>we got a Hiro bra shot before a Hiro pantyshot
>we STILL haven't gotten a proper Hiro pantyshot
It's not fair.
A Couple of Cuckoos
Other urls found in this thread:
Will Ai appear in cour two?
Hiro a best. A BEST.
>he gets to suck those at the end
But does milk come out?
Ai should not exist
Based HiroCHAD
Why are self-inserters allowed to exist?
I hate them so.
>Erika-Chan, your chest is so big.
This meme translation style.
If you're going to do that, at least move it to the bag of the sentence and make it:
>Your chest is so big, Erika-Chan
I don't get what you mean
First point is that this titles attracts self-inserters and I hate it.
Second point is that the Japanese literally was more like “Dear Erika's chest is so big.” because Japanese doesn't have a concept of persons like English and it's perfectly fine to use someone's name instead of “you”, and using “you” can even come across as rude,and too direct. The correct translation s “Your chest is so big.”
This translation sounds weird, because people don't generally attract each other's attention like that when they are already speaking to eac other; this style makes it sound as though Japanese people are constantly zoning out and need to have their name called to wake up again while they're talking to each other.
Moving it to the end at least softens it a bit in English.
Shino will never be kanojo.
Sachi will never win.
She doesn't wear panties.
>Sachi will never win.
Shino is already a shadow of her former self. Even diehard Shinofags are now turning on her.
Sachi never stood a chance to begin with. Sachifags are already preemptively coping by claiming that it's all just "funposting".
Based Goddessmino the incapable of truths.
>goddess of anything but utter failure
>Even diehard Shinofags are now turning on her.
Just check the latest kmk threads.
People have been complaining that she has effectively been downgraded to a gag character, now that her character arc is over.
Is that why the KmK threads are so dead now? The Korean scans thread didn't even hit 50 posts.
>Shino is already a shadow of her former self
She's just getting less protagonism after her big arc.
Hiro worst girl and will lose.
>"Sachi will win"
>"Hiro will lose"
>"Shimaidon ending"
>"I-it was just funposting"
>This post and baiting
Hiroposting is ironic right? She’s the least likable by far…
Sachi won't win and Hiro will lose. notNino will win and you will cope.
>She's the least likable by far
That's Sachi.
Kek based
Go away
Snake Hiro is the most hated. It's okay to be blunt and truthful around here.
she's such a bitch, especially to sweet Hiro
Yes. Easy win.
Only shitposter THK likes Hiro.
Official Cuckoo best girl ranking
Hiro > Ai >>> Erika > Sachi
cringe thk
based user
Correct when > arrows are reversed to
Love Erika!
Love Sachi!
>toxic sisters
Shimaidon is the answer!
Eri looks kind of weird here.
Face is too angular, not round like in the manga.
Also they made her a brunette for some reason.
Your fanfiction is bad, and if you that guy fanfiction do it yourself
We hate Hiro here.
Was Ai's fanbase the most forced on in recent romcom history? They disappeared almost as quickly as they appeared.
Hiro's theme
Why is Sachi so cute?
She has pantyshots
Brief spoilers. Fuck koreans
-nagi and erika reveal everyone they were switched at birth
-but it kinda backfired
What did they do wrong?
>but it kinda backfired
How did it backfire?
>How did it backfire?
>Wow! Erika... We thought you are from rich family. But you lied to us all this time. Goodbye. never talk to us ever again. We are rooting for Hiro now.
>We are rooting for Hiro now.
Sounds fake.