ITT: The page when you realised a mango was going to be extra special
ITT: The page when you realised a mango was going to be extra special
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what makes this page extra special?
The comedic build-up.
>just one page
But where was Wally?
Who? Did you mean Waldo?
No you American ingrate, Wally.
> ITT: bad taste
What the fuck is this nonsense
The only nonsense is the dumbfuck Burger publishers who thought Wally wouldn't 'resonate' with readers and so renamed him.
Even Japan knows his real name.
He was right, Waldo is a far better name
It's not.
eww what the fuck is that discount trash
When goku made yamcha crash on the border of the manga
It is
Frog here, I like Waldo better too.
if i know the author location i will boem down his house when he slepp.
i like see girl get hit and damage, not boy
it's a joke made of like three other jokes and it's hilarious.
>Making sure no one's looking just to let us know that it was deliberate and not some spur of the moment act of emotion.
>boys bad! girls good!
Is that Nichijou? Or by the same artist?
Any examples of "anyone is shit"?
Her apology was especially cute
I like Wally more, waldo sounds retarded
I live in New Zealand and he's Waldo here too.
"Waldo" became the canon name the moment Odlaw was introduced.
I personally prefer the danish version of “Walbert”
Absolutely stellar moment. It's still my favorite almost 20 years later
cauliflower ear for everyone
Same artist
This and the next chapter are two of my favorite chapters in any series, peak FT.
Peak one piece is why it always had higher numbers than the other 2 big three. Not even saying it was better, just that it was really amazing at times. It's a shame post time skip really feels like a drop in quality.
her faces are priceless
I just wish the manga would tone it the fuck down with the terrorist shit
Most people would probably just post the face page, but this was where I knew FP was going to be something on another level.
It was at this point I knew I was reading kino
Too bad the second half is utter shit
Honestly this page. Ragna Crimson is truly something to behold.
Never had I imagined how it would feel to want to laugh my head off and scream in terror at the same time.
>rich kid bad
All aboard the yuri revenge train.
>Tfw tengen was the only pillar in this shot that survived
...I wonder if that was actually planned on croc's part, or the exception.
Erza character really becomes directionless after her arc.
Chapter 3 alluded to the possibility that the girl she's hunting whored her out to one of the priests at their school
Thought that was chapter 2 when she's talking with the other isekai'd dude. Otherwise yeah, Junko had it coming
Lmao Wani's art improved tenfold over the course of the series, wtf is that Gyomei
Can’t wait for this to be animated
Based as this dumbfuck might be, not a good manga
For me, it was this.
>inner demon is so ready to fuck over its host that it will even hurt itself