Are they different?
Are they different?
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Obvious. One's a cat.
Yeah because one has awful gags about having a psychotic reaction to shit and the other one can actually act as as straight man
Hmm I don't remember when there was time travel in tamako market, but gonna say no, Anko and future Anko are not different.
No, they're both shit. One is written like a self insert where she appears and everyone instantly adores her and showers her in cake and cuddles, and the other one is a boring ass waifubait cardboard who's only liked by miofags because the anime told them to.
She's their first and only kouhai why wouldn't they shower her in cakes and cuddles?
In design? Not really if we're being honest. Kakifly spends a whole chapter poking fun at himself for his sameface by having the girls change hairstyles
In personality? Yeah. Mio is a lot more reserved and relaxed
all kyoanus characters are carbon copies of each other. More news at 11
Yes. One is more foulmouthed.
And the other's a cunt
Mio's got bigger boobs
is there data to confirm this?
Ritsu is lo lucky!
One is a waste of life and the other is Azunyan.
Azusa's a little more tsukkomi and majime, while Mio embraces being a dork more. Mio is also more helpless, while Azusa is responsible but also uptight.
This is why Mio can accept her club is about lolligagging, drinking tea and eating cake by the 4th episode, and it isn't until the second season where Azusa really gets over being seen as the 'lazy' club, which has taken over her own habits.
There's also a chapter card too where Mugi and Azusa switch hair styles, but he still has to label it being Azusa
It doesn't help that he messed her eye color up there. Azusa's eyes should be reddish-brown, not greyish
Mio's grey-blue eyes for reference
Good answers
The anime and manga have different colours for some of the characters. Like manga Mio has grey eyes or manga Jun/Nodoka have brown eyes while in the anime they have a reddish-brown colour.
Manga Azusa did originally have that reddish-brown colour, but about half way through volume 3 he changed it to grey like Mio.
>half way through volume 3 he changed it to grey like Mio.
Neat, I must have missed that, thank you. Did he ever give a reason why he changed it?
>15th anniversary
Shuffle anime soon, right?
Happy Easter k-on bros
Has anyone interpreted the Queen II cover with keions yet?
>Did he ever give a reason why he changed it?
As far as I am aware no. Seems he may have just liked her better with grey eyes. Probably like how Ritsu originally had exposed ears, but after a few chapters changed it to what we have now
>Shuffle anime soon, right?
Yes, if we all believe it will happen
Ritsu's hair change was probably for the best. Her ears are still shown, but having them in front of her hair all the time looks weird
>Yes, if we all believe it will happen
yea why not?
What if a Shuffle series ruins the magic?
Can't as it's a separate story in a separate school. No, cameos don't ruin it either unless you've never noticed K-ON references in other shows.
Kyoani finds a way
Let's be real here it's very unlikely that KyoAni would be the one to adapt it
I wanna see Yukari's big fat test results animated because of how smart she is
Shuffle is really good. And might even be better than K-On! itself
Quite a controversial and correct thing you've just said
Mio's less of a leader than Azusa, which is weird since Azusa is younger. Mio is easily flustered/a clutz and is seen as a beauty. Azusa is very straightlaced and short, making her the perfect personification of the word buzzkill
Holy shit, I didn't know Mio was so muscly. She looks so cute during her bulking seasons
My catwife IS the buzz
Why are Kon fans so racist?
Lurk more
I don't want to
Didn't ask
I love tans though
I need a tan edit of this
She really isn't though. She hardly gets in the way and is always roped into things, convinced into things, or pretends to not want to do things.
What are they doing to Azusa?
She meant, Azu-meow
>What are they doing to Azusa?
Not 'buzzkill' in the sense that she ruins the fun. But more in that she keeps 'Ho-kago Tea Time' in line and from getting to carried away or distracted. Usually she fails and is forced to go along for the ride. Maybe she'd be more of a buzzkill if she just started randomly talking about murder or her period during band practice
>Usually she fails and is forced to go along for the ride
But then that means she isn't killing the buzz at all
I wonder if Azusa was created from possible comments about why the chapters are more focused on the girl's hanging out rather than actual practice.
It was confirmed the main focus of the manga is the girl's friendship/time spent together. So when Azusa was added she naturally seems like an opposing force
Since I doubt anyone is going to bother I went ahead and tried to make one myself