How come Yea Forums doesn't make sustainable OC anymore? We get low quality stuff in seasonal threads but they rarely, if ever, last beyond that season. Is there simply too much anime and manga and not enough "must watch" series anymore that can be universally recognized?
How come Yea Forums doesn't make sustainable OC anymore? We get low quality stuff in seasonal threads but they rarely...
Too much anime is part of it but also there is no real reason for most people who can make things to associate themselves with Yea Forums.
Because people with talent don’t browse this shithole except for fun at no cost. The mindset that is becoming more common is that if you can make something people want, you should market it. Doing it for no benefit here where it could be credited to anyone is a waste.
The latest wave of newfags is completely void of individuality and creativity. I always save whatever scrap of OC gets posted here, because it became so rare.
Yea Forums is the world's most successful communist experiment
It’s not very successful since everyone who could make anything worth sharing has left.
People kinda do but now any kind of OC is called off as reddit, why would anyone bother anymore?
Just make a Reddit account and get your upvotes and gold
This, there are people who will pay money for the most degenerate shit so there’s no reason you have to post it here to be among good company. You could sell furry scat vore that you in the past would have posted on /d/ but now there is a market for it.
These three are all big reasons, plus it's hard to make OC on phones, and effortful OC is a sign of sincere investment, which is now seen as "cringe" by internet culture at large.
Exactly. Also after 2014 everything went backwards for some reason I don't know
>pre 2014 Yea Forums: new content first appeared on Yea Forums then reposted on reddit
>post 2014 Yea Forums: new content first appeared on reddit then reposted on Yea Forums
Honestly if you want "fun" just go to reddit, you come here to get angry.
also half the people who made stuff like this were unironic teenagers or college people with way more free time on their hands and they out grew anime
How does that stop the current teenagers or college people on this board from doing the same?
How well can you make OC on a smartphone?
i really don't get this meme people push about outgrowing anime
do you outgrow movies?
Just a culture shift.
Main points of entry are v and pol now so new users aren't the types who are interested in making things.
This is like 100%, maybe 99% wrong, stop posting it.
>i really don't get this meme people push about outgrowing anime
>do you outgrow movies?
Anime has pretty narrow demographic, most stuff is adaptations whose source media is targeting like 13-25 year olds.
I still find a show or two per season but most stuff isn't even worth starting because it isn't for me.
They don't go to Yea Forums for starters.
Tell that to the people that made it.
their effort goes into making wojak edits
I didn't outgrow anime I'm old as fuck. I don't really get it either since most of what i enjoy, even outside of anime, is stuff I've enjoyed since like high school
But it's impossible to deny a lot of people don't feel that way and they outgrow it
>people on this board
Use your reading comprehension you retarded monkey.
There's way more place teens can discuss anime nowadays and those places also won't call them a faggot if they like the wrong shows
Just the other day I saw someone make a thread asking for recommendations on Netflix. The first 3 posts all told him to kill himself and then he deleted the thread lmao.
I mean i get it, I'm all for gatekeeping, but don't be surprised that it means we get less OC made by zoomers in biology class.
>Just the other day I saw someone make a thread asking for recommendations on Netflix. The first 3 posts all told him to kill himself and then he deleted the thread lmao.
>I mean i get it, I'm all for gatekeeping, but don't be surprised that it means we get less OC made by zoomers in biology class.
This is the right attitude because it prevents bad threads. The only problem people should also react like that to obvious bait threads instead of getting drawn in.
Are the elements shorthand’s just for the character name? Like what’s the joke here
in the late 2000s the internet was still new, zoomers thought you would get a virus if you opened Yea Forums and le elite hackers
social media wasn't that big yet. media made Yea Forums out to be scary so people didn't use it much. as the years went by, more redditors started using it until 2016 when the site went to shit. it's only been getting worse since, hiromoot doesn't give a shit about improving it either
We literally have an orchestra that releases song covers regularly.
Nowadays this would be more suitable for a site like Reddit or MAL, unironically. Yea Forums is too divided and has no way to quantify opinion, as well as people who are purposely contrarian to shit on a series. With how much anime and manga there is nowadays, there would be no way to make anything that would appeal to the users here on a regular basis outside of certain major events (death of a major mangaka/seiyuu, new season of beloved series, etc). Even in those threads, people would say “actually that show is shit” or “who cares that Miura died”.
How about reading the rules next time?
I've been trying to make a "Post-2000s anime worth watching" rec chart for all the newfriends we get (and for me too) but if I don't trim it I'll end up with 300-400 anime and that might be too much for most people.
My main issue right now is I don't know if I should go for anything that's at least alright or trim it down to only the best stuff. Even keeping it down to 100 might be difficult.
Princess Arete is as the kids say these days
You should really only include thing you think have strong appeal in charts like this
Made up of the same like 15 people each time and organized almost wholly off of this website. Same with Yea Forums sings, you have a circlejerk of people in a Discord server that every season will post on here asking for people to submit their recordings and you get maybe 10 replies tops, not to mention they likely didn't submit their recordings. The only exceptions were the threads with a Gochiusa OP because the Gochiusa posters naturally funneled into there. The benefit of those projects in the past is that they were spaced apart and had quality submissions. No, I'm not saying it's not OC, I'm just saying it's shit, which is a different complaint altogether.
There's no such stuff as outgrowing anime. You're only cheating on your own mind to pretend otherwise, falling into the "adult" meme.
Half this list alone is dogshit and it doesn’t help that you thought it would be aesthetically pleasing by giving each anime an entire block for their name. It doesn’t need to be this wasteful if space.
This is the problem with OC right here, exemplified in one post.
You faggots will shit talk anyone that even makes an effort to produce OC if it isn't exactly to your liking. Even Yea Forums does a better job than Yea Forums in that regard, as they'll have a good laugh at whatever regardless of quality and by virtue of their quality, they'll be either reposted more or less.
Mods purged all board culture and left us with generals.
They don't go to Yea Forums for starters.
By their very nature they go to Yea Forums to use Yea Forums.
Is nobody going to mention how Yea Forums before 2012 was everything current Yea Forums hates and call reddit?
So you're saying Reddit makes lots of OC?
>organized almost wholly off of this website
well that bit is always the case. Thats not the issue. The issue is why would creators, even anonymous one even want to produce work associated with Yea Forums
That's Yea Forums in general. Yea Forums's and reddit's userbases have always overlapped a lot more than people are willing to admit, especially years ago. It's mostly the young console war friends that choose a side and hate on everything else. They will even hate parts of themselves if the "enemy" is similar.
Honestly yes. See
>then he deleted the thread
you can't delete threads newfag
what if I want my fun served with a side of racism and pedophilia?
Then you go to Yea Forums or /pol/.
That's what middle school and high school were for.
still reddit
Yeah I might trim it down to at least 100, or make it TV only or something. There's so much good stuff though, it feels "wrong" to ignore so much of it.
Bad news pal, I'll probably replace the covers with bloated aesthetically pleasing screenshots eventually and there's nothing you can do about it.
>Yeah I might trim it down to at least 100, or make it TV only or something. There's so much good stuff though, it feels "wrong" to ignore so much of it.
Rather than think about what good think about what will hook people in.
that just gets you dowvoted and suspended there
the true answer is small discord servers
we have this thread weekly, the answer is always phonefags. I don't have much time to invest, but I try to post my stuff whenever I can.
>sustainable OC
>posts an image that will rarely, if ever get posted again
/dbs/ was good fun while the last arc was airing, the subsequent Jiren vs Broly wars after the canon Broly movie came out were fun as well.
/dbs/ is STILL good.
Fuck off spic.
Because the posters from the newest influxes to this board are like this
>sustainable OC
>it's just bloated charts that only ever get posted when people are asking why nobody makes OC anymore
Dumb simple stuff like goes a lot further towards making specific series entertaining and the threads memorable. Yeah it might not get reposted endlessly, but I have folders for those types of anime and manga that are full of these little things and always fun to revisit. The problem is you're not following the right series. They still happen.