More plane anime when?
More plane anime when?
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soon hopefully
Include the rest of the squadron already
In a year.
Dead and flopped franchise, dead game. Dead.
just olay the ace combat games or watch the area 88 ovas
Best girl
we need War Thunder : The anime adaptation.
if it's not as realist, it will never be interesting.
add some cute girls, good (plane) physics and you get the GUP of planes (and hopefully as successful).
I just want a Girls und Panzer but with fighter jets. Is that too much to ask for?
lots of plain anime this season
fighter jets are less interesting to animate imo.
prop planes have a charm (and sound) jets don't have, i do like early jets though because they had funny shapes and no missiles.
Why does this remind me of Fire Emblem.
Do fighter jets even dogfight?
early jets did because most of them only had guns and nothing else (no bombs/rockets for some and no missiles), modern jets only fight with missiles and BVR (Beyond Visual Range) + modern electronic warfare (and bombs when used against ground targets or rockets when you're russian and poor), their guns aren't used except in rare cases on ground targets to support infantry (and that was only the case with few modern jets, i'm not including the A10 because it's not modern).
so yes dogfights are a thing of the past, the only use of guns on a very modern jet that i can think of was to take down a civilian prop plane in some south american country (they thought it was a plane of drug dealers but it was a religious family on a trip), so that wasn't what you would call a dogfight.
and obviously the problem of modern jets is that their guns only have few seconds of ammo if they keep their finger on the trigger.
so if you want a dogfight anime, you either do prop planes or early jets, and obviously prop planes are more interesting to watch because of their limitations.
Anything is possible with a little creativity.
the J7W1 also exist, so you can do both
fucking never
god damnit
In everything but reality.
I, for one, would rather see an anime about a bomber crew, or even a submarine crew.
That would be kino.
They don't happen nowadays at all. But they could in extremely specific circumstances.
The movie got subs?
Where was that released?
they do in russia
I just want another season of Last Exile
>plane anime
How does that work? Focus on the pilot? The plane? What does it tell as its story even?
Post the WT screencap
not for that shitty CGshit
Planes-as-girls, but played straight like Upotte was with guns, ie no Strike Witches or Girly Air Force fuckery.
I just find jets to be the coolest thing on the planet and want to see them combined with the sexiest thing on the planet, okay?
Although a Korean war or Vietnam war plane anime would also kick ass.
After the blunder that is Sigrdrifa, I doubt it'll come anymore soon
I only watched the anime series and recap movie, what else am I missing?
I'm a planes guy but a sub anime would be so fucking cool
Blunder is an understatement.
Yeah, imagine Das Boot but with anime girls.
Maybe add some giant squid monster/alien thing to the mix while at it.
To this day I still can't get over how overly frustrated I was over the bath scenes for not giving Claudia a shoulder level bath scene like the rest that have them, for censoring Miko's bare butt, for not giving the male characters their own bathing scenes and no onscreen shower scenes either (standing or stool sitting).
No actual talk of pubes either since its heavily implied during the bath scenes that they have them.
Sigdrifa was great. Pick up your shit opinion and leave.
Take your meds.
This, it was fucking terrible
To this day I still haven't watched the last episode
>Take your meds.
But if a character with a bathing scene doesn't at least get one bath scene where he/she's submerged into hot water up to chest level, then I can't emotionally relate to him/her for maximum coziness.
The men played a lot more relevance than most all-girl core cast shows so they needed their own bathing scenes like in Soushin Shoujo Matoi's onsen episode.
The series take place in the near future and plane girls anime have no problem having shower scenes so why can't Sigrdrifa gets its own?
What you didn't like about it?
At some point 2/3 through the series it turned into retarded drama and expected the viewer to care about characters the show made no effort to build up in any way
Putting that aside it also wasn't a plane show, it was a magical girl show with a plane coat of paint
Kotobuki was too good for this world.
>, it was a magical girl show with a plane coat of paint
Can't argue with that. But what you said about caring about the characters sounds like you were expecting another waifu-bait show. The drama wasn't about the girls, it was the role of Odin and how he manipulated them. The main cast is left somewhat open-ended so they're not pigeonholed into puppet-like archetypes as if they were trading cards.
Kotobuki wasn't too different. We didn't need a deep dive into Zara's backstory even though we know it's there. The questions about why she was flying were left unanswered since it wasn't necessary for the plot. When shows spend too much time giving you reasons to "care" about an individual character it makes me feel that they don't have enough confidence in the actual plot of the show they need to bait me with moe pandering.
but Arpegio already exist, it's still a futurish technology but the tactics are interesting nonetheless.
and Zipang is about a warship crew going back in time.
i know what video from the recent war in Ukraine you're mentioning, but that wasn't actually a dogfight at all but rather just two wingmen doing shit together for god knows what reason
there's plenty of good Korean air battles with jets (USA vs China and China also had Russian ace pilots fighting in the war, it was a pretty brutal air war for both sides), so an anime showing that period would definitely work, lots of dogfights with guns during those battles with plenty of veterans from WW2.
i know this wooden plane has a peashooter with rubber bullets and catches fire when a leaf touches it but goddamn bro.
this, i also can't relate if i don't see a girl sitting on a toilet scene like most anime nowadays JK
no I know that's not a dogfight to anyone with eyes
definitely not a lotta BVR there tho
>male MC
Yeah, no thanks.
Closest thing we have is Haifuri.
Hopefully soon, there's way too little plane stuff, I don't even care if it's CGI
It happens but it's a rarity, most stuff is BVR
You did get another season
Somebody ever upload these to youtube?
Just make sure no more useless pricks and hetshit next time
Really wanted to like this, but the MCs were just some insufferable goddamn kids who I could never be bothered to care about.
We need more anime starring based murderesses like Kylie.