What were they thinking with this character design?

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Consumer Coomers will consume this product to coom


"Uohhh!! Child erotic! Child's forehead and bangs!! Erotic..."

About providing for my dick.

They were literally thinking:
>child belly.... Erotic..

what show

Boku no Pico

its not on 9anime


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Mating with BENIS!!! UUUGGHH

They were thinking the fact that children are very sexy and great for sex and they can consent as early as they understand the word.


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any screencaps of her feet yet?



Why do Japanese men love littles

Child erotic...


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Broad appeal. Little girls will find it cool while their older brothers (and fathers) will fap to it.

Sexy brat.

With children is grrrrrrreat!

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Damn brat...!!

god i wish that were me (either one)

You can suck tit milk off her DFC. It's called witches milk.

So do the boys ever show up, or is this going to be one of those Birdbox scenarios

Forget that, what were they thinking with THIS?

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It's insane

she knows

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Her tight bald child cunny can take the force?

the cutest ninjas are the extras in the background


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Seriously how did they get away with naming her benis?

How did mesugakis became such a big thing? Who started the trend? I mean, gyarus became a trend thanks to Galko, but who was responsible of the mesugaki menace?

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Child fucking

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Girls made for molesting adult men.

Children meant to fuck adults

I wonder.
There doesn't seem to be much information on the history in the usual places.
The word itself has been in use since the 90s at least, but the first time it flooded the doujin scene was C95. Google trends also says something happened in September 2018

Is this the Houjou for this series?

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>Damn female kid

how will china air this...

Fuck em.

What does she know?


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>The bar's pretty low for pink-haired ninja

It is pretty erotic.

This design heals me. She's doing her job.

Benisumomo is a an actual succubus while Hojou just pretends she is


It's on hanime

Is Yamamoto-sensei the best at drawing little girls?

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God damn every character in this show needs so much correction

I'll start with Benisumomo, then Mokuren, then Tsubaki. I didn't forget you semen monster Sazanka!

He's the best artist of the century

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Hi yes, one Hagi for me, please.