ITT: Images you can hear

ITT: Images you can hear

Attached: 1650094427242.png (977x732, 960.26K)

Other urls found in this thread:

Attached: 1632393898826.jpg (259x194, 12.04K)

Attached: asta.jpg (480x360, 14.06K)

Attached: dragon-ball-super-goku8217s-screams-become-the-basis-of-a-beat-the-video-is-viral.jpg (1280x720, 68.16K)

Attached: 1642022094502.gif (427x240, 420.68K)

god dammit.

Attached: 1643104170995.jpg (704x1180, 196.34K)

Attached: zan.jpg (1440x1080, 29.22K)

Attached: 1628224138371.jpg (1920x1080, 1M)

I don't even remember what episode it was from.

Attached: maxresdefault.jpg (1280x720, 46.18K)

Attached: maxresdefault (3) (5).jpg (1280x720, 49.71K)

Attached: 91652132.jpg (1920x1080, 111.29K)

Attached: 1456934235424.jpg (1920x1080, 1.4M)

Attached: 1607124584749.gif (302x400, 512.24K)

This second only to cicadas.

What am I supposed to hear?

Attached: RIP.jpg (1920x1080, 222.16K)

A relatively low quality *clink* of glass


Attached: vib [].gif (129x183, 16.02K)

Attached: muchisute [].gif (720x576, 781.37K)

Attached: お疲れ様でした [].png (1280x720, 792.62K)

Attached: moni [].png (836x1200, 564.71K)

Attached: howcute [].png (296x391, 100.43K)

Attached: cry havoc [].png (2652x1920, 2.8M)

Attached: bonk 2 [].png (1053x752, 857.84K)

Attached: love [].jpg (225x350, 22.23K)

Attached: berserker [].jpg (1440x1080, 155.72K)


Attached: image you can hear.png (1600x900, 2.11M)


Attached: chiaki3.jpg (768x1024, 112.44K)

Attached: ataru[].jpg (900x900, 59.39K)


Ah fuck the thread didn't get me until this one

Attached: now.png (600x380, 333.38K)

Attached: kiee [].webm (478x360, 850.83K)

Attached: miki [].gif (540x264, 2.02M)

Attached: Out of Touch [].gif (480x480, 956.79K)

Attached: kobura [].gif (320x180, 3.47M)

Bro you got me depressed out of nowhere. This scene hurt.

Attached: believe [].jpg (692x659, 57.57K)

Attached: hoshikuzu no pipeline [].jpg (1920x1080, 338.4K)

Attached: image_2022-04-16_175544422.png (498x280, 164.2K)

Attached: snap [].png (359x381, 65.53K)

Attached: splish [].png (226x350, 104.23K)

This is a good one

Attached: ssss [].png (438x837, 163.23K)

Attached: Ikenai Borderline [].png (1280x720, 1.52M)


This whole OST slapped, but Hoshizaku no Pipeline was like a window into the magical world of citypop and 80's surfer culture

I believe you're missing the point of thread sir

Attached: brrr [].png (1510x1080, 1.82M)

I never stopped hearing it.

Attached: 008-009 [].png (1644x1200, 674.71K)

i'd like to call it a loose interpretation.

Attached: why? [].jpg (1440x1080, 157.85K)

Attached: whip2 [] [].jpg (1280x916, 240.32K)


Attached: what [].jpg (1440x1080, 222.54K)

Attached: [].gif (320x240, 3.55M)

Attached: whatever happens [].jpg (958x720, 49.05K)

Attached: []_00:00:00.334.jpg (426x240, 5.18K)

Attached: broken promise (dreams) [].jpg (1280x720, 42.69K)

>soundfag is a retard, misses the point, and kills a thread
Kinda saw it coming