What do yall use to keep track of the anime you have watched? Im starting to lose track of everything Ive watched now.
What do you use to keep track anime you watch?
Other urls found in this thread:
My brain
use myanimelist
I used to have an excel file back in the day, I switched to Mal afterwards
What's the point in remembering the shows you've watched? If I forget everything about a show I can just watch it over again.
The truly good shows stick in my brain and I actually think about them.
The only purpose of counting the anime you've seen is to jack yourself off over how cool you are for watching tons of anime.
>what's the point
the desire to feel control over your life
A large majority of this board use MAL, but don't like admitting it. For some reason, your anonymous opinion holds more weight if you type it all into a notepad instead of just using a tracking website.
How no one has mentioned taiga.moe
anilist, it has much more eye pleasing aesthetic than mal
This fixes that, MAL's ratings seem more consistent to me than anilist, only reason I use it.
Who the fuck pays attention to ratings on any site? They literally don't reflect anything except popularity.
I know you came here cause Chris Sabat made a tweet mentioning Yea Forums.
This looks like fucking shit. It reminds me of what Facebook looked like 8 years ago
unironically this. I have an account named like a bot purely to track what I've watched
MAL has some "hentai" in it that anilist doesn't but I've been using anilist more these days because is easier to manage and looks better.
I switched over to AniList because MAL kept getting hacked every month by SSJsomethingorother.
I like anilist because it lets you hide your profile completely so everyone else just sees a 404 page.
For a watchlist I use a note taking app on my phone, the notepad program, a piece of paper in a notebook. I don't keep track of shows I finished, if I remember it I remember and if I don't then I don't, or its time for a rewatch.
as someone who has used both
anilist >> mal
avoid the community tho
mal because I have shit memory and keep forgetting which episodes I'm at
I just watch whatever and if I forget about something it probably wasn't worth watching anyway
Go back
Why would need that?
I don't watch anime
My image folders, categorized by series
I mainly watch seasonals anymore and archive everything I like. If I find a show I want to watch that has finished I will sprinkle it in with my season and if I like it, I archive it, if not, into the bin it goes.
I use nothing to keep track of what I have or haven't seen.
Ratings are shit everywhere, you shouldn't trust them.
Thats the point brainlet. Because I dont want to watch the same forgetable shit twice.
your thread is shit
I like MAL. I only watch stuff from this list:
a notepad document
viable option when you have watched only 10 anime
>look at me i a cool minimalsi computer hacker
you fags are not better than malrankingfags
/thread everyone go home
Why do people hate MAL? I don't get it
How exactly is it possible to forget you've watched a show? I understand not remembering every detail or forgetting most of it but even just looking at a piece of promo art for moment should be enough to remind youif you watched it already.
i have hundreds of anime downloaded on my hardrive and it got annoying trying to remember what I watched/current episode I'm watching. I found a program called taiga which scans your hardrive for anime but you need a mal account to keep track of things. According to taiga I've watched 190 episodes in this week.
Go ahead, list every anime you've ever watched.
Naruto, HxH, Bleach.
the problem everyone has is with other users of the site which doesn't matter if you just use it to keep track of stuff like you should
same applies to all the other ones
Why would I need to do that? All I need to know is if I remember seeing an anime before. I don't actually care if I've seen it before; I'm not some retarded leftists redditor looking for external validation.
>claimes to use brain to track anime
>can't name them
oh no no no no
>leftists redditor
rent free
>looking for external validation.
Yeah. Thats what I use it for and they have a huge catalog of anime even really old ones.
MS paint.
same here
same literally named it "list something" and blocked ratings using ublock
i’m guessing you’ve never watched multiple shows at once or never had to put a show on hold and come back to it after some time unless you have photogenic memory. or you actually write everything down in notepad which is making your life harder for no fucking reason for the sake of some autismo pride. next you’re gonna say you never use youtube because “muh e-celebs”
why you want to remember all the title of anime you've watched in the first place?
nta, but I do. and I never found the need to list nor keep of track how many I watched.
because if you’re not a tryhard contrarian, you’re a faggot