Creature girls

Holy shit I really did not expect some isekai manga to be this detailed on monster biology and social hierarchy
Also the author really hurt deep in that "human" psyche of social values like feminism, patriarchy, and basically how humans think of someone just having a different culture or slightly different looking from them. Honestly its not super redpilled but its just some food for thought.
Tbh its close to dungeon meshi kino
Why no more updates tho

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Bump >_

It's cheap "realism" wankery without thinking about deeper implications and quickly devolves into getting high off it's own farts.
It's shit.

>Why no more updates tho
Publishers were getting a lot of hate and quietly sunset it. Don't think their has been official confirmation yet though.

This got really weird, and fast. The rape arc and the incel rants were just odd, thematically speaking. Mostly from that one fat dude, who apparently wanted women to love him for his soul instead of considering them - Like an ordinary guy - something to be used, really.

>the author that made Reddit angry for all eternity

Also some other weird shit happening, like the centaur girl getting raped by a horse and it being played off as a joke and never mentioned again.

It's just a really strange story in general. I don't really understand what they were going for, honestly.

It's not that good once you get over it's uniqueness of being a jap media trying to pretend its a burger media doing their usual political soapbox bullshit.

The worse is the retarded reason why there is no guns but steampower is perfectly okay.
Also MC buddy's face reading ability make no sense since practice make perfect and he clearly have no chance to practice that particular skillset considering he hate women and they. according to him, hate him too.

You don't get to be godlike in football just by reading and watching videos, you have to practice it, the same goes for the face reading skill.

I'm pretty sure most people here hates it too

>guy wants a relationship to build a family with
>the girls by default cannot be authentic because they're literal fucking spies
Why is Yea Forums like this

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They dumped it almost a year ago, they're never going make an actual statement on the matter aside from being badgered on twitter.

The fatty parts are unironically what killed the manga, both because they were so poorly written and because the edgy shit.

Just the other day came across a comics where the exact same thing happened but it was more furry and had even weirder stuff in it

>can't continue conversation
>change subject to pointless bashing
Ok reddit

I'm pissed off that she didn't actually fuck the kelpie in that chapter.


Well it went inside, it just didn't get to finish.

Exactly. She should've been physically helpless under mount and been fucked to completion by the kelpie. For humor, haha...

Haha, wouldn't it have been funny if she got pregnant from it and made the mc raise the baby too haha.

>forcing all monster girls into mammals

>the girls by default cannot be authentic because they're literal fucking spies
I mean, that's the fun of a femme fatale. You bang her anyway, because she's there. I cannot imagine anyone so autistic that he refuses to fuck a hot girl offering sex, because he thinks it's not genuine. Even Eliot Rodger would be all up in that pussy, as they say.
Like, he's a fat ugly dude and they're willing to sleep with him. It's a piece of meat, sure, but it's sex. Why make it more than it is?

Harem King's actually autistic so he probably would have been happy about it to see what a kelpie-centaur baby turns out like.

>what a kelpie-centaur baby turns out like
A seahorse mermaid, lmao.

>Why no more updates tho
A new chapter came out a week ago and there's another one coming up next months.

There can never be enough horse on centaur impregnation.

I liked it. I thought it was an interesting riff on the monster girl fad.

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Monster biology was fun to read about, girls looked cute, but the incel rants that came out of nowhere were uncomortable. I don't want to read about "trans rights" in my manga, just like I think incel rants are out of place.

The autistic detail on monster girl anatomy and the like was neat, but I very quickly lost interest once the author started getting into "we live in a society" shit. Even putting aside the edgy rants with the fat dude, the afterwords about muh matriarchy and how people are indoctrinated felt incredibly patronizing.

>volumes 6-9 are already out
>no scans
>no translations
old Yea Forums would have been all over it.
nu-Yea Forums is obsessed with shonenshit and breddit memes.

That, and I have a feeling that the only regrets the author had about unit 731 is that they didn't go far enough.

Real manga fans know Japanese and buy the volumes.

people stopped caring when it got licensed

They relisted the 6th volume on the website so the English release might be coming back.

Part of them being spies is them never telling him they're spies and not just maids that he's living with and therefore would want to be on good terms with for the good of the entire household.

The maids were just an instrument of the king subtly trying to force him into submission, and having sex with that would be pretty gay. Leaving was the best thing he could've done.

I remember when Yea Forums translated mai-chan's daily life and we used to lol about BABY FUCK BABY FUCK IT'S AWWWWWRIIIIGHT
but now everyone's all sensitive with feelings and safe spaces and disney cartoons.

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Centaur girls getting fucked by horses sadly far too niche, I can only think of a handful of artists who have done it and 3/4 of those are Cerea. Not that I don't like Cerea but variety would be nice.

it's an anonymous message board, call them trannies and move on.

Uhh cancelsisters what is this????

I need a name user

> Part of them being spies is them never telling him they're spies and not just maids that he's living with and therefore would want to be on good terms with for the good of the entire household.
Yes, that's how it goes. You know the girl is probably going to fuck you over, but a real man goes for it anyway.
When it turns out she's betrayed you later and has, like, three guys ready to break your legs or whatever, you just deal with it as it happens. It's not an exciting story if you don't plough the honey-trap.

It just goes by the name Reiger's comic
It actually happens twice in it

You're missing the point entirely, he didn't know they were spies and therefore had no reason to act under the premise they are spies. He just tried to get along with them because they live together and interpreted their persistent refusal to be open as disdain, when in fact it was malice.

opinion discarded

I don't know what I was expecting, but I have genuinely never seen writing that bad before.

>arache are just heavily-mutated centaurs

Horse shit.

>Downside: fake arachnids
>Upside: multi-wielding murder machines
For me it kind of evened out.

I figured the upside for anyone would've been the "fun hole".

To be fair it's mostly a fetish comic with some interesting ideas for a fantasy world
At least it doesn't try to be political for the most part

This manga turned to shit after the author placed his fat fuck incel self-insert into the story.

I was very surprised this manga even got licensed in the first place since I feel like nobody would even buy this shit.

I imagine the publisher that found it was thinking they would publish this haha so funny parody series with some sex to get some easy money from those weebs
They probably didn't even know the literal landmine they were walking into

>Publishers were getting a lot of hate

Literal garbage manga. Literal incel author. Literal. Literally.

His politics were too spicy.

It's just tranny headcanon. Editors are at thing, nobody with an intact penis gave a shit about anything the author wrote.

>nu-Yea Forums absolutely seething every single time this manga comes up

There's no ongoing TL and the manga isn't that great so the main people that show up in threads with it in the OP are the outrage drones.

Dude is unironically based. When the nip feminazi's went after him he doubled down and wrote like 3 pages worth of accredited research just to fuck with them.

It was fascinating, like alot of incels would be happy to get any kind of female attention even if it's shallow and insincere but he sticking to his guns and rebuffing them was CHAD as fuck.

pride and self worth > thottery

There's these little squiggles called letter on the page, you put them together to make sentences, those sentences create stories and world building. It might be a little difficult to read but they explain their cultures views on sex.

low IQ faggot detected

-Citation Needed-

If he was quietly axed why the fuck are they currently releasing his other manga? Last I heard he was taking a break from this story to work on that one but please, if I'm out of the loop link me a source or be a mutilated tranny and live in your own delusions.

What did the author even said or did to make people this upset?

It's nice.
> Lots of monster girl biology
> Boobs
> Locals aren't retards too stupid to invent soup

>estimated release a year and a half late
Retarded if true; this would indicate they're starting from scratch and hadn't even begun working on it after the last volume.

He literally wrote that different cultures view sex, love, rape everything differently. He got attacked online and their publisher, as far as I can tell, backed him and he even wrote like 3 whole pages of texts explaining that from antiquity to modern day cultures viewed sex and rape differently and have varying degrees how women and men are treated. Trannies went 45% and tried to cancel him but he just scoffed it off and said YWNBAW.

It's pretty good, i am waiting for the continuation.

Only reddit is angry at it.