Kunoichi Tsubaki no Mune no Uchi

Benisumomo is pure concentrated sexual energy.

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i really like how portable half the cast is

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Men don't stand a chance.

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Benis for Benisumomo?

>30 lolis, maybe more
>beni mogs them all
why isn't beni the mc to begin with? Something isn't balanced right here.

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>sniffing penisumomo's smelly armpits

Imagine sitting next to Mokuren during class... and catching a glimpse of her exposed flat chest and nipples

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Is this the uuooooh show of the season?

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her face when she catches you...

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I can't help but feel this one is secretly one of the lewdest ones.

I am here for Hagi. Please post Hagi being cute.

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More like the loli anime of the year.

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Is this cunny anime?

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Was this little bit of information REALLY necessary?

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it's yuri

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We only see a glimpse of her this episode. Wait for Rat team's episode to come.

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what makes beni so good

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>thin wooden door
>right next to the classroom
>explosive shitting sounds
yeah, they didn't need to be told.

they had to have known the clothes make a benis shape, balls and all

Cute stinky loli. Kinda funny.

Her ninja skills.

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She rubs her clit every night while fantasizing about men, and she loves it.

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>she sees your dick

>leaves the door open
>which directly leads to the classroom
Just imagine the fucking smell in that room.

When will MC get her generic shota to be retard with?

Her ability with her hands, feet and mouth.

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Thank you user, only read not watched yet.

Would you still fuck her if she was going through a severe case of explosive diarrhea?

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Imagine Beni footjobs

Geez how much do they charge for a go?

Right in the asshole.

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>Sumire is arranging Azami and Tanpopo's busy schedule

is the glasses girl their pimp?

Are penises really that interesting?

No. Fuck that little shit and all the screen time she hogs. Literally all other lolis we never see are so much better. All, except for maybe the old hag loli with the old people glasses and saggy old people tiddies. The fuck is that.

tard wrangler

Child's Belly and Chest: The Animation

this show is fucking ridiculous my dick can't handle it and I'm not usually a loli guy

Yeah, the old lolis with the big tiddies... so gross, haha...

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If you marry one, the other comes.

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Hell no imagine if she accidentally dumped a big liquid one on me during the act that would be so awkward haha

>has a mesugaki face
>feels gay things for Tsubaki
>is very tiny and flat
>disobeys rules
>has a large and well-built lolibutt
Sazanka was literally born for anal.

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>implying that's bad

It's fine if you don't want the oppai lolis, all that means is more loli paizuri for me.

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I'm actually fine with the boobs. But she is still just... old. An old hag loli. So old, she can't into direct ninja contacts, and has to be sneaky and lay old people traps and such. WHAT THE FUCK.

Double blowjob...

No, but give those boobers to some other loli who can still make proper use of them. Old green hag's time is over.

Why is this show so yuri? I thought it was about seeking dicks.

this episode was so much better than the last one, good stuff

when will they run out of budget?

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I can't watch this. Mokuren is just too erotic and Benisumomo is too lewd.

So did she shit herself?

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Never because they run on love and not on money.

Did Higiri seriously try to shank Hana-sensei?

Got two for one!

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Toiletfags really are having a field day with today's episode.

>running out of budget


I wonder where that user who said he'd only roll after watching an episode is.
>Indecisive mom
Not bad.

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Sazanka just presented herself to you in the bathroom wyd

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