Why do localizers insert memes?
Why do localizers insert memes?
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It's not a meme, it's a slang word
also herbs
Why don't you become a localized and stop the madness
What happened to the last naga thread?
Why was the last thread deleted general bros?
>UOOOOOOOOOOOHHH !!!!!! Naga belly erotic...
last thread was deleted because of how shit the op was.
I need my daily nagathread to stay sane
We all know it wouldn't have been used if it didn't become a meme.
Does japan have a slang word for suspicious like we do with sus?
Yes, and that's what she said in the show.
Yea Forumsmblr memes
Get out, user.
the OP was low quality
that nagatoro OP was so fucking low quality. Normalfags always ruin memes. The Uoh shit has been getting used incorrectly now.
Naga doesnt even emit cunny energy same as yupiel.
I miss fansubs
Not that user but she does like hebe when compared to the other girls
>Naga doesnt even emit cunny energy same as yupiel.
You're the normalfag, user.
it's actually still a meme, even if it is also a slang word. evolution of language falls under the purview of what a meme is
There's a thread already up
Yupiel and Naga have the same body, though.
It really nags at you, doesn't it?
Hayacchi why do you get TWO THREADS ?
because jannies smell
Absolute madlad
Trans people are the ultimate capitalist pay pigs. It is a brilliant concept created by the billionaire class to turn the dangers of inceldom into a weapon of autistic proportions. Turning their gravest threat into their deepest piggy bank while also convincing them to self-sterilize and to spend everyday, unironically promoting corporate propaganda every waking moment of their shitty, permanently assigned at birth gendered lives. For unironic communists and socialists, the troons lives are inseparable from hyper capitalist consumerist culture just to hide from the idea that they, infact, will never be a real woman.
Great on-topic post about anime
Wyatt did nothing wrong
trannies were invented by communists
Didnt you see the Nagatoro image I posted ?
Yes, in the 20's, but now they are good little pay piggies. Funny how it works
>Why do localizers insert memes?
Because all the people who care about artistic integrity of a project stopped working in the fields of media in the west. Now all the people editing and making media are broads and troons who want to either spread propaganda or "put their own spin on it". Accurately expressing the original creators vision is "dangerous"
>artistic integrity
Good point however Im making that comparison to American media which is bottom of the barrel, absolute trash for braindead NPCs and susceptible children
How does the anime compare to the manga?
I started learning japanese 3 years ago and watching anime has never been better.
I don't think you know what meme actually means anymore. I think you're just mad because you don't like seeing 'internet things' where you don't expect them, regardless of how it's actually used.
It's missing a few chapters from the manga but it's good
Oh neat. What did it skip and how far does it go? Is there some anime original stuff in it?
it ends on chapter 46, most of the anime original stuff is good apart from a single one in the last few episodes, but whatever
the anime skipped a few fun filler chapters that added to the personalities of Naga's friends and changed the timeline of some events, but i personally think it makes more sense in the anime than in the manga
Some moments are changed from the manga but I actually like the changes, the pool scene for instance. But both are good. Definitely read the Mangadex translation as opposed to the official english release .
See, I'm out-of-touch enough I missed the whole phenomenon of sus but I'm also old enough to know it was always a slang word. Now if it was some shit like sussy or sussy baka or some shit, then I think there'd be a point complaining about it. Also, what is your solution to this anyway? Don't translate any nuances of speech and only treat everyone like they speak Received Pronunciation?
The obvious solution is for these whiny faggots to suck it up and learn japanese but we all know that's never going to happen.
it sounds like it's a nice adaptation. I'll give it a watch.
thanks, anons.
Because they're reflecting the actual Japanese.
You people have no idea how full of slang this otaku fiction is. It includes absolutely the latest net slang in Japan that translator have to somehow work into English.
For whatever reason, translators typically translate what is practically the Japanese æquivalent of cockney into standard English, but viewers think they're getting an authentic experience because they keep the 8 honorifics the viewer knows untranslated, while translating the 200 others.
are you sure it's not a Yea Forums meme?
either way still bad
Because the goal of a translation is to translate, not transliterate.
Outdated shitty zoomer memes is how Nagatoro communicates in Japanese. The translation has done it's job by providing you with the same feeling of disgust you would feel listening to her as a native Japanese speaker.
I don't care I want Nagatoro to rip my heart out of my chest and kick me in the ribs
I have never seen the term used until the video game because popular. I heard a comedian call someone a suspect. Suspicious is a given. Never once heard sus.
Wasn't there a video with a song attached to this sequence of wiggling?
Those little flakes I missed have been bothering me
But it's a word someone her age would use?
Tr/a/nnies got my locksneedfartin post deleted. You will all learn someday.
sus = suspect or suspicious.
You really think a gyaru wouldn't say "you're actiing sus"?
Would you unironically, actually, literally, seriously believe she would say "Hmm... You are acting rather suspicious today, Senpai."?
'cause if you do, you're a retard, I'm sorry user/s.
>the TL decided to have her say "shady" instead
>faggots on Yea Forums complain about that too
Thie thing is, its a word that popular at the moment but will lose its trendiness and relevance in a few years. Watching some shows 10 years old and older that did use flavor of the month words, like "I pawn noobs", can be pretty cringe. A few months ago someone wanted to watch Entourage again with me and that shit didnt age well at all.
Do we really need to go down the list of slang words that became everyday use? "sus" is at least one that's got an obvious meaning, as opposed to that "on fleek" type shit. Language is constantly evolving, and every piece of media is a product of its time with the language of the time. Some fucking subtitles on a seasonal anime will be an afterthought by the time "sus" falls out of use, and in 10 years, it'll probably get a revised subtitle track.
>not translating keigo
who's norma?