I feel like I missed the point
Darker than Black
There was a point?
God, Hei is so hot he turns lesbians straight
"Somewhat old" good is the point.
Brighter than White
I don't know, I thought there was with that old lady mumble, contractors being stars, the complex terms and all
Great show nonetheless.
It's just a good version of the standard mid 2000s anime.
edgy themes, cool fights, someone shows up toward the end and lore dumps at you for 10 minutes, then you get an unsatisfying ending.
The unique selling point was it didn't have a pussy MC, which was in vogue for a while after evangelion. Also the animation was very good for the time.
God, I love Suou
all I remember from this is it was chinese batman, yinsmile, and the guy liked telescopes
theme is an overrated literary device
>tfw a russian loli will never fall for you after you abuse the shit out of her
The point was to GO BEYOND THE GATE so that way you find THE TRUTH
Very accurate perspective. I'd nitpick and say that the animation is still very good however. Most TV shows never get as fluid as DtB did.
Hei is like a Leon the professional if Leon ever actually got laid. He's also like Batman with all of his pedophilic tendencies.
Id Meteor her Geminis iykwim
the point was that now he's lost it
hit on the feelings
Someone should post the "It's Noir" copypasta for you
I love these two autists. Wish we got more stuff like the manga or OVAs.
Useless fucking chick who cant do any shit rigth i hate her
the feels hit harder than I expected youtube.com
the first season was great but for some reason when came the second season they decided to add a Self insert who cant do shit rigth and the plot got boring somehow compared to the manga version
he needed a high paying gig to pay for all the food he eats
The series was created in a sort of "sci-fi magical realism" similar to Borges "magical realism" or Stephen King style of fiction.
The meat of the plot and the sci fi explanations are almost completely out of the camera and never receive a direct explanation.
With that being said. Some kind of spoopy extra-terrestrial entity that allows humanity to reach the next stage or some crap like that.
chinese people can use electricity
>. Some kind of spoopy extra-terrestrial entity that allows humanity to reach the next stage or some crap like that.
So an angel?
its the same ending as original fma anime
I like how the viewer assumes that his eating habit was his contractor price but it was actually the death of his little sister . the cops were pretty lame though, I wish they focused more on the syndicate baddies
I still think about this series. Really interesting psychological themes with contractors and dolls that supposedly don't have feelings. Not to mention great animation, voice acting, and soundtrack. And many memorable, well-written characters.
ok but who's worst girl
wait the redhead loli died?
I completely forgot if so
Suo is the worst one no doubt about that
dude you have a horrible taste for characters Suo was the worst written character ever it almost like a fucking self insert at this point i dont know if you are doing bait or you're Retarded
At the bottom? That's not the girl.
we get it
you have shit taste
Suou a cute
I was talking about season 1. Season 2 characters were a lot less memorable. I should've said pic unrelated
Found it
Remind me again, did Yin die at the end of S2?
MC chose best girl.
This and I also just really liked the way they did the powers where you had to make a sacrifice of some kind every time you used them, even if it weren't fully utilized it was a great idea.
After the end of second season, Director was asked that, and he answered in a tricky way saying... " she appears to be dead (with a laugh) "
It's like he was just describing what was shown in the scene.
He never gave a honest answer though.
If Hei wanted to kill her why did he stop Suou from shooting her when she was in the cryo sleep?
Why did Hei smile when Yin asked him again to kill her?
Also, we've never seen Hei killing anyone like this...
I totally forgot why Hei is so fucking good at fighting and traversing and basically a CQB god. His powers wasn't anything about that, it was something to do matter right? Where did his prowess come from
Do you remember when Bones website portfolio had an entry with no name except for a picture of a cat and we all went apeshit for weeks
DtB era was peak Yea Forums.
Maybe, but the term lesbian only applies to biological females, of which you are not.
liv dtbros...
Ada Wong is the best girl.
Wow I literally did not read/hear a word she said.
Why couldn't she win the Heibowl?
It was building up a mystery but never really pulled through and the ending was a cope out. Good show for the most part up until the ending because Japs vehemently refuse to write a satisfying ending.
Too emotional and talks too much.
Yin licking ice cream is cute.
I remember trying to make a Yin tulpa back in the day.
I wish i could cure autism. Or had the balls to kill myself.
I don't think Hei ever put it in anyone. He's just a pretty boy.
What about cute Indian double agent, Amber, November fucking 11, sexy collarbones and the funny police girl
Don't kill yourself bro, it's good to have Yin admirers around.
And flexible Yin is also cute.