What do you think about Dr. Stone now that it is over?
What do you think about Dr. Stone now that it is over?
Was pretty good up to the island, and I still liked aspects of it up until the end but the pace just went too fast.
Girls are still very sexy though.
I was a little disappointed that we lost the slow careful and in-depth pacing of all the science experiments and stuff as the plot hit the accelerator, but at the same time I realize that if he kept the same pacing consistent he would be working on this manga for easily another ten years. I can understand an artist not wanting to keep that kind of commitment. Still good overall at least, and I really enjoyed the big payoffs in the ending.
It jumped the shark several times, becoming exponentially worse than it started by the time of the final chapter.
Wasted potential, but at least it didn't end as poorly as your average long running shonen.
It was nice for what it was. Huge fan of the art. Can't wait for what the author has in store.
t. anyone except Senku
>no pregnant nikki with bigger tits in the final chapter
>Suika endgame
That was a good plot twist
The pacing is so ridiculously fast in the second half it makes everything that happens feels completely pointless.
I enjoyed how much the petrification explanation made sense for everything
Not me. Having the medusas turn out to actually be sentient machines is just lame.
And I hate how they just fucked off right after talking to Senku like it's nothing.
I still liked it overall, and am waiting for the OVA and S3, but I dislike the ending.
That wasn't what I meant, but I thought that part was hilariously fitting. They kept trying to influence humanity to propagate themselves but humanity was clearly unfit for what they had in mind, so they gave up and cut their losses. Then it turned out humanity WAS capable of so much more, they just needed a little more time to properly understand and implement that understanding into production.
What I meant was manipulating the Higgs field to increase or decrease mass. It indicates why people turn to stone, why the medusas can fly, and provides a catalyst for actual technological acceleration. Imagine if you can just manipulate the mass of your truck and cargo and fly into space whenever you want, humanity would easily be able to explore and colonize the surrounding solar system. And with reducing mass to zero and being able to reach and exceed the speed of light, even faster-than-light travel would be possible, allowing humanity to join their brethren among the stars as a galactic civilization.
The petrification was humanity's baptism, and it can still be used for food preservation and medicinal purposes by fine-tuning the targeting Higgs field. The god particle rules all, and Senku rose up to the challenge splendidly.
I dropped it after 50ish chapters. Couldn't get over how all the females looked like pic related
It is? I stopped reading it once they got on the boat and left the island. Does it get better in general?
Eyeshield 21 was better but I liked it well enough. On the one hand, Reboot was so much better and thus showed the potential there was in the premise. But also, Reboot never would have happened without it, so it's fine.
I was honestly okay with the breakneck pace near the end because it was implied there was a huge final conflict with Whyman brewing and everything had to be laser focused on that. Then the ending was shit and spoiled it all. I can't believe how bad it was considering how great the previous reveals were:
>medusa mountain
>beating stanley by causing enough collateral damage to make his war crimes look like a fucking joke
>one way ticket to the moon
I'll always remember those fondly even if Inagaki dropped the ball so hard it drilled to the center of the earth
>most of the stone doujins is gay shit
how the fuck did this happen to a series with a lot of cute girls?
i wanna cum inside nikki and never stop cumming.
Can you restate that for someone under 150 IQ please?
I hated it, just another meme manga that was taylor-made for reddit
The girls look weird.
The guys are all pathetic and feminine.
Gayshit was inevitable.
Aliens tried to tempt humanity with advanced tech for their own designs, then gave up and left when they deemed humanity too stupid. A few years later, humanity exceeded the aliens at using their own tech, and are now set to conquer the stars.
honestly, the stone age isekai shtick seemed too meh, fake, gay and reddit. I only tuned in to see what the big twist in the end was like I did to the rubber thing in one piece, tho it wasn't as bad, better done than one piece imo.
Senku makes a so called time machine that may not even work and that means they can just conquer that star?
Shokugeki no Soumaed, last arc was bad and the ending bad as well.
>that may not even work
That's just to leave it open-ended. being open-ended makes a show deep
No mass means much less effort to achieve escape velocity and get into space. No need for bulky and dangerous rockets, just fly up there. Faster than light travel means crossing great distances with very little effort, as well as traveling through time. It's the keys to the very universe itself.
Shipperfag here, who did Senku end up with?
pretty good all around imo, the animation in the anime was lame, but the art was pretty good, in terms of story, writing and characters it's better than most random shonen I'd say
Who is the hottest girl
Yuzuriha. Unlike the other girls, who pick lewd outfits obliviously or have them made for them, she makes all the outfits with lewdness in mind, including her own.
Not enough Luna
I enjoyed everything pre-stanley.
But it was expected. As technology reached modern levels and cast ballooned, it was hard for the story to focus on a single cohesive plot.
I still enjoyed it but I'm oddly happy to see Boichi move on. I'd like to see what he does next, even if it is only the art.
Nikki best girl.
Fujos don't fall for the gachashit as much.
Overall above average
Everything up to Treasure Island was pretty great stuff, and it just kind of fizzled out after that.
Pacing got quick, but not Toriko quick thankfully.
I respect Inagaki's decision to end at ~250 chapters.
Maybe 50 more would have helped with some of the pacing, but I appreciate a series that doesn't needlessly drag itself on forever.
The ending also didn't completely shit the bed, immediately making it better than most shonen (looking at Toriko again)
Pretty much what everyone else ITT said. Ishigami village and treasure island arcs were amazing. Fell off hard during american arc. And sadly kohaku was never bred and the story falls victim of going the time travel route.
It was one of the few instances where a series should have continued for another two or three years instead.
Toriko ending was amazing
Started out good. Lost interest aftet Treasure Island. Read the finale and could tell i didn't miss anything noteworthy plot wise.
All the girls look like blow up sex dolls. Amazing how the artist supposedly likes drawing girls but all his male characters are vastly superior in design.
Listen, I love Toriko but the ending was a fucking mess
Toriko in space is based though
Needed more Kirisame
not that other guy, but i don't agree. The toriko ending was pretty good. Toriko was only rushed around when they went to the clam. It was rushed for like 10-15 chapters before normalizing. The final arc was super entertaining, had a great final antagonist, had great fights, and many plot threads were resolved. Didn't really need a space arc.
>Girls are still very sexy though
They don't even look like human females.
Kohakubros... we fucking lost...
>The guys are all pathetic and feminine.
Let's see
>Senku, Oaf-kun, Tsukasa, Kinro, Chrome, the Chad
>Ginro, Mentalist-kun
The ending was far from perfect but I still enjoyed the series overall.
sex with nikki
What happened with Homura? Did she end up with Hyoga?
Did Senku impregnate Kohaku?
Nothing happens with Homura.
No. Will he one day in the future? Who knows. But the only two to get together in the ending are Taiju and Yuzuriha, who had a two-day wedding so all their friends could attend.
Somewhere around the island/start of america+xeno arc I really got tired of it. the pacing/constant shuffling of the group really wore on me, dropped it around when they met Ryusui's math brother then came back when I heard it ended, I was surprised at that because it felt nowhere near finished where I dropped it (chp. 210 or so)
Why, man?
Like every other anime and manga, americans ruined it.
But seriously the methodical step by step process and sense of wonder got ruined in the pacing. Moments that made me love the series like "Science is the great equalizer that solves the problem of bad eyesight" gave way to shitting out a rocket to speed blitz to a mediocre ending in under a month of chapters.
insanely overhyped, redditor infested show.
i'm glad it's over
I know nothing about this series, but those women are indescribably coom-worthy. Sell me on it.
I know it's not a battle shonen but I wish it had a better antagonist or villain for the final arc. The final stretch was really boring.
that's the same girl at different points in the story
Before and after what?
before and after she loses her first outfit (right) and gets a new one (left) to replace it