What do you think about introducing guns to isekai natives in a medieval fantasy setting?
What do you think about introducing guns to isekai natives in a medieval fantasy setting?
But that's not how you handle a gun.
Anyone else reading Private Tutor to the Duke's Daughter aka? I'm kinda worried the author's solution to "the volume 1 JC has to win the mcbowl but MC is already basically married to the volume 2 JK" is going to be "kill the volume 2 JK".
Gun are simple to make, it's the projectile and gun powder that's difficult. You could even take a 1/2" wide metal tube that's 8inches long and it will hold your shell, then you grab a nail and ball pin hammer...
literally cancer
Or he can suck it up and marry multiple women. It's his fault anyway for being a headpat slut. Can't keep his hands off any nearby female.
Lydia will never allow that
Metallurgy is going to matter quite a lot. As is the type of powder you use. It's not quite as simple as you make it. The steel to make the springs is different than the used used in the breach or barrel. That's why you should have military-industrial complex as part of your power.
Who cares what she or blue thinks. Lisa says he's having a harem and that's the last word really.
Very nice, but get a flintlock first
> capture your brother
> not turn against the unknown king at the nearest convenience
Do Jap really?
Drifters unironically did it best, the dwarves had no problem grasping the concept and immediately exceeded contemporary human production by tenfold since matchlocks are inherently pretty simple weapons. It was just a matter of Nobunaga showing the elves how to make black powder.
Silly bone dragon
Do Isekai citizen really?
>make gun
>it's a magic gun
>introduce guns to your not!Europe, castlebuilding sim isekai
>not a handcannon, arquebus, or something similar
D R O P P U !
guns vs hordes of apocalypse monsters good
guns vs humans bad
Bypass NTR with violence.
Why not? It's easier and much easier to source ammo when everyone has mana.The problem when it's too powerful or too weak.
Thanks user who is TL this. Yuri is finally warming up
I love the way Arcane Sniper forces its MC to use a musket with all the shit that comes with so much i don't even care that it's Korean
Who's this semen demon?
So who's the new girl? I don't recognize her at all.
Probably LN original like the dumb fujo. Red is Cleo.
That's the clone.
Does Cleo come so soon? I thought it was after the whole college arc and military training arc.
A clone? That is new.
When is a courageous pirate translator going to save us?
V5 WN is the start of Liam joining the succession battle
You do carry a concealed weapon and small amounts of gold and silver on you at all times in case you get isekai'd, right /a?
this literally snapped a girl into not liking him anymore though
It seems the author will skip the teleportation incident to fantasy Isekai in LN. I didn't like that part anyway
Is it just me, or is the pacing in the new season of Shield Hero atrocious?
Everything about it is pretty atrocious. All that delay and this is the QUALITY they have to show?
That was cool, you're a fag.
Also that.
next magic research should be magical fertilization of an egg by another egg
Guess I'm getting things mixed up. Maybe because I thought the succession battle was kind of boring.
Just need to channel her dragon energy for a bad dragon
V5 was vs Linus, V6 was vs Calvin+the fuck your wife riots, v7 the double isekai
Did the WN translation not get to Lily before it died or something?
Looks more like Yomu is just moving some of the later Cleo stuff up for the LN.
Wasn't WN 5 the one where Klaus started his descent into madness and Christina was the leading strategist of the battle? It was one of the funniest parts of the novel
>fuck your wife riots
If anything needs to get cut for the LN it's both that and the faggotry that caused it.
I finally clicked in this thread because I like when guns fight against medieval types but it seems like just a general with people talking about their 1 manga amongst themselves.
Eurashia needs all the help she can get.
>so that Cleo
Weird. She looks less manly than I thought.
Wonder what's up with the hair color change if she is a clone.
The fuck your wife riots was one of the lowest points of the novel. I hope the editor trashed all that
>says rifling is ingenious
>refuses to elaborate further
The limits to the author's knowledge.
He's monogamyfag anyway. His 10+ harem members going to get shipped for another men in the near future.
Sex with childhood friend.
>class just apologizes for earlier happenings and there's no revenge
Post the pages where she goes off on her for even suggesting they could try control him through kidnapping dannoura
He literally doesn't care about whatever is going on at any point.
post the sauce
To be fair, why should he care that they left him for dead? He was not even slightly harmed by them abandoning him. Dannoura may have reason to care but she's more concerned about perverts than active threats to her life anyway.
No surprise, he didn’t particularly care when some kids bullied him in elementary school
Kenja no Deshi s2 successfully funded
Ah, it's Instant Death? Nevermind
>meanwhile arifureta s3
other anime that got enough funding.
How does this work?
Instant death
I don't think Arifureta needs crowdfunding for a new season, it's already popular enough.
That's WN v6 since handing the war to Cleo was Calvin's play to make them lose face when they get crushed.
It's like a "kickstarter for animes" in Japan. They also give reawrds, like this piss essence was for Kenja no Deshi.
You can crowdfund anime seasons now?