Isn't this literally just HXH?
Isn't this literally just HXH?
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if that's true than all shonen is just HxH
yeah but better
Kishimoto said he takes great inspiration from Togashi's work.
Hunter and Narutochads are brothers in arms.
How is Hunter x Hunter a "deconstruction" of shonen when it predates Naruto and Bleach?
Kishimoto skipped his father's funeral to meet a deadline, Naruchads have a mangaka that actually respects release schedules.
Simple answer, it isn't.
maybe cause naruto and bleach aren't the first shonen?
anything is a deconstruction if you look at it the wrong way.
no? hxh is a seinen
Kishimoto barely saw his own son because of all the deadlines.
No because it had an ending
If Nard and Sasuke had a tenth of the friendship Gon and Killua had, Naruto wouldn’t look like such a yandere fucking lunatic for chasing Sasuke, a guy he hated but kinda related to as a kid then disliked strongly for a few months for the entire of Shippuden.
no HxH isnt complete dogshit
aaahhh huntertard how long can you pretend that bullshit is real.
>but muh wiki says so
yes was edited by huntertards over a million times in reality naruto came first and a year later came togashi with hiatus X homos (ripping almost everything naruto had until then whic doesn't come as surprise since he ripped off dragon ball during yuyu hakusho)
Aye, with one staggering difference; Naruto is actually good.
HxH is just One Piece with Goten and Trunks
imagine neglecting your son and disrespecting your dead father just to make a 4/10 shonen. If I were Kishimoto i'd kill myself.
The things one does when nursing secret homosexual desires.
>tranny and comradery as homosex
your brain is just rotten from waifuism
it's HxH, but better
This.I don't know why hxhfags use the argument that Naruto copied some things from HxH in a attempt to make Naruto look bad and unoriginal,when in reality Naruto has copied it but also did it better and improved it.
You really think that?
Literally? No.
neither of them copied eachother they both just copied dragon ball, all the elements retards claim are similar from either are just obviously copied from dragon ball
its a masterpiece
Naruto HATES gays.
It's no masterpiece lmao, i don't think it's bad but it's just a normal anime. Doesn't do much special and is overhyped.
Death note is just hxh?
Only the Chimera arc is a proper deconstruction, the rest of HxH is your standard shounenshit.
Gon doesn't actually care about Killua, he just keeps him around for amusement and convenience. Their relationship is utterly one-sided. It's up there with Tyler Durden levels of missing the point by idolizing it.
Death note is pretty unconventional as far as shonen goes
Funniest moment in the series, bar none. This is exactly when I knew it would never be good again.
Its not, at all.
Togashi just gets bored of writing the same shit and dabbles with a new genre every arc using HxHs universe as a vehicle to do whatever he wants. He's not making a commentary about shonen cliches he codified, he was just been watching a lot of political or horror movies when he planned out those arcs.
It probably would have circled around to something more traditional in its ending had the story ever approached anything resembling a conclusion but it's doubtful it's ever coming back at this rate, and even if it does Togashi isn't gonna live to finish it.
Naruto is underhyped. Literally the best anime has ever been.
yes but it actually finished
Naruto only really works if you are between the age of 6-12 while watching it, you don't know unless you got hyped by papa roach amv as a kid zoomer
HxH is just pleasant to watch even as an adult.
HxH is more boring than Naruto
No, I tried getting into HxH and it's awful.
Not sure why when Yu Yu Hakusho was great and the same guy created both. Maybe because the HxH characters are so unlikable and the concept of a "Hunter" isn't interesting the way spirit detectives or ninjas are.
What a cuck
>best anime has ever been
Naruto is the most boring shit ever, just endless lame fights that always play out the same way. The edgelord character/literally me/Naruto always wins unless it’s jobber vs jobber
Honestly, I think Naruto is actually pretty well written with pretty Natural characters, funny interactions, good arcs, etc.
The ONLY flaw in Naruto in my opinion is that it drags between around episode 200 of the original and episode 50 of shippuden
>play out the same way
Naruto takes the pretense of fighting and uses it to create abstract animated art
i get hating on the popular shounens as a part of a culture but i fully hate hxh after finding out what the mangaka looks like he has such a hatable face
post a selfie then fag
>copy and pasted youtube comment
someone else just thought the same thing as me
No, it has an ending.
it was until after the chunnin exams, which coincidentally was when naruto stopped being good.
Every single one of those elements were clearly just copied from Dragon Ball, retard.
No, not really.
>Goku's best friend isn't an edgelord with big brother drama
>world tournaments are about winning money and not survival
>there's no elite rogue group
>early main antagonist was Piccolo Jr and he ended up being a good guy who didn't murder innocents
No, too many pages that tell a story without dialogue.
>early main antagonist was Piccolo Jr
That wasn't the early main antagonist. He was literally the last antagonist of Dragon Ball. Early main antagonist was Emperor Pilaf, or Yamcha.
>and he ended up being a good guy who didn't murder innocents
That's how Gaara ended up too.
name 1 HXH character sexier than Salad, you cannot.