Fattest girl

>Fattest girl
>Best girl
This rule has never been broken

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How is that fat

GOLLY MISS MOLLY i would bust a NUT in that bitch

her bmi looks to be around 30, so she's overweight by definition

her BMI is like 26 and that is basically what "healthy" meant..architects over shoot and go for women who are unfit for fucking.

And how much of that is from the tits?

Not fat enough.

Pretty sure Love Live characters don't have their weight revealed. But it's literally impossible for her to be fat and a competitive idol. It cannot be done. Putting on a performance on stage like she does is a very demanding activity, it requires serious conditioning.

exactly. A BMI of 26 is overweight but is technically the most "healthy" BMI to be at according to thelancet.com/journals/landia/article/PIIS2213-8587(18)30288-2/fulltext

Japan is a funny place.

>159 cm
>her bmi looks to be around 30

If Nozomi sat on Nico, her ass would cover Nico's entire face, engulfing it in a soft, fleshy prison

Attached: nozomi booty.png (850x609, 988.85K)

God, I remember playing that rhythm game of theirs a while back and thought Nozomi was cute. What's weird was that she was noticeably much more bottom heavy than the other girls but with her swimsuit version, she just looks like everyone else.

SEX the Nozomi

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You're probably fat yourself if this is how you think BMI works kek

Unless you count that one unofficial anthology.

Attached: _[FFF] Love Live! S2 - 07 [BD][1080p-FLAC][04BD8CCB]_00_10_36_01.jpg (1280x720, 174.39K)

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TECHNICALLY if you say "fattest" you are comparing her to the other characters in the show, not necessarily with an absolute standard.
So she can be not really fat objectively speaking, but still be the "least skinny" character in a specific group.

In reality none of them are fat. Everyone are drawn exactly the same with varying height and bust sizes.

Yeah but the problem is that if I told Nozomi "You're the fattest girl in your group", she'd get self-conscious, when really what I'm trying to say is "You're the sexiest girl in your group."

>People here dont understand the difference between "fattest" and "fat"
Im OP and a ESL and I am dissapointed in y'all

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So if Nico got fatter than her, she'd become the best?

Good thread
For me it's maid Nozomi

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Her worst girl status will never let her gain weight

an* ESL

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gotta ignore the eurofags anything not skin and bones is fat

Someone dump all that horrible Nozomi tumblr art from mu's heyday.

I will not do that

Do it.


true, having a fat ass makes the best idols

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Are you sure about that?

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when you could be choosing from this selection

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>Draw a man
>Calls her a woman
Yeah, I am sure since your case doesnt apply

Good thing I love it when artists tone her down with a flat tummy to make fatfags seething.

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>Everyone are drawn exactly the same with varying height and bust sizes.
Are they?
I've never actually watched this thing, that's a bit disappointing.

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Idunno about all that.

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For me it's the middle one

who started the trend of depicting nozomi and hex maniac as chubby milk trucks?
at least nozomi has a large bust.
its not a complaint but i find it strange how it came to be

Nozomi is built for old men.

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Because it's hot?

Nozomi is for Eli only.

Don't be deluded, chubby chaser, best girl is nico.

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Because their designs just look hot with it. Same reason Fumika art always has cowtits even though she has an 84cm chest.

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>STOP liking what I don't like!
Yeah, nah, fuck off.

Because thicc Nozomi is best

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I barely find women attractive unless they have a plush but modest belly. One of my most consistently frequented websites is the "plump" tag on danbooru.

das it mane

Pochaco the GODDESS

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I'm 33 in 2 months and 2 weeks, does that qualify me?

that fucking belly

Just barely, probably.

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Nozomi is thin, dumbass
The fat ones are Honoka and Hanayo

Umi only didn't call Nozomi out because she knew she'd be graped to death if she did.

see for more details