their teeth so sharp? What's dental care like in that universe? How horrible."

I laughed out loudly

I thought it was very funny, mostly because of the voice acting though.

Hating popular things is not a personality.

I didn't give anime another chance for 5 years

What's wrong with laughing to that? What's wrong with enjoying Edward's shitting on Mustang? What's wrong with wacky faces?

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I laughed extremely at the comedic genius I had witnessed

I chuckled mildly at Ed's sarcasm, as sarcasm is the peak of humor that's non-existent in anime according to the guy that makes these threads. Look at shoujo if you want to see truly bad chibi humor, such as Kamisama Hajimemashita which has two characters who are only there to infodump and constantly make "o.O" and "O.o" faces.

Go cry me a river faggot, never watching garbage where the MC is dubbed by a pedophile begging for youtube money.

Funny ed when he not cool ed but I like cool ed too when he's cool and not being funny funny and cool mixing in funnycool anime being funny when it needs funny but also cool when it needs cool funny and cool ed croco ed is funny but also cool when not funny I like funny ed

I instantly knew there'll be a retard spamming threads about how """"mature"""" FMA 2003 was.

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neither of them was ever mature


I watched the first two or three episodes. The way people spoke about the show I thought it would be this serious good story with a unique magic system where kids have to deal with the after effects of messing with alchemy. I thought it would be some kind of a tearjerker with this big epic story.
Then I watched it and it was this retarded slapstick faggotry with people making silly faces and making weird noises.
I have never been disappointed by anime more than this retarded shit. Fuck everyone who recommends it. The first Pokemon anime was better than this. I'd rather watch Yu-gi-oh.

holy fucking shit what a mega nigger faggot, your brain is too slow to read subs

Wrong, the fanbase of this shit is full of dubfags.

Why are you so obsessed with shitting on this series?

How do you know it's overrated if you haven't seen it? It's rated exactly how it should be, also

dino head Ed is funny

hehe funny face

It's bad and deserves the hate.

Ive only watched the 2004 anime

Ed is my heckin scrunkly

The same thing I felt when Puck started referencing Star Wars... annoyed.

When will you neck yourself, OP?

I don't remember laughing at this scene, I don't even remember what they were talking about.
In fact, I don't think Mustang and Ed had any chemistry together to be honest.


Nothing, like most anime comedy scenes I just kept looking at it with a poker face

I don't wish to be Japanese like you
I can enjoy things in my native tongue

Because it's a sign of the tonal disaster this anime/manga is. This is the same show that has a mother trying to bring her stillborn child back to life only to see his mangled bloody corpse and lose half her internal organs in the process and then play up comedically as she's coughing up blood because of it.

>gaylord thinks his dick is bigger than others because he prefers moonspeak version combined with so much reading you never actually get to watch the fucking show itself
ngmi, enjoy your mouseharp voices that break your ear drum. Oh wait that's mostly just in hentai. Well, still, enjoy listening to voices that your speakers hate producing for you.

Seethe FMAnbaby

How did you feel about the next 50 wacky faces FMA throws at you every 10 seconds?

FMA original was 10x better if you ignore some of the filler.

I'm actually contemplating removing all the "comedy" from FMA just to see how the viewing experience changes

dubbed english voices are, for the most part, and especially nowadays, beyond omega cringe. the VA's are all hacks who think they're hot stuff for being able to fill the characters shoes when in realtiy their generic ass voice cant even scratch the surface of the genuinity and growl the original cast can reach, which is made for the damn show and flows the best dialogue-wise, objectively. they also rewrite dialogue to fit their shitty political narratives to add more stink to the entire pile

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I think the lighter moments are important as they give contrast.
Hughes dying wouldn't have had the same impact if he wasn't joking around half the time.
Real issue with brotherhood is the ending.
Instead of anything deep or sensible there's just some little shit in a cum jar that is evil just cuz, and the villain gets redeemed through cliche sacrifice then they kill god through the power of friendship.
I feel sorry for whichever pen was used to write something that stupid.

I felt disgust for the FMA manga and Brotherhood

Same thing as when I saw this fuck

subahibi thread?

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When people do that why doesn't everyone just think they're nuts? Like standing around a bunch of people and shouting seems like it'd be viewed as a sign of mental illness, yet somehow it hypnotized them

idk man, all my teeth besides my incisors are almost as sharp. If you don't have pointy canine and molars you are literally a subhuman subspecies.

are you talking about the game or this as a technique in real life? if its the former its because the stuff he is saying is deeply related to the trouble all the students are currently going through. if its the latter i have no idea and am also curious. Maybe something to do with the courage it takes to do something like that appears charismatic?

I laughed for hours


Instantly dropped it, knowing that the 2003 version was never going to be topped.

Good, Brotherhood is overrated. FMA is much better read.

what scene are you even referring to? Maybe my memories are blurry because I only watched the show once, 5-6 years ago, on 1.5x, but I don't remember any such event.

Hello Americans!

plant vs zombies


Nothing. I was just thinking about the antagonists.

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Yawn/cringe, it's yet more cheap shit animation to save on the budget. Which I do understand but when just about every animated media product resorts to shitty art instead of animating complex emotions, it grates on the nervs. The biggest flaw in the various FMA incarnations is how the script flipped from adult horror piece to middle school fight tier behavior. I don't want to shit too hard on it, it had some fantastic moral dilemmas and dared to show the power of God in the hands of mortals, but then it goes back to lower grade school for its character interaction and I'm like WTF? Couldn't the characters have been slightly more mature on a daily basis? Shouldn't Ed and Winry have been very obviously in love with each other? To the point the elders won't let them hang out alone together. They are 15 when the series starts, right? Not 11. (Seriously. Your smoking hot childhood friend also builds and repairs your prosthetic limbs, doesn't shame you for screwing up while playing God and has a good excuse to be close to you on a regular basis and you two aren't constantly sneaking off together/seriously talking about getting married at some point?)

I think something along the lines of "alright, time to drop this sack of shit".

Retards shilled Brotherhood as "so much better than the previous anime" so I tried watching it, had to drop it after 3 episodes, Absolutely terrible tone-setting, trash slapstick humour ruining tension, etc. Perfect example of mangafags being almost always wrong.

>Hating popular things is not a personality
I don't hate it because it's popular, I hate it because it's written by a woman

Hey OP check this out KILL your fucking self you spammer faggot

ren & stimpy

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I've only watched the other one and I didn't feel like watching it again.


I'm posting it.

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I'd download that. Can you do vanitas as well and remove all the pastel-puke chibi scenes? and bookworm and remove the chibishit of myne acting ooc obnoxious explaining 12 IQ concepts?

what the fuck is wrong with japan

>what the fuck is wrong with japan
If you haven't figured it out already, you need to lerk moar.