Sakamoto Days #67: Remote Work
Sakamoto Days #67
chapter end
Gaku is really good at Resident Evil
Good chapter for Shin squad.
Noooo she was cute tho
still a classic move.
Shin's step-siblings to the rescue!
I hope teach survives. He's a chill dude.
>Beating a fucker with another fucker.
I fucking love moves like that.
Man this manga is amazing. Make sure you get vol 1 it's in English now
Yujiro and Yuichiro called, they want "Dress" back.
Nice, fucking brutal
They are his children at this point
Shin has a harem
I'm glad she didn't die
>assassin controlling another assassin using other assassins as weapons
fucking love this manga
What's this manga currently stands on your weekly shonen ranking?
I'm only reading this and Roboco currently, so I guess pretty high
JJK, SD, Ayashimon are the only ones i read so 2nd place
Perspective here is cool. Also Gaku is a dumbass lmao
I only read this, JJK and One Piece, and I look forward to these the most, I really like Gaku
Third behind One Piece and JJK
Sakamoto is always a blast but I have no investment in wherever it's going or what characters are alive or not, it's very good at being dumb mindless fun.
1st place, It's too fun
i read this and used to also read mashle but it got stale very fast
First for SJ, overall I’m preferring choujin X though
Why does he suddenly care about them?
Why is the tutor a moralfag now? Earlier no one gave a fuck, they were the (pretty typical for this manga) unprincipled monstrous murderers.
And now he wants to do a heroic sacrifice for
>muh next generation
My fucking dude exploded another dude using a dude
Jesus christ Gaku
I only read this JJK and Ayashimon, curently this is number one
I hope Kill Baby is okay
#1 cause the only other one I'm reading is SxF. If Choujin X was still in WSJ it would be #1
Zoomer squad move out!
English releases don't do much to support the author iirc.
>All these unironic posts about only reading battle manga
Yes, most people read WSJ for battle manga.
For battle shonen?
It goes JJK >= SD > OP > ES >> BC > AYASHIMON > Doron(dropped)
Didn't like ayashimon initially, has it improved? I dropped doron too despite liking it at first because it's gotten pretty boring.
Not really. I'm still hopeful because I really enjoyed Jigokuraku, but it's still kinda boring.
>t. Moeshitter
And? I read Sakamoto because it mixes action and slice of life pretty well, he specifically asked about WSJ too which is mostly filled with battle manga, I'm not gonna read Earthchild and Akane doesn't interest me
Whoops I forgot Mashle. It's equal with OP I guess.
It's sorta improved. I just don't find Maruo that likable of an MC.
>which is mostly filled with battle manga
The first test was a kill or be killed situation, thus the test takers were expected to either kill or get killed. Since kinodirector destroyed the plane, they changed their planned test to be a non-lethal one meaning any deaths that occurred would be unnecessary.
None of them are moralfags, they're just against unnecessary killing.
Ayashimon has been fun for me since day 1 since I'm a fitfag who likes reading manga and lifting
>None of them are moralfags
Reread his dialogue. He's sure talking like one.
a bit but not much. barely for me. still really really shit and boring.
>not reading Akanesexobanashi
Do you even sexo?