Boku no Hero Academia

How come AfO didn't have the foresight to realize Dabi was a worthless piece of shit?

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Same way readers of this manga didn't have foresight that this story sucks

AfO doesn't have plans, he just plays the odds. Everything he does is a gamble, that's why it seems like he has everything planned. In fact he doesn't, he just has backups for when his plans fail (which usually happens, see when he lost to all might... twice)
or that's what i tell myself, in fact it's probably just bad writing

This art really deserves a much better story.

Post OTPs.

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And the previous ones.

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They're cute

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He doesn't predict the future. He makes many potentially successful paths into the future, and makes as many as he can. The implication of Dabi waking up in a place that had other kids is that he and Tenko were just two of many other possibilities. Dabi turning out bad is of no consequence to that kind of plan, the outcomes are like raindrops and as long as one drop goes into the barrel it was worth it to make so many fall.

>create an Anti-quirk cyber augmented human faction
Don't see how this is possible considering if such a tech exist. People with quirks surely would get their hands on it.

>Best pro hero
Definitely Fat Gum. He has a cutesy character that once you get to know is actually super rough-and-tumble and gritty, impressive amount of balls, great rescue utility and all around utility (10ft tall and wide, ultra-durability, and Fat Taxi transport, what rescue wouldn't want him?), and an amazing secret weapon. Best designed hero at the very least.

The Dabi plot bores me to death.


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What about the rest of the Tododrama plotline?

Bakucuck got banned (again)

I don't understand why someone who likes tododrama would want all the dabi parts out of it unless theyre a hardcore endeavor selfinserter or something. Like him or not, without Dabi being the source of conflict, tododrama would be a very lukewarm sappy telenovela.

Shut up, no one cares about your shitty jobber. TodoBITCH lost btw.

Which todobitch?

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It absolutely kills me how Horikoshi manages to consistently have top-tier character designs, only to back it up with mediocre-at-best writing.

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Dabi is nothing but a plot device, his whole purpose is to stretch the drama. The plot was going fine without him, slowly but steady, his reveal just, as user once said, speed that healing progress.

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AFO is dumb. It's not to hard to concoct countless easy win strategies with even a few quirks, but he is just incompetent. If he was smart he would have done everything in his power to t´get Aisawa's quirk to neg opponents like AM or Stars and Stripes. Even stuff like diving into the ground, letting mushrooms grow or a bunch of others could have easily been useful many times. When anybody talked to him it should instantly activate a bunch of Shinso-esque quirks.

That's the problem when you make your villain too strong. They have to be retarded or they just win

I think he did because a. he let him escape without going after him and b. he told him to his face that he is a retard with no friends.


He's an artist, not a writer
Why do you think his last two series got axed? Because he can't write for shit, the only reason MHA survived was because it latched on the MCU frenzy

>He said it again

Because AfO is just a retard larper who likes to pretend to be mysterious. He's literally the eminence in the shadow guy from that other manga.
He does whatever he thinks would be cool, strikes poses while reciting cringy lines and somehow he can spin whatever he does into being according to keikaku.
If he really knew his shit and was actually competent he would have murdered his enemies with modern, non quirk related methods (snipers, poisoning, bombing) simply by offering superpowers as collaterals to people around them. Of he actually wanted to get star and stripes all he needed to do was take Aizawa's quirk and dequirk her, sedate her and take her away. Whatever he does, Shiggy, the whole league, breaking out of Tartatarus, it's just him taking the piss on heroes.

Nta but it's true. Horikoshi's writing is amateurish, mha's plot lacks a solid structure and most often than not his writing points have underwhelming resolutions.

You morons realize he tried to take Aizawa's quirk but got Oboro's instead.

Bean version?

He assume he would have some worth, being the son of the #2 and all.

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>murdered his enemies with modern, non quirk related methods (snipers, poisoning, bombing)
Ah yes, we got a retarded burger over here. Forgot which country they are in?

He did not put any significant effort in, the dude used to rule the country, has countless underlings and Nomu as well as tons of quirks himself. For example his early UA invasion should have just been to capture Eraser.

What does it matter to an immortal king of organized crime superman?


He can still try, Aizawa's alive you know. Dude is weak to mutants, just send a couple of strong noumus and he's done.
These people don't even hide their identities, you can probably bribe someone for his address and jump him when he goes home or something.

Killing trained heroes like Aizawa ain't that easy retarded edge fag.

The one that get his face carved in by All Might? The setting is japan, not burgerland, take that shit elsewhere.

AFO always reminds me of pic related
he's a 50000 IQ criminal mastermind written by a complete retard

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Yeah they are

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Except that Afo's plan make sense.

Shiggy will win the dekubowl

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Because Dabi jobs and fails beyond anything even the world's greatest mastermind could have anticipated. Dabi is completely off scale when it comes to screwing up and being worthless.

Truly, the king of the jobbers.

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>I didn't go far enough
Now that everything about him is revealed, what is his next move? is his falling body going to hold him back?

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>more chapters and scenes dedicated to show mutties being discriminated
This one makes little sense either. A good amount of people we see in MHA Japan have mutant quirks and and are in high places of power. Not to mention how many are enrolled in UA. The whole mass mutant oppression shit was a bad idea in general with all that stuff known.

Who's the faggot that keeps bumping the other thread

>Deku and Male Ochako


Yeah, basically his ideas are dumb. People may hate some muties for how they look, but they aren't gonna discriminated them like americans do

>ain't that easy
For someone like AFO with trained Nomu's it should be.

>9 months

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I just realized something. both Enji and Touya had a second chance, one chose to do better, and the other chose the dark path. When Endeavor saw All Might true form in Kamino, he realized that everything he worked for was pointless, his dream was shattered, but then he chose to be a better person, he chose to reconnect with his family, trying to fix everything. Touya on the other hand came back, that was a rare chance no other character ever had, but when his dream was shattered he became a mass murderer, he chose to ruin things even further

of what? black clover getting axed?

Because they are much alike.

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But? Dabi is a character with motivations and backstory and clear attributes?
Complaining that he's affecting the plot of the drama is like complaining that Natsuo or Endeavor is affecting the drama.

don't worry, bakugo can rape deku anytime he wants while uraraka watches it

That's not how I interpreted it.
I see Toya as how Endeavor threw away chance after chance after chance to change. And the worse Endeavor got, the worse Toya got, and Endeavor got worse in return. Not even Toya dying was a wake up call for him to be a better person.
It took Talk no Jutsu from Skinny Might and getting everything he wanted for Endeavor to try, not his family's pain.

Conquering Japan by crashing the economic market, public security and trust into heroes and then offering food, water and electricity to the victims of his devious plan? It's fucking stupid.
Japan isn't a particularly big country but its still pretty darn big for 1 man to rule it with carrot and stick. How could he monopolise all resources in the entire country on his own? Send his shit goons? He doesn't even have a 10k of them.
And does he really believe outside countries won't push him out? It'd a golden chance for countries like the US or China to basically conquer Japan themselves.

Do you know international relations? internal things are very rare for countries to get involved actively, look at Ukraine as an example, they only help it by giving it weapons and supplies but no country is actively supporting it and that's just because it was invaded, imagine a civil conflict