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Liru is love. Liru is life. Praise Liru.

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Very accurate. 2007 fag here.

Praise the wolf

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From 2008 myself. I miss the old days, why did it change...


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Everyone got older. Happens.

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I'd still engage in the same tomfoolery of the early years if I could. Too many newfags, and mods turned the website stale and unfun around 2011-2012

( ̄▽ ̄)

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No one can dethrone Ika for the best :D faces.

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Yeah, Hal Turner raids, Tom Green, Jessie Slaughter, Chrischan all good stuff.

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Yeah it's even worst now. You can't post anything without being warned or banned.

May be we should do something with our life instead. I don't know how for me but I hope you can.

At this point, I'm already happy if there aren't too many Yea Forums- and /pol/-threads/fag around on any given day.

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Is S&W actually good? I watched it once but I remember almost nothing about it. I recall finding it okay but considering its staying power on Yea Forums, I must be misremembering.

I want to grab her tail and j-j-jam in it !

It's very good, I've slept on it for a decade+ and just watching it, and I really like it. But I'm a historyfag so I really like the attention to detail and merchant autism the show has.

It's a nuisance changing mac address and clearing cookies 6 times a day.

Waiting for Season 2.

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Yo udeserve death

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It's easier to just spoof a fake mac address in your router and force your provider to assign you a new ip. Trust me, we aren't new at this.

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Over 10 years of Yea Forums and i didn't knew that.
I miss tsuderie

Yeah, and clear 4ch cookies.

Find a flaw

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She drinks, and eats all the apples. The damn glutton!

Not real of course. I kid, I kid, I love the series though.

Sometimes play the music box.

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>old hag
>not virgin
>dude that's a dog you're trying to fuck

I had a dream with Liru, Rodney Dangerfield and Gilbert Gottfried two nights ago.

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I almost never dream, kinda wish I did. But my sleep is just so deep, I guess I shouldn't complain about that tho

Great, now I have a picture of Liru talking in Gilbert Gottfried's voice stuck in my head. Also RIP.

>Liru with Gilbert Gottfrieds voice

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Full moon tomorrow. Looks mostly full now.

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I rode my motorcycle on the way to work tonight, was awooing at the moon as I rode down dark roads. I may be autistic

As long as you weren't crying or going diamonds as you were doing it, then you're alright

I go on rides with Liru.

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She deserves better.

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Let's say small.

after playing Wolf's Dungeon one to many times I can't look at her the same way.

Based fellow bikefag, what's your ride? I'm a scramblerfag(ducati)

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I am not buying a Yamaha.

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perky wolf

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I mean, I got a piano that is a Yamaha. Don't need a bike that is as well.

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V-strom back then Honda Interceptor now. I credit Liru for getting me into motorcycling.

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Based. I just got into it on a whim during pandemic years, but I'll take suggestions for good motorcycle anime. Ride safe out there

I'm going to play her game again.

I am pretty sure I have the speedrun record for her game. I don't really consider myus Liru actually Liru though.

Seismic Korbo game when?

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You as well.

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Whhy the fuck does a wolf like wheat anyway
this legend fucking sucks

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Uhh ok.

Never. He, you and me will be dead.

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Yeah? Fuck you.

wheat makes beer

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Have you beat the game yet?

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Will the new IP belong to the same range though? You know like changing your IP on mobile data but it's still in the same IP pool so they range ban you

I wish I could watch SnW for the first time again.

Sometimes yes. Do it enough and I'd say 80 percent of the time it goes out of the range. They also reset everything on 4ch Jan 1.

yeah so does oats and barley tho. Most wheat is probably reserved for breadmaking

>They also reset everything on 4ch Jan 1.
Damn so everyone gets unbanned?

What's your predictions? New season following the LN? Reboot? Something else entirely?

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Wolfwolf loves bread!

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Its always been that way for me for years though I have learned how to not get range banned. Just don't post again on the thread for a few days and go somewhere else. If phone, get a new sim card or root your phone and change the mac address yourself.

100 episode full adaptation.

I got tips if you need help beating it.

All legacy never expire bans. Bans oc a certain length carry over.


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I want a Horo.

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I was about to invest in VR just for this but decided not to because it looked so bad and Holo so young. I was hoping for more of an anime older look.

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She does look pretty young here.

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