I just finished this. Maybe I'm dumb and didn't understand it, but I kinda expected more, Idk. I'll try to watch the movies soon. What do you think of it?
Shoujo Kageki: Revue Starlight
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Yeah I watched it last week. it was straightforward enough but yeah I felt like there should have been more or something, but only so much can be done in 12 episodes.
Movie was really good though, continued the story in a good way and gave a satisfying ending to everyone. I want to watch the stage plays sometimes. Since these are actually recorded and subbed for once, unlike say Sakura Taisen stage plays.
It always really annoyed me that during the singing battles the singing was interrupted by the characters dialogue and other things. The lyrics should have been the conversation and it should have lasted for the full scene
Kinda felt the same way when I first watched it after listening to the songs and say “these are cool, wonder whatʼs this about”.
I almost droped it halfway through because “it was fine, but just fine”, and at the end I was like “yeah, fine, but I feel Iʼm missing something”, so I started looking for more info about the show, and fell into the rabbit hole of theater, production hell, lesbians, idols, Ikuhara, gatcha and whatnot…
So, my take is “the anime is good on its own, but to actually love it you need to dig into it a bit more"…
But of couse, not everyone will do that, and thatʼs perfectly fine.
… But then there is the movie.
That shit broke me so hard, but mostly because I was already very invested in the franchise at that point. Otherwise, its still a really well put toghether piece of entertainment, at the very least.
I still have yet to see the movie but I'm planning on watching it.
I loved the idea of the show and a lot about how it was presented stylistically, it's more that I just can't call it "good".
10 part video series analyzing the anime. Highly recommend watching the whole thing but parts 1 and 2 explaining the takarazuka revue are mandatory. Movie is fantastic and stage plays are great as well.
I think it's boring
What didn't you understand?
I'm only 3 episodes in and I just know Banana chick is the absolute best girl. Also when will MC fucking stop saying "Hikari-chan" name? This girl is more obsessive than Homora.
>I'm only 3 episodes in and I just know Banana chick is the absolute best girl.
Nobody say anything.
>Also when will MC fucking stop saying "Hikari-chan" name? This girl is more obsessive than Homora.
That's sort of what the movie is about.
>Banana chick is the absolute best girl
Based taste
>side characters are more interesting and complex than the main duo
The Absolute State Of This Show
>Maybe I'm dumb and didn't understand it,
Stick to something more your speed. I suggest Evangelion, Naruto or Haruhi.
Why is Junna so stacked?
>banana chick
nice nickname kek
>I'm only 3 episodes in and I just know Banana chick is the absolute best girl
based and bananapilled
>I'm only 3 episodes in and I just know Banana chick is the absolute best girl
Of course she is
Watched the love cobra trailer again and noticed that it has the yellow rectangle that's the symbol of the national geographic in it. With all the animal imagery it's gotta be about Banana
Watch the sequel movie, it has a lot more symbolism but it's actually kind of easier to understand in a way. Once you get the gist of the basic symbols and metaphors it all starts to come together. Though if you don't care enough to really try and understand it that's fair enough, it's the animes job to make you care not anybody onlines.
Based. Banana did nothing wrong.
>the anime is good on its own, but to actually love it you need to dig into it a bit more
This is the perfect way of describing it for me I think. It's my favorite anime of all time, but even I have to admit that past episode 8, it kinda falls of both in terms of writing and in animation quality. Going into both movies blind though, is a feeling I want to fucking experience again. It's just pure spectacle with a surprisingly, tightly written plot that ties up the series quite nicely, while also playing with the meta aspects really well.
As a seiyuufag that only watched revue in the first place coming off of the high of watching love live, it was the movies and not any 3D aspect, was the one to cement it as my favorite anime series
>10 part video series analyzing the anime
you know what, I'm desperate enough for whatever revue content I can find that I'll actually watch this
>As a seiyuufag that only watched revue in the first place coming off of the high of watching love live
funny that, I'm watching love live nijigaku primarily because nana's VA is voicing shioriko in the new season
Reminder than there may potentially be a Revue Starlight stream on the 4th of June
I DON'T WANT TO GROW UP, IM A TOYS R US KID is hardly and especially complex motivation compared to some of the others. Mahiru's sense of jealousy and wanting to be more and Hikari trying to reclaim her lost glimmer are at least contenders. And to say nothing about Kuro and Maya's raging lesbianism. People just pick Nana because she's the Guillotine Gorilla of the show.
revue movie's still going strong in theaters. Last weekend's showings had a message from a few members of the cast
Fucking wild that the movie has been showing for nearly a full year now, but kinema citrus had to publicly ask for animators to help finish the series
Also because the way her motivations are explored are more interesting
What were the messages?
>It's just pure spectacle
One could even say it is a Super Star Spectacle
based on what I've seen on jp twitter, just the generic "thank you for supporting us"
based grid, I made one too and we didn't even use any of the same shots
is there actually an aquarium at tokyo tower?
going through the animators' drafts were a lot of fun
As someone who has never been that into “musical anime” (idols, symphogear, stuff like that) I enjoyed the TV series quite a bit but didn’t think it was amazing or anything. The sequel movie is the real great work though. It’s just a stunning spectacle from beginning to end. I completely agree with the user who said that they talk over the songs way too much. The songs are actually so good, should’ve let them really take center stage.
would have loved it if Furukawa had the balls to make revue song = dialogue. Sometimes, less is more, and that would definitely apply to the revues
People already mentioned the same idea, but Furukawa worked with Ikuhara on several projects before becoming a director, and you can feel the influence. The surface is alright, but the real fun is the analysis, which isn't going to be every viewer's idea of a good time.
There was, but it's closed since then.
Have you tried Symphogear? The girls sing during the fights in that, to the point that it includes the grunting and straining that comes from belting out the lyrics as you are suplexing a space shuttle.
seeing this guy talk about nana like she's an innocent bystander just makes me wish even more I was there for the early threads when we didn't know what the fuck was going to happen in her episode
I may be in the minority but I prefer them the way they are now. You can get more dialogue out through speech than song and I think revues would feel flatter if it was all singing, I like when they switch between song and talking like in the final section of the revue of souls. I also enjoy how a character can be saying one thing, but singing another in the background that contradicts what they're saying, like Kaoruko at the end of her film revue.
Though these examples are from the film, and the series revues aren't as tight so I think your criticisms are valid
Because I'm obsessed, I went through youtu.be/ezv4BkcuaMA with my No knowledge of Japanese for more details. The main thing I hadn't noticed, and which has convinced me at this point it's Starlight related, is the line "watashitachi wa dashimono", or "we are the performance". That combined with the phrase "ai amu", which Furukawa has pointed out can be read as "love, weaving" but also as "I am" makes me think the central theme will be how people's relations with each other affect their identity.
No idea how death will come in, or the other symbols a snake is usually used for (poison and treachery, mostly).
Moepi's NANIMONO DA is also the standout line since it's lifted from the Revue of Hunting, tone and all
I had heard it, but given how much Furukawa likes to screw around with things my first thought was it was him making a joke. We had finished Starlight, and now that we're introducing the new project we have the voiceline of Nana questioning who this new character that shares her voice is.
Regardless of what ends up being the truth for it, at least I'm more observant than this one guy I saw who thought that voice line was done by Futaba's VA.
I also think the fact that there's such a large animal motif pretty much guarantees it being Banana related too. The animals are related to Bananas character because her VA Moeka loves animals, so it seems unlikely that Furukawa is directing another anime that involves Moeka and her love of animals, but is distinct from Banana. The real life hobbies and interests of the VAs are inserted into Starlight because of how connected they are to their characters, since they act as them in the stageplays as well. It seems pretty farfetched to think that Furukawa is employing the same gimmick again in a work that doesn't involve stageplays.
It's also a Pony canyon anime just like starlight is, so there's that.
that's the last of the behind the scene's animator drafts I have on hand. At least, the ones I can post, some of it's above the 3MB limit
Thanks user, really appreciate it
I always thought these two cuts were missing a few frames in the middle, it feels a bit too disjointed
Karen is finally dead.
the extreme closeup shot of the clasp brooch transitioning to the close up of karen's figure is definitely jarring. Almost makes it feel like there's no sense of continuity to them
I doubt Nana was brave enough to sleep with Junna in her repeats
As mush as people like to shitpost about Nana's loop harem, this would be against her wish to keep the things static and frozen, which led her to looping in the first place. There likely haven't been any significant variations compared to the initial run at all
Nana herself mentions the only things she was brave enough to change up was minor things, just to make their group closer as friends. If junna ever did get the courage to confess, nana probably turned her down