>have any of you male readers...ever wanted to become a girl?
It's like he's speaking directly to us, Yea Forums.
Have any of you male readers...ever wanted to become a girl?
Of course user, I wanted to be a cute girl since forever. But I'm not mentally ill or delusional enough to think I can change the reality of biology. Like wanting to be a superhero or a magical girl as a job as a kid, it is time to move on from this fantasy, trannies.
>I wanted to be a cute girl since forever
You're not any better than a typical tranny.
Not really. I can see where someone is coming from if they think in the opposite gender they could dress or behave differently than they do as their own gender but isn't that more of your own repressed thinking?
Unironically no. I just don't get it
Just be who you were born as
Obviously the experience would be fascinating, but as said, it's not a realistic wish.
He is better simply because he realized it's a fantasy and not worth mutilating yourself over it. I've always wanted to be a cyborg but I'm not gonna start cutting my limbs off and gouging my eyes out for no reason since we don't have the technology for me to become the way I wanted to.
Maybe for a day or so to see how it is (assuming magic exists) but I definitely prefer my own body.
No he's still a mentally ill tranny wanting to be a girl
>says this
>uses anime girl image macros to represent himself
Makes you think, huh
Why would I ever want to become a girl?
They're full of cooties.
not only that but an anime girl who LITERALLY has a mental illness lmao. This is some fine bait
why did you reply twice?
it's also called a reaction image
stop projecting your illness
No i'm not a tranny
Only because i'm a turbo virgin whose only chance see bob and vagene is to become a woman.
/qa/ did nothing wrong.
>>have any of you male readers...ever wanted to become a girl?
Nope, sounds gay. But if it happened to me I would hope for a complete inversion such that I'd be a hormonally functional heterosexual woman happy in their own body with strong family ties and desire to have a large loving family.
Not really, after a analyzing it, it didn't take much time to realize that despite there being more benefits to being a female, simply having a dick surpasses everything.
The dick conquers all.
Only if I'm a really hot one.
red sun... red sun over paradise
Troon thread
Being female sucks. Your beauty fades after 15-20 years at the most, and you have to deal with periods and popping out babies. This is in addition to being physically and mentally weaker than men. This is how you know trannies are crazy: they actually want to be women.
It's not about the gender you are, but to be a decent person. People seems to forget this part.
It makes me sad how much men hate themselves.
Every user is a little girl, newfags will deny it
>Do you want to become a girl
Not a girl, just someone else for a little bit I guess. Want to feel how it is to have eyes that could see further than half a meter away. Body I could be proud of and one that doesn't gas out and gets tired easily.
Autogynephilic freaks don't actually want to be women. They want to be free of social pressures that punish men for being docile, shy and withdrawn, like most otaku are. Add to that an fascination with the female form that borders and sometimes outright crosses into worship due to lack of contact, and you have sick people who hate their mirrors.
Yes, way back when.
Thankfully, i was born a thirdworlder and knew right away that if i ever follower that train of though in any capacity i would be rightfully ostracized. Being a shitter has its silver linings.
Shame you were codled into being a faggot op.
Shit user, i'd lend you mine if i could.
pure mad quality get
Don't really want to be one and the thought of not having my penis always made me cringe but I do enjoy that multi-part hentai doujin where a group of friends become girls after having sex with each other and then proceed to turn other men into women after having sex with them.
more proof that saitama beats goku
I'm not a moefag, as a shounenchad I lift weights so I can look like the fit protagonists.
Nice get.
but what does it say?
this but unironically
Literally me.
Pls help. This is actually starting to get spooky.
bruh my fingers are malformed
>looks like it'd feel great
This is what I mostly feel when I fap, the area under my balls becomes tingly and weird when I project myself onto the girl. Like I am pretending my raphe line is a vagoo, and feeling its "inside" stretch.
I swear I am not a tranny although I've considered crossdressing on /cgl/
TS Fukushuu Revenge or something.
Try getting your asshole rammed.
>hello viewer san ^_^ why dont you become a tranny? :D
and weebs say manga is never used to push agendas
I've read Inside Mari and I don't remember this page at all.
The thought has crossed my mind, but I'd rather make other people girls. That's my fetish.
>although I've considered crossdressing on /cgl/
Do it.
Nah not anymore; I got /fit/ and now I'm just a regular narcissist. It's pretty great, I highly recommend everyone put on like 30 pounds of muscle. It's kinda life changing.
Doesn't everyone do this?
I'm sorry to be the one to tell you this but you've been psy-op'd. Pretty badly. Porn is bad for you, m'kay? Read this.
I've had dreams and idle fantasies of either swapping bodies with my twin sister or being proper same sex twins basically my whole life, I assume somewhere in the womb a wire got crossed and now I simply have to live with the pain. Dysphoria fucking sucks I'm jealous of you AGP retards who just self insert when you're horny
Do you ever put on her clothes
witnessed and wasted.
no homo, that dude must have quite the leviathan