It does not matter how many anime someone has completed, as long as they have watched the good ones. In fact, that person may develop a better taste than most, and be a better judge of quality.
Watching trash over and over again messes with your ability to judge what is truly worth your time and what is not. Everybody should raise their standards.
It does not matter how many anime someone has completed, as long as they have watched the good ones. In fact...
>Watch the good ones
>Watch what other people tell you is good and not watch what other people tell you is bad
How about you watch what you want and come to your own conclusion on them?
If you can't tell whether something is going to be good or not before watching it you might be genuinely retarded.
For starters, moeshit is obviously worthless garbage.
This is good advice for someone who is just beginning to take media consumption seriously, but it's a bad mindset to get stuck in and consider endgame.
yo mauritaniabro, what do you think of episode 167 of Naruto Shippuden?
>He's still stuck in his objectivist closed-minded snobbery larval phase
Hope you find the way through.
All you can do is gaslight him.
Who cares about other people's opinions on fucking anime lmao. If I want to watch high art shit then I'll watch a movie.
sounds like newfag cope to me
Enjoy your brainrot.
None of the anime in your image are good, and their source material is better
You lack nuance and are thinking very small. You will rarely know joy the way you are. I hope you understand one day that permitting yourself to enjoy imperfect work isn't the same as ignoring imperfections within the work.
>le good ones xd
You don't like anime
yeah, no.
>In fact, that person may develop a better taste than most, and be a better judge of quality.
No they won't because their frame of reference will be limited.
You have to be able to see how people fail to truly know the worth of a success.
Taste is something that's supposed to be personally developed, hence the word "taste", the act of tasting, it's supposed to be a sensory experience of your own, not one handed down to you. That's not taste.
What matters more than anything is the reasoning behind why a person likes x or y.
Someone can like a show that is deemed a "good show" like LOGH for completely shallow reasons like seeing it on a rec list of "good anime", but another person may like a "garbage show" like Guilty Crown and be able to thoroughly explain why and give some interesting perspective on it.
I respect the second person far more than the first. Because they've developed a taste and thought carefully about the media by interacting with it instead of blindly consuming a rec list.
And they usually have more interesting things to say than just regurgitating decades old opinions.
One of my favorite anime films is appleseed. It has some of the most interesting design work I've seen in a cyberpunk story and is a refreshingly optimistic take on the genre.
But I would've never found any of that just following the same rec lists as everyone claiming to have "taste". It's not a masterpiece, but the pieces that shine make it worth experiencing.
I swear it subtly changes every fucking time this gets posted with more and more modern stuff showing up
>But I would've never found any of that just following the same rec lists as everyone claiming to have "taste".
Appleseed is in like half the rec charts.
Most people i know who can't stop talking about having a "Great" taste are freaks with no friends
>moeshit is obviously worthless garbage.
how did you know?
Really? I've never seen any charts with appleseed on them.
Unless you mean the manga which is completely different.
I used to be in the moeshit is trash crowd, but a lot of those shows are pretty interesting, more than people give them credit for.
You just have to read the synopsis to see it. There's nothing to be gained by watching something that, from the beginning of its development, focuses on and around the designs being cute and not the rest of the anime. There is nothing relatable about watching cute girls doing shit, it's purely escapist cope for people without friends or family. Anything you can get from watching moeshit you can get from anywhere else, and better.
This is truth. Human beings aren't meant to have perfect objectivist taste. That frame of reference is useful for people who wish to develop a discerning eye and think more deeply about the media they interact with, but it's not meant to be your primary mode of operation.
In other words, I recognize that Keijo for example has many flaws from an objectivist standpoint, and I use the objectivist lens I developed to recognize them, think about how they could have been improved, and add Keijo into my visual library of "more" or "less" successful in various facets of anime (color theory, character design, voice acting, direction, editing, whatever), but that doesn't mean I choose to dislike Keijo, it's a show that appeals to my personal subjective lens, I enjoy the offbeat main character, I have a fascination with girl's butts, the core conceit makes me laugh, etc.
The mauritanian doesn't actually care that moe is a visual style, and that bears very little relation to what stories it can be used to depict. He just wants to post about how old things are good and new things are bad.
Nobody is talking about that.
I failed to appreciate many of the classics I'd seen before I had spent enough time engaging with mediocre works, so you are wrong and a pseud.
How much anime have you seen? I bet fewer than 1000.
That's what the OP is talking about, yeah. The idea of "Objectively good" and "Objectively bad" anime, and the mindset that "Good taste" means liking "Objectively good" anime and disliking "Objectively bad" anime. Just because he didn't use the word Objectively, doesn't mean that isn't what he's talking about.
>porko rosso
>I failed to appreciate many of the classics I'd seen before I had spent enough time engaging with mediocre works
Because you are a soulless bot who needs to be told what is good and what is bad instead of having a hunch, an instinct, or dare I say, a talent for it.
You literally had to be fed multiple entries like a fucking neural network before you could tell if something was good or not.
There are some interesting titles there, but most are average or terrible. I remember a couple of them left me repulsed.
I'm so glad I haven't watched even half this many anime. Nerd.
>Uru in Blue
>ITT: a bunch of underage fags talk about shit that doesn't matter
When you grow up, you'll finally realize that your taste is shit and it doesn't matter at all.
No human is born with an innate ability to criticise art as well as an experienced and read person. Truly good art can often be appreciated by the layman (though not always), but it's not a binary thing, instead it's more about deepening appreciation (ie. I like Jaws because I liked it VS I like Jaws because *film theory rant*). Simply exposing yourself to good art can help early on, but there is diminishing returns to your objectivist lens if you only consume common consensus media.
What are the anime in your image? I only recognize middle top...
If you only watch the best if the best you end up taking genuine hard work and talent for granted, and become frustrated by the countless small flaws inevitable in anything made by a human. The type who thinks because they can eattle off a laundry list of complaints that it means everyone who called it a masterpiece was lying.
Without seeimg for yourself how bad things can be your standards end up warped and unrealistic, and you end up enjoying things way less.
I found this post ironic cause it spends most of its words on telling you that people who are able to articulate their opinion are better than those who aren't just to conclude with a two line twitter'esque buzzword review. Somewhat ironic and perhaps a perfect representation of the average anime pseud-essayist.
Did it ever occur to you people that taste is something that develops organically? When I started watching anime I liked different things than I do now, I even actively hated the things I like now. Priorities change, preferences change, one's outlook on a medium changes. If my taste hadn't developed like this I'd have ran out of anime within a year.
Excellent deflection to character instead of addressing his point.
I know what you're talking about but that's just an example to support a point, not a review.
I bet you think you're on the right.
Kishin corps is dope and I hate that the only time I have ever seen it posted on Yea Forums is through this chart
me on the right
gdgd fairies 2
tamala 2010
popee the performer
ocha-ken 「ほっ」to monogatari
sukima no kuni no polta
Yep. This is a common phenomenon in more serious circles and it's a real shame because the endgame of the mindset is a hatred of the thing you were passionate enough to study in the first place.
Friendly reminder just because smart people do something it doesn't mean doing that thing makes you smart.
It really isn't because saying what he said is akin to saying nothing at all. Anybody is able to utter such one-liners, even the most inept seasonal fan who only likes something cause it made their clique's recommendation list. If you ask some midwit why they like LOGH they'll be able to write 10 lines about the characters and the world building without breaking a sweat. Anybody with a functional brain can do this, but that doesn't really make them particularly articulate. You can do the same for Guilty Crown. If this is enough to appear articulate anybody (who bothers to try for 30seconds at a time) is.
That reminded me of one guy who had watched more than 3000 anime and yet he hadn't watched not even half of the good shows. I felt bad that he wasted so much time watching literal shit.
And then there was this chad that had watched about 200 and yet it was everything worthwhile and the dude was done with anime.
I know I am.
It's less about intelligence and more about a more nuanced/developed sense of artistic appreciation.
NTA but
>24 minutes of bugeye chibi style anime girls acting ""cute"" (annoying and disturbingly juvenile in order to get a dopamine response from some slobbering otaku)
only if youre 20 and can't get a girlfriend,
I bet you think the 200 show guy is happier than the 3000 show guy.
Maybe not, but the quality of his life is certainly higher.
Thanks user you are the best.
me on the left
Doesn't sound like that to me. He didn't get to discover his underground favorites, enjoy his journey or stop and smelled the roses. He's speedrunning life. That's no way to live.
Friendly reminder that these charts are fucking worthless because having an IQ of 140+ correlates positively with higher odds of having autism. However, to understand most media you're required to understand the artists, the audience the artist's work aims to entertain, the worries it tries to address and the feelings it tries to convey. An autist can't do this, so the deeper meaning of the work will render itself inaccessible to them. Therefore the perfect media enjoyment IQ is 130ish.
You gotta be autistic to deconstruct the meme format instead of engaging with the point of the image.
The image has no point, whoever made it put their opinion on the right because they think they're smart. That's all there is to it, there are better ways of explaining the message without looking like a narcissistic cunt.
The point of the image is for people who scored 150 on a Facebook IQ test to feel smug. It ain't worth addressing.
>The image has no point
It very clearly does, you just refuse to engage with it.
>Whoever made it put their opinion on the right
Because that's how the format works, you can choose to challenge the assertion or whine about it.
You are retarded. Keep watching linear garbage void of any ideas, you're done for anyways.
Keep wasting away on the path to perfection that doesn't exist, until you hate all you come across and turn yourself into a robot with no personal taste or joy in your life.
>It very clearly does, you just refuse to engage with it.
All three points are perfectly reasonable because none of them are elaborated upon. In that image none are right and none are wrong, but you're meant to believe the right one is the correct one because it's on the high IQ part of the graph.
>Because that's how the format works
Yes, and the format is flawed because the bias is too strong. That's my fucking point.
>Watching trash over and over again messes with your ability to judge what is truly worth your time and what is not.
I have completely forgotten the plots and characters of most generic anime I have watched, that is how I clear space for the good stuff.
>You're not allowed to have bias when putting forth an opinion
We are not machines, we have opinions. The image tries not to be unfair to its ideological rivals and you consider that a weakness. You don't put forth a point of your own, you simply bitch.